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Texas A&M University

TAMU Math Publications 2001

Beatriz Abadie

  • B. Abadie and R. Exel, Deformation quantization via Fell bundles, Math. Scand. 89 (2001), no. 1, 135-160.

G. Donald Allen

  • G.D. Allen, Online calculus, in Using Information Technology in Mathematics Education, D.J. Tooke and N. Henderson (eds.), Haworth Press, New York, 2001.

  • G.D. Allen, Online calculus the course and survey results, Computers in the Schools, 17 (2001), 17-30.

Razvan Anisca

  • R. Anisca and M. Ilie, A technique of studying sums of central Cantor sets, Canad. Math. Bull. 44 (2001), no. 1, 12-18.

  • R. Anisca and F. Popovici, A generalization of lemma of Riemann, Stud. Cercet. Stiint. Ser. Mat. Univ. Bacau 11 (2001), 13-18.

Michael Anshelevich

  • M. Anshelevich, Partition-dependent stochastic measures and q-deformed cumulants, Doc. Math. 6 (2001), 343-384 (electronic).

Guy Battle

  • G. Battle, Osiris wavelets and the dipole gas, in Wavelet Analysis and its Applications, L. Debnath (ed.), Birkhauser, Boston, 2001, pp. 81-120.

David Benko

  • D. Benko and V. Totik, Sets with interior extremal points for the Markoff inequality, J. Approx. Theory 110 (2001), no. 2, 261-265.

Bob Blakley

  • G.R. Blakley, A. Barg, and G. Kabatiansky, Good digital fingerprinting codes, Proc. 2001 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, (2001), p. 161.

Harold P. Boas

  • H.P. Boas, J.-L. Lions et les mathématiciens italiens, Enrico Magenes, English translation by H.P. Boas, in "Jacques-Louis Lions (1928-2001)," Notices Amer. Math. Soc. 48 (2001), 1320-1321.

  • H.P. Boas, Archimedes and the internet, Notices Amer. Math. Soc. 48 (2001), 789.

  • H.P. Boas, Multiple missions, Notices Amer. Math. Soc. 48 (2001), 5.

Al Boggess

James Bramble

  • J.H. Bramble, C. Bacuta, and J.E. Pasciak, New interpolation results and applications to finite element methods for elliptic boundary value problems, East-West J. Numer. Math. 3 (2001), 179-198.

  • J.H. Bramble, R.D. Lazarov, and J.E. Pasciak, Least-squares methods for linear elasticity based on discrete minus one inner product, Comp. Meth. Appl. Mech. Engrg. 152 (2001), 520-543.

  • J.H. Bramble and X. Zhang, Uniform convergence of the multigrid V-cycle for an anisotropic problem, Math. Comp. 70 (2001), 453-470.

Huai-Dong Cao

  • H.-D. Cao and J. Zhou, DGBV algebras and mirror symmetry, AMS/IP Studies Adv. Math. 20 (2001), 279-289.

Tullio Ceccherini-Silberstein

  • T.G. Ceccherini-Silberstein and F. Scarabotti, Inner amenability of some groups of piecewise-linear homeomorphisms of the real line, Pontryagin Conference, 8, Algebra (Moscow, 1998), J. Math. Sci. (New York) 106 (2001), no. 4, 3164-3167.

  • T.G. Ceccherini-Silberstein, Around amenability, Pontryagin Conference, 8, Algebra (Moscow, 1998), J. Math. Sci. (New York) 106 (2001), no. 4, 3145-3163.

  • T.G. Ceccherini-Silberstein, F. Scarabotti, and F. Tolli, The top of the lattice of normal subgroups of the Grigorchuk group, J. Algebra 246 (2001), no. 1, 292-310.

  • T.G. Ceccherini-Silberstein, A. Machí, and F. Scarabotti, The Grigorchuk group of intermediate growth, (Italian) Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo (2) 50 (2001), no. 1, 67-102.

Goong Chen

  • G. Chen and Z. Diao, Quantum multi-object search algorithm with the availability of partial information, Zeitschrift für Naturforschung 56a (2001), 879-888.

