2000 Travel and Talks
January 2000
David Dobson
Presented research results at the 2000 AFOSR Workshop on Electromagnetics in San Antonio, TX, January 12-15, 2000.Kenneth Dykema
Institut Henri Poincare, Paris, France. Workshop talk: "Cuntz-Pimsner algebras and topological entropy", (one hour) Research level short course: "Von Neumann algebras related to free groups and free products", (six hours)Gave a research level short course "von Neumann algebras related to free groups and free products" (six hours) at Institut Henri Poincare in Paris, France.
Institute Henri Poincare', Paris, France, January, 2000. Special semester in free probability theory and operator spaces, 6 hour (invited) research level short course, "Von Neumann algebras and free probability"
Institute Henri Poincare, Paris, France, January, 2000. Free Probability Theory Workshop, 50 minute invited talk, "Free product C*-algebras, Cuntz-Pimsner algebras and topological entropy"
David Larson
Gave a talk in Washington, DC at the Special AMS Session entitled "Wandering vectors for unitary systems". He also participated in two AMS focus meetings and one NSF focus meeting, January 17-23, 2000.Tamás Erdélyi
Gave a colloquium talk at the Mathematics Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary.Richard E. Ewing
Biocomplexity in Subsurface Bioremediation Problems, IMA-NSF Workshop in Biocomplexity, Special Conference 2000: Opportunities in the Mathematical Sciences, Minneapolis, Minnesota, January 14, 2000.Bioremediation of Multiphase Flows in Porous Media, IMA Conference on Confinement and Remediation of Environmental Hazards, Minneapolis, Minnesota, January 15, 2000.
Catherine Yan
Gave a talk in Washington D.C., Special AMS Session entitled "Geometric identities in linear lattices". January 18-22, 2000.
February 2000
Richard E. Ewing
Simulation of Multiphase Flow in Highly Heterogeneous Media, IMA Conference on Resource Recovery, Minneapolis, Minnesota, February 12, 2000.Raytcho Lazarov and Joseph Pasciak Attended the Finite Element Rodeo 2000 Conference in Austin, TX, February 25-27, 2000.
Edward Letzter
Participated in research at MSRI in Berkeley, CA and gave a lecture at a two-week workshop, January 30-February 27, 2000.Emil Straube
Gave a talk in the Analysis Seminar at UC, San Diego on "Compactness in the d-bar Neumann problem vs. discs in the boundary".Mohammed Ziane
Visited the Department of Mathmatics at Indiana University.
March 2000
Goong Chen
Gave a talk at the Texas PDE Seminar in Austin, TX, March 23-24, 2000.Richard E. Ewing
Chair, Algorithms Working Group, Dynamic Data Drive Applications Systems Conference on Creating a Dynamic and Symbolic Coupling of Simulations with Measurements and Experiments, Washington, D.C., March 3, 2000.Interactive Control of Large-Scale Simulations, NSF, Washington, D.C., March 8, 2000.
Kenneth Dykema
Attended the AMS meeting in Santa Barbara, CA. Then went to Berkeley, CA for consultations, March 10-19, 2000.Arthur Hobbs
Presented a paper at the Southeast Combinatorics Conference in Boca Raton, FL, March 12-17, 2000.William B. Johnson
Attended the Geometric Convex Analysis Conference in Haifa, Israel.Attended Conference on Convex Geometric Analysis in Tel Aviv, Israel.
Carl Pearcy
Gave a Plenary Lecture at the Southeastern Analysis Meeting at the University of Virginia.Jane Schielack
Attended a Prek planning meeting SSI in Austin, TX, March 3, 2000.Attended an authors meeting in Chicago, IL, March 30-April 2, 2000.
Bruce Treybig
Attended the Spring 2000 Topology and Topological Dynamics Conference in San Antonio, TX, March 17-19, 2000.Catherine Yan
Presented research results at the 31 Southeastern International Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory, & Computing, Boca Raton, Florida. March 13-17, 2000.Gave a plentary talk entitled "Integral Apollonian packings" at CombinaTexas: Combinatorics in the South-Central U.S, College Station, TX. March 31-April 2, 2000.