  • G. Chen, T. Huang, J. Juang, and D. Ma, Unbounded growth of total variations of snapshots of the 1D linear wave equation due to the chaotic behavior of iterates of composite nonlinear boundary reflection relations, in Adv. Control of Nonlinear Distributed Parameter Systems, G. Chen, I. Lasiecka, and J. Zhou (eds.), Marcel Dekker, New York, 2001, pp. 15-42.

  • G. Chen, I. Lasiecka, and J. Zhou (eds.), Advances in Control of Nonlinear Distributed Parameter Systems, Lecture Notes in Pure & Appl. Math. #218, Marcel Dekker, New York, 2001, 357 pp.

  • G. Chen, W.M. Ni, A. Perronnet, and J. Zhou, Algorithms and visualization for solutions of nonlinear elliptic equations, Part II. Dirichlet, Neumann and Robin boundary conditions and problems in 3D, Int. J. Bifur. Chaos 11 (2001), 1781-1799.

Paula B. Cohen

  • P.B. Cohen and A. Regev, A six generalized squares theorem, with applications to P.I. algebras, J. of Algebra 239 (2001), 174-190.

Prabir Daripa

  • P. Daripa and L. Badea, On a boundary control approach to domain embedding methods, SIAM J. Cont. Opt. 40(2) (2001), 421-449.

  • P. Daripa and L. Borges, A fast parallel algorithm for the Poisson equation on a disk, J. Comp. Phys. 169 (2001), 151-192.

  • P. Daripa and R. Dash, Weakly non-local solitary wave wolutions of a singularly perturbed Boussinesq equation, Nonlinear Waves: Computation and theory (Athens, GA, 1999), Math. Comput. Sim. 55(4-6) (2001), 393-405.

  • P. Daripa and D. Palaniappan, Interior Stokes flows with stick-slip boundary conditions, Phys. A 297(1-2) (2001), 37-63.

  • P. Daripa and D. Palaniappan, Singularity induced Stokes flows in the presence of a cylinder, Phys. Fluids 13(11) (2001), 3134-3154.

  • P. Daripa and D. Palaniappan, Generalized circle and sphere theorems for inviscid and viscous flows with applications, SIAM J. Appl. Math. 62(2) (2001), 514-540.

Dante DeBlassie

  • D. DeBlassie, The first exit time of planar Brownian motion from the interior of a parabola, Ann. Probab. 29 (2001), 882-901.

  • D. DeBlassie, R. Bañuelos, and R. Smits, The adjoint process of reflected Brownian motion in a cone, Stochastics and Stochastics Reports 71 (2001), 201-216.

Michel Destrade

  • M. Destrade, The explicit secular equation for surface acoustic waves in monoclinic elastic crystals, J. Acoustical Soc. Amer. 109,(4) (2001), 1398-1402.

  • M. Destrade, Surface waves in orthotropic incompressible materials, J. Acoustical Soc. Amer. 110(2) (2001), 837-840.

Ronald DeVore

  • A. Cohen, W. Dahmen, I. Daubechies, and R. DeVore, Tree approximation and optimal encoding, Appl. Comput. Harmon. Anal. 11 (2001), no. 2, 192-226.

  • A. Cohen, R. DeVore and G. Kerkyacharian, and D. Picard, Maximal spaces with given rate of convergence for thresholding algorithms, Appl. Comput. Harmon. Anal. 11 (2001), no. 2, 167-191.

  • R. DeVore and G. Petrova, The averaging lemma, J. Amer. Math. Soc. 14 (2001), no. 2, 279-296.

  • A. Cohen, W. Dahmen and R. DeVore, Adaptive wavelet methods for elliptic operator equations: convergence rates, Math. Comp. 70 (2001), no. 233, 27-75.

Ronald Douglas

  • R.G. Douglas and G. Misra, On quotient modules, Recent Advances in Operator Theory and Related Topics (Szeged, 1999) 203-209, Oper. Theory Adv. Appl. 127, Birkhäuser, Basel, 2001.

  • R.G. Douglas, G. Misra, and C. Varughese, Some geometric invariants from resolutions of Hilbert modules, Systems, Approximation, Singular Integral Operators, and Related Topics (Bordeaux, 2000) 241-270, Oper. Theory Adv. Appl. 129, Birkhäuser, Basel, 2001.

Ken Dykema

Yalchin Efendiev

  • Y. Efendiev and M. Luskin, Stability of microstructures for some martensitic transformations, Math. Comput. Modelling 34 (2001), 1289-1305.

  • Y. Efendiev and M.R. Zachariah, A model for two component aerosol coagulation and phase separation: A method for changing the growth of nanoparticles, Chem. Engrg. Sci. 56 (2001), 5763-5775.

Tamás Erdélyi

  • P. Borwein and T. Erdélyi, Trigonometric polynomials with many real zeros and a Littlewood-type problem, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 129 (2001), 725-730.

  • T. Erdélyi, On the zeros of polynomials with Littlewood-type coefficient constraints, Michigan Math. J. 49 (2001), 97-111.

  • T. Erdélyi, How far is an ultraflat sequence of unimodular polynomials from being conjugate reciprocal? Michigan Math. J. 49 (2001), 259-264.

  • T. Erdélyi, Markov-type inequalities for products of Müntz polynomials, J. Approx. Theory 112 (2001), 171-188.

  • T. Erdélyi, A proof of Saffari's "near-orthogonality" conjecture on ultraflat sequences of unimodular polynomials, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Sér. I Math. 333 (2001), 623-628.

  • T. Erdélyi, The phase problem of ultraflat unimodular polynomials: The resolution of the conjecture of Saffari, Math. Ann. 321 (2001), 905-924.

  • T. Erdélyi, The norm of the polynomial truncation operator on the unit disk and on [-1,1], Colloq. Math. 90 (2001), 287-293.

  • T. Erdélyi and W.B. Johnson, Full Müntz theorem in Lp[0,1] for 0<p<∞, J. d'Analyse Math. 84 (2001), 145-172.

Richard E. Ewing

  • R.E. Ewing, O. Iliev, and R. Lazarov, A modified finite volume approximation of second-order elliptic equations with discontinuous coefficients, SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 23 (2001), no. 4, 1335-1351 (electronic).

  • R.E. Ewing, Mathematical modeling and simulation for fluid flow in porous media, Math. Modeling, Russian Acad. Sci. A.A. Samarskii (ed.), 2001, pp. 117-127.

  • R.E. Ewing and Z. Chen, Degenerate two-phase incompressible flow III: Sharp error estimates, Numer. Math. 90 (2) (2001), 215-240.

  • R.E. Ewing, A. Ibragimov, and R. Lazarov, Domain decomposition algorithm and analytical simulation of coupled flow in reservoir/well system, J. Korean SIAM 5, no. 2 (2001), 71-99.

  • R.E. Ewing, O. Iliev, and R. Lazarov, A modified finite volume approximation of second-order elliptic equations with discontinuous coefficients, SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 23(4) (2001), 1335-1351.

  • R.E. Ewing, S. Kang, J. Kim, and T. Stauffer, A practical three-dimensional estimation technique for spatial distribution of groundwater contaminant concentrations, J. Korean Math. Soc. 38, 3 (2001), 523-559.

  • R.E. Ewing and Y. Lin, A mathematical analysis for a numerical well-model non-Darcy flows, Appl. Numer. Math. 39 (2001), 17-30.

  • R.E. Ewing, Y. Lin, and J. Wang, A numerical approximation of nonFickian flows with mixing length growth in porous media, Acta Math. Univ. Comenian. 70 (1) (2001), 75-84.

  • R.E. Ewing, J. Shen, and J. Wang, Point-distributed algorithms on locally refined grids for second-order elliptic equations, Sci. Comput. Appl. P. Minev, Y. Wang, and Y. Lin (eds.), Adv. Comput. Theory and Practice, Vol. 7, Nova Science Publishers, Huntington, 2001, pp. 37-52.

  • R.E. Ewing and H. Wang, A summary of numerical methods for time-dependent advection-dominated partial differential equations, J. Comput. Appl. Math. 128 (2001), 423-445.

  • R.E. Ewing, H. Wang, and X. Shi, An ELLAM scheme for multidimensional advection-reaction equations and its optimal-order error estimate, SIAM J. Num. Anal. 38 (2001), 1846-1885.