Jianxin Zhou
Presented a paper at the 23rd Annual Texas PDE Seminar in Austin, TX, March 24-26, 2000.Mohammed Ziane
Attended the Conference "Equations aux Dérivées Partielles Non Linéaires. Applications à la Mécanique des Fluides et Météorolgie", in Paris and Poitiers, France.Visited the Department of Mathmatics at the University of Paris-Sud Orsay.
April 2000
Laura Anderson
Attended the "Klee-Grünbaum Fest Conference and presented a talk on "Polytopal Bundle Theory" in Ein Gev, Israel, April 8-15, 2000.Ken Dykema
Instructional Course in Operator Algebras and Operator Spaces, Edinburgh University, Edinburgh, Scotland, April, 2000. 3 hour (invited) research level shourt course, "Free products of C*-algebras"Richard E. Ewing
Internet 2 Applications at Texas A&M University, Reunion Primanera, CUDI 2000, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, April 3, 2000.Susan Geller
Collaborated in research with Laurel Beckett in Chicago, IL, March 29-April 3, 2000.Francis Narcowich
Gave an invited talk in Davos, Switzerland "Antennas and propagation of waves".William Rundell
Attended the conference in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics at the University of Göttingen, Germany and to collaborate in research with Rainer Kress on ongoing research in Inverse Problems, April 1-9, 2000.Annual PI (Participating Institution) meeting at the Institute for Mathematics and its Applications in Minneapolis, MN, April 17-18, 2000.
David Sanchez
Attended the meeting of the Texas Section, Mathematical Association of America, in Austin, TX, April 7-8, 2000.Kirby Smith
Attended the AMS Regional meeting in Lafayette, LA.Gave a colloquium talk at Northwestern State University of Louisiana in Natchitoches, LA.
Emil Straube
Attended AMS meeting at Notre Dame, IN, gave talk in Special Session on Several Complex Variables on "Sufficient conditions for global regularity of the d-bar Neumann problem", April 8-9, 2000.Mohammed Ziane
Spoke on "On a certain renormalization group method and applications to the Navier-Stokes equations" University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
May 2000
G. Donald Allen
Will be the principal speaker at the conference "Using the Web in Mathematics to be held in Ft. Colllins, CO, May 21-25, 2000.G.R. Blakley
Will attend the National Colloquium for Information Systems, Security in Education, Washington, D.C.Al Boggess
Attended the annual meeting of the Institute for Mathematics and its Applications Participating Institutions in Minneapolis, MN, May 6-7, 2000.David Dobson
Will collaborate in research with Prof. Fadil Santosa in Minneapolis, MN, May 8-12, 2000.Arthur Hobbs
Will attend the Western Michigan University Quadrennial Graph Theory Conference and present a talk at Oakland University, May 29-June 19, 2000.Thomas R. Kiffe
Traveled to McAllen, TX to conduct three Maple Workshops for students and faculty at the Science Academy of South Texas, April 28-May 3, 2000.David Larson
Will give a Plenary Address Great Plains Operator Theory Symposium (GPOTS) in Puerto Rico, May, 2000.Participated in a Mathematics Conference in San Juan, Puerto Rico, May 22-28, 2000.
Rudolph Lorentz
Will present a talk "Total Reduction and Factorization of Multivariate Polynomials" at the Trends in Approximation Theory Conference in Nashville, TN, May 17-20, 2000.Scott Parsell
Will attend the Millennial Conference on Number Theory at the University of Illinois and give a talk "Pairs of Additive Equations", May 20-27, 2000.Carl Pearcy
Consulted with P.R. Halmos in San Jose, CA, May 8-15, 2000.William Rundell
Attended the Inverse Problems Editorial Board meeting at the Institute of Physics in London, UK, May 3-7, 2000.Traveled to Göttingen, Germany to collaborate in research with Rainer Kress of the University of Göttingen, May 22 - June 2, 2000.
Jane Schielack
Participated in the reverse site visit for the proposed Center for Applications of Information Technology in Teaching and Learning Science in Washington, DC, May 8-9, 2000.Attended a planning meeting for the 6-8 Numerical Reasoning TEXT-AMS Institute (SSI) in Georgetown, TX, May 16, 2000.