Alexander Felshtyn

  • A. Felshtyn, Dynamical zeta functions and asymptotic expansions in Nielsen theory, Dynamical, Spectral, and Arithmetic Zeta Functions (San Antonio, TX, 1999) 67-79, Contemp. Math. 290, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2001.

  • A. Felshtyn, Zeta functions, 3-manifolds and asymptotics in Nielsen theory, Theory of Fixed Points and its Applications (São Paulo, 1999), Topology Appl. 116 (2001), no. 1, 43-55.

Ciprian Foias

  • C. Foias, The general commutant extension problem, Nieuw Archief voor Wisk. 5/2 (2001), nr 2, 109-113.

  • C. Foias and A. Cheskidov, On the non-homogeneous stationary Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation, Phys. D 154 (2001), 1-14.

  • C. Foias, A.E. Frazho, and M.A. Kaashoek, A weighted version of almost commutant lifting, Systems, Approximation, Singular Integral Operators, and Related Topics (Bordeaux, 2000) pp. 311-340, Oper. Theory Adv. Appl. 129, Birkhäuser, Basel, 2001.

  • C. Foias, D.D. Holm, and E.S. Titi. The Navier-Stokes-alpha model of fluid turbulence, Phys. D 152/153 (2001), 505-519.

  • C. Foias, M.S. Jolly, I. Kukavica, and E.S. Titi, The Lorenz equation as a metaphor for the Navier-Stokes equations, Discrete Contin. Dynam. Syst. 7 (2001), no. 2, 403-429.

  • C. Foias, O.P. Manley, R.M.S. Rosa, and R. Temam, Cascade of energy in turbulent flows, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, t. 332 (2001), Serie I, 509-514.

  • C. Foias, O.P. Manley, R.M.S. Rosa, and R. Temam, Estimates for the energy cascade in three-dimensional turbulent flows, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, t. 333 (2001), Serie I, 499-504.

  • C. Foias, O.P. Manley, R.M.S. Rosa, and R. Temam, Navier-Stokes Equations and Turbulence, Encyclopedia Math. Appl. t. 83, Cambridge Univ. Press, 2001, xiii+347 pp.

Stephen A. Fulling

  • S.A. Fulling, Reflections on the role of asymptotic analysis in physics, in Quantization, Gauge Theory, and Strings (Proc. Internat. Conference dedicated to the memory of Professor Efim Fradkin, Moscow, 2000), A. Semikhatov, M. Vasiliev, and V. Zaikin (eds.), Scientific World Publ. Co., Moscow, 2001, Vol. II, pp. 307-315.

Sue Geller

  • P. Alford, S. Geller, M. Slater, C. Honnas, J. Foreman, J. Robinson, M. Messer, M. Roberts, D. Goble, D. Hood, and M. Chaffin, Risk factors for equine laminitis: A multicenter, matched case-control study, Preventive Veterinary Medicine 49 (2001), 209-222.

  • G.L. Carroll, D.M. Boothe, S.M. Hartsfield, M.K. Waller, and S. Geller, Pharmacokinetics and selected behavioral responses to butorphanol and its metabolites in goats following intravenous and intramuscular administration, Vet. Anaesth. Analg. 28 (2001), 188-195.

  • M.R. Slater, S. Geller, and K. Rogers, Long-term health and predictors of survival of hyperthyroid cats treated with iodine-131, J. Veterinary Internal Medicine 15 (2001), 47-51.

Rostislav I. Grigorchuk

  • L. Bartholdi and R.I. Grigorchuk, Sous-groupes paraboliques et representations de groupes branches, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris t.332 (2001), 789-794.

  • R.I. Grigorchuk and P. de la Harpe, One relator groups of exponential growth have uniformly exponential growth, Math. Notes 69 (2001), 628-630.

  • R.I. Grigorchuk and P. de la Harpe, Limit behaviour of exponential growth rates for finitely generated groups, Monogr. Enseign. Math.e 38 (2001), 351-370.

  • R.I. Grigorchuk and A. Zuk, The lamplighter group as a group generated by 2-state automaton and its spectrum, Geom. Dedicata 87 (2001), 209-244.