Vince Schielack
Attended the Chair Meeting of SAT II Mathematics Committee at Princeton University, May 18-21, 2000.Emil Straube
Will travel to Hong Kong, China to participate in the Workshop on "Several Complex Variables" and present a lecture, May 12-21, 2000.Steven Taliaferro
Will present an invited talk at the International Conference on Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations in Kennesaw, GA, May 17-22, 2000.Bruce Treybig
Will travel to North Bay, Ontario, Canada to attend the Topology Mini Conference, May 14-22, 2000.Joseph Ward
Will present a talk at conferences in Nashville, TN and St. Louis, MO on Approximation Theory, May 16-25, 2000.Catherine Yan
Attended Aspects of Algebraic Geometry and Communicative Algebra, College Station, TX. May 18-20, 2000.Mohammed Ziane
May 12-18: Visiting the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of San Diego, California.May 20: Speak in a Special Session on "Dynamical Systems and Applications to Fluid Mechanics" at "The International Conference on Dynamical Systems and Differential Equation" held at Kennesaw State University, Georgia.
Will be speaking on "Atractors for the compressible Navier-Stokes equations" at the Department of Mathematics, University of California at Irvine, May 25, 2000.
Will speak on "Determinig bodes and long time behavior of the compressible Navier-Stokes equations" at the Department of Mathematics, University of Southern California, May 26, 2000.
Joel Zinn
Will present a talk at a Mathematics Conference in Guanajuato, Mexico, May 14-20, 2000.
June 2000
Ken Dykema
Free Probability Theory and Random Matrices workshop, Sandbjerg Castle, Denmark, June, 2000. 45 minute invited talk, "Invariant subspaces of Voiculescu's circular operator"AMS/Scandinavian Meeting, C*-algebras and K-theory special session, Odense, Denmark, June, 2000. 45 minute invited talk, "Topological entropy of free product automorphisms"
Operator Theory Conference, OT18, Timisoara, Romania, June, 2000. 45 minute plenary talk, "Invariant subspaces of Voiculescu's circular operator"
Stephen A. Fulling
Was an invited speaker at the E.S. Fradkin Memorial Conference in Moscow, Russia, June 3-11, 2000.David Larson
Participated in a Mathematics Conference and conducted research with co-authors in Bordeaux, France, June 11-21, 2000.Raytcho Lazarov
Traveled to Livermore, CA to work on the contract with LCNL, June 29-July 29, 2000.Participated in the Second Conference on number methods and visited the Institute of Mahtematics in Rousse and Sofia, Bulgaria, June 5-26, 2000.
Carl Pearcy
Traveled to Korea to give lectures at a Conference in Suwon and collaborate with co-authors J.B. Jong and E. Ko, June 16-July 17, 2000.Jay Walton
Participated in the AFOSR Annual Grantees Meeting at Stanford University in San Francisco, CA.Catherine Yan
Presented research results at the Ninth Quadrennial International Conference on Graph Theory, Combinatorics, Algorithms, and Applications, Kalamazoo, Michigan, June 4-9, 2000.Attended the SIAM Conference on Discrete Mathematics, Minneapolis, MI, June 12-15, 2000.
Mohammed Ziane
Visiting "The University of Paris-Sud, Orsay, France".Will travel to Paris, France to collaborate in research with Prof.Y. Chitour and Prof. Teman. He will give colloquium talks at the University of Poitiers and the University of Cergy Pontoise, June 4-16, 2000.
July 2000
G.R. Blakley
Will give the Keynote Address at the Austral-Asia Conference on Information and Privacy, Brisbane, Australia.Delivered the Opening Hour Address and gave a paper at the ACISP 2000 at Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, Australia and collaborated with colleagues at the University of Otago, Dmedin, New Zealand, July 3-31, 2000.
David Larson
Presented a paper and attended a mathematics conference at the University of California, San Diego, July 29-August 2, 2000.Jane Schielack
Attended an SSF meeting at the University of Texas Dana Center in Austin, TX, July 11-12, 2000.Presented a paper at the Conference for the Advancement of Mathematics Teaching in Houston, TX, July 26-29, 2000.
Catherine Yan
Attended the Classical Combinatorics: A Conference in Honor of Dominique Foata, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA. July 7-9, 2000.
August 2000
G.R. Blakley
Will attend the Crypto 2000 meeting in Santa Barbara, CA for one week.Will attend the Workshop on Codes in London, Ontario, Canada.
Participated in the Prairie Industrial Workshop (August 7-11) in Brandon, Manitoba, and attended the SAC 2000 (August 14-15) at the University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.
Ken Dykema
Danish-Norwegian Operator Algebras Conference, Schaeffergaarden, Copenhagen, August, 2000. 25 minute invited talk, "Topological entropy of free product automorphisms"Susan Geller
Traveled to Chicago, IL to collaborate in research with Laurel Beckett of Rush Presbyterian Medical School on statistics in an ongoing project on evaluation of cluster analysis.David Larson
Will give a talk at the SPIE Annual Meeting in San Diego, CA, August, 2000.Francis Narcowich
Will participate in a Research Workshop "Research in Pairs" conducted by Prof. Robert Schaback in Oberwolfach, Germany. J. Ward will attend and participate in the same workshop.Gilles Pisier
Traveled to Paris, France to conduct research at the University of Paris VI and to present talks at various universities in France, August 2000.Jane Schielack
Attended an authors meeting in Boston, MA, August 23-25, 2000.Attended a meeting on the development of the 6-8 Numerical Reasoning Institute of the Dana Center, University of Texas in Austin, TX, August 8-11, 2000.
Presented a paper at the Texas Alliance Legislature Conference in Dallas, TX, August 29-30, 2000.
September 2000
G.R. Blakley
Attended the Global Knowledge Course on Prevention, Detection and Correction of Network Errors in Dallas, TX, September 28-30, 2000.Attended the WCNC 2000, IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference in Chicago, IL, September 23-26, 2000.
Traveled to Boulder, Colorado to attend the 2000 Third Annual International Symposium on Advanced Radio Technologies, September 6-8, 2000.
Ken Dykema
Noncommutative dynamical systems and simple C*-lagebras workshop, MSRI, September, 2000. 30 minute invited talk, "Reduced free product C*-algebras"Tamás Erdélyi
Invited Plenary speaker at the Conference on Approximation Theory and Functional Analysis in Maratea, Italy.David Larson
Will travel to Toronto, Canada to present a talk at the Special Session on Wavelet Transforms, Amer. Math. Soc., September 20-25, 2000.Paulo Lima-Filho
Presented a paper at the University of Missouri in Columbia, MO, September 14-17, 2000.William Rundell
Traveled to Provo, UT to collaborate in ongoing partial differential equations research with Peter Bates and to present a colloquium at Brigham Young University, September 22-October 2, 2000.Jane Schielack
Attended an authors meetinng in Chicago, IL, September 28-October 1, 2000.Presented a paper at the TEES Conference in San Marcos, TX, September 13, 2000.
Traveled to Reston, VA to attend an editorial meeting for an NCTM Committee, September 7-10, 2000.
Attended a Dana Center TEXTEAMS writing meeting, September 12, 2000.
Vincent Schielack
Traveled to Youngstown, OH to edit the 2002 AMC-12 and AMC-10 Mathematics Contest Problems.Roger Smith
Traveled to Dresden, Germany to attend a conference sponsored by the German Mathematics Society.
October 2000
G.D. Allen
Gave a talk on Distance Education in Houston, TX, October 10, 2000.Ken Dykema
Wabash miniconference, Indianapolis, October 2000. 50 minute invited plenary talk, "Invariant subspaces of Voiculescu's circular operator"Alexander Izzo
Attended the AMS Conference in San Francisco, CA to present a talk: "Uniform Approximation on Manifolds", October 20-22, 2000.David Larson
Gave a talk at Baylor University, Waco, TX, October 12, 2000.Attended the AMS Conference and visited colleagues in San Francisco, CA, Otober 18-22, 2000.
Raytcho Lazarov
Traveled to Livermore, CA to work on the contract with Laurence Livermore National Laboratory, October 19-24, 2000.Jon Pitts
Attended the SACS Re-accreditation, Dallas, TX, October 26, 2000.Traveled to Atlanta, GA to participate in the meeting of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, October 5-6, 2000.
William Rundell
Went to Houston, TX to consult with colleagues at Rice University concerning a proposal.Traveled to Arlington, VA to participate on a VIGRE panel at the National Science Foundation, October 22-24, 2000.
Jane Schielack
Attended a board meeting for the Conference on Advancement of Mathematics Teaching, October 3-5, 2000.Attended a Regent's Initiative Conference (School University Partnership), Georgetown, TX, October 8-11, 2000.
Michael Stecher
Traveled to St. Louis, MO to conduct a mathematics workshop, October 13, 2000.Jay Walton
Presented a talk at the Annual Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science in Columbia, SC, October 21-25, 2000.Traveled to Houston, TX to attend a meeting at Rice University to discuss a research proposal, October 20, 2000.
Thomas Schlumprecht
Participated and presented a talk at WABASH Conference in Indianapolis, IN, October 13-15, 2000.Catherine Yan
Attended Conference on Combinatorics and Random Matrix Theory, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, October 16-18, 2000.Present a colloquium talk at William Paterson University, NJ.
November 2000
G.D. Allen
Gave a 4-hour invited presentation in Edinburgh, TX, November 9-11, 2000.Elizabeth Arnold
Attended a Workshop on Differential Algebra at Rutgers University and presented a talk at the AMS Eastern Fall meeting, November 1-5, 2000.G.R. Blakley
Attended the global Knowledge Internetworking with TCP/IP Workshop, Dallas, TX, November 21-23, 2000.Attended the IEEE Globecom 2000 Conference and Symposia, San Francisco, CA.
David Dobson
Presented a colloquium at the University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, November 13-15, 2000.Doug Hensley
Traveled to Washington, DC to give a colloquium talk and meet with editor of MAA problems section to discuss transition to incoming editor: Doug Hensley.David Larson
Gave a talk at the AMS Conference, Birmingham, AL, November 9-12, 2000.Paulo Lima-Filho
Traveled to Madison, WI to give a talk at the University of Wisconsin and to establish collaborative research efforts, November 8-12, 2000.May Nilsen
Presented a talk at the AMS Conference, Birmingham, AL, November 10-12, 2000.Michael Pilant
Gave a presentation at North Harris Community College, Houston, TX, November 9, 2000.Gilles
Visited the University of Houston to give a talk, November 22, 2000.Jon Pitts
Attended the Texas Geometry and Topology Conference, Houston, TX, November 10-12, 2000.Jane Schielack
Attended a meeting at the University of Texas Dana Center to work on the 6-8 Institute for Numerical Reasoning, Austin, Tx, November 5-6, 2000.Attended an Editorial Panel meeting for Teaching Children Mathematics Journal, San Antonio, TX, November 30-December 2000.
Vincent Schielack
Traveled to Beaumont, TX to meet with Lamar University personnel concerning grant collaboration, November 20, 2000.Joachim Schoberl
Traveled to Vienna, Austria to attend his promotion ceremony, November 13-21, 2000.Traveled to Livermore, CA to present a seminar talk and to work on a joint research project, November 27-December 1, 2000.
Peter Stiller
Presented research results to the Air Force at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, November 15-19, 2000.Emil Straube
Workshop on Complex Analysis, Erwin Schrodinger International Institute for Mathematical Physics, Vienna. Gave lecture on "Levi foliations in pseudoconvex boundaries and vectors fields that commute approximately with d-bar", November 12-18, 2000.J.D. Ward
Presened a talk and collaborated in research at the University of Georgia, Athens, GA, November 8-12, 2000.Catherine Yan
Attended Current Development in Mathematics, Harvard University, MA, November 17-18, 2000.Philip Yasskin
Attended the International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mthematics and to participate in a Panel Discussion on "Using Maple for Publishing", November 16-19, 2000.
December 2000
Goong Chen
Traveled to Sydney, Australia to present an invited paper at IEEE-CDC (Control and Decision Conference), Deember 10-16, 2000.Zhaosheng Feng
Presented a paper at the CMS winter meeting held in Ottawa, Canada, December 9-13, 2000.Author Hobbs
Attended the SACS Re-accreditation meeting held in Atlanta, GA, December 3-5, 2000.William Johnson
Traveled to Rehovot, Israel to collaborate in research with colleagues at the Weizmann Institute, Deember 1-16, 2000.Jon Pitts
Attended and participated in the SACS Reaccreditation meeitng held in Atlanta, GA, December 3-5, 2000.Jane Schielack
Attended an authors meeting in Chicago, IL, December 14-17, 2000.
Last modified August 24, 2009 by RLC.