Jean-Luc Guermond

  • J.-L. Guermond and J. Shen, Quelques résultats nouveaux sur les méthodes de projection, (French) [New results on several projection methods] C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Sér. I Math. 333 (2001), no. 12, 1111-1116.

  • F. Auteri, J.-L. Guermond, and N. Parolini, Role of the LBB condition in weak spectral projection methods, J. Comput. Phys. 174 (2001), no. 1, 405-420.

  • J.-L. Guermond, Subgrid stabilization of Galerkin approximations of linear monotone operators, IMA J. Numer. Anal. 21 (2001), no. 1, 165-197.

  • J.-L. Guermond, Subgrid stabilization of Galerkin approximations of linear contraction semi-groups of class C0 in Hilbert spaces, Numer. Methods Partial Differential Equations 17 (2001), no. 1, 1-25.

Darald J. Hartfiel

  • D.J. Hartfiel, Numerical bounds on fluctuating processes, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 254 (2001), 43-52.

  • D.J. Hartfiel, Matrix Theory with Applications and MATLAB, CRC Press, 2001.

Doug Hensley

Arthur M. Hobbs

  • P.A. Catlin, A.M. Hobbs, and H.-J. Lai, Graph family operations, Discrete Math. 230 (2001), 71-98.

  • A.M. Hobbs, Review of Tutte's graph theory as I have known it and Chung and Graham's Erdos on graphs: His legacy of unsolved problems, Amer. Math. Monthly 108 (2001), 379-381.

  • A.M. Hobbs and M. Ordower, Graph families, Congr. Numer. (152) (2001), 201-213.

  • A.M. Hobbs and L. Petingi, The weighted-element case of strength and fractional arboricity in matroids, Congr. Numer. 149 (2001), 211-222.

Tingwen Huang

  • G. Chen, G. Huang, J. Juang, and D. Ma, Unbounded growth of total variations of snapshots of the 1D linear wave equation due to the chaotic behavior of iterates of composite nonlinear boundary reflection relations, Control of Nonlinear Distributed Parameter Systems pp. 15-43, Lecture Notes in Pure and Appl. Math. 218, Dekker, New York, 2001.

Monica Ilie

  • R. Anisca and M. Ilie, A technique of studying sums of central Cantor sets, (English. English summary) Canad. Math. Bull. 44 (2001), no. 1, 12-18.

Nikolay Ivanov

  • N.N. Ivanov, Decomposition analysis of random processes in time stochastic Petri networks, (Russian) Avtomat. i Telemekh. 2001, no. 10, 209-222; translation in Autom. Remote Control 62 (2001), no. 10, 1731-1742.

  • N.N. Ivanov and I.I. Ignatenko, The problem of nontrim guillotine oriented cutting of a parallelepiped into two pieces, (Russian) Vestn. Beloruss. Gos. Univ. Ser. 1 Fiz. Mat. Inform. 2001, no. 1, 70-73, 996.

William B. Johnson

  • W.B. Johnson, P.G. Casazza, and C.L. Garcia, An example of an asymptotically Hilbertian space which fails the approximation property, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 129(10) (2001), 3017-3023.

  • W.B. Johnson and T. Erdelyi, The "full Müntz theorem" in Lp[0,1] for 0 < p < ∞, J. Anal. Math. 84 (2001), 145-172.

  • W.B. Johnson and T. Oikhberg, Separable lifting property and extensions of local reflexivity, Illinois J. Math. 45(1) (2001), 123-137.

  • W.B. Johnson and J. Lindenstrauss, Basic concepts in the geometry of Banach spaces, Handbook of the Geometry of Banach Spaces, Vol. I, 1-84, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 2001.

Leonid Kovalev

  • L.V. Kovalev, Domains with convex hyperbolic radius, Acta Math. Univ. Comenian. (N.S.) 70 (2001), no. 2, 207-213.

Peter Kuchment

  • P. Kuchment, The mathematics of photonic crystals, invited Ch. 7 in "Mathematical Modeling in Optical Science" G. Bao, L. Cowsar, and W. Masters (eds.), Frontiers Appl. Math. Vol. 22, SIAM, 2001, pp. 207-272.

  • P. Kuchment and Y. Pinchover, Integral representations and Liouville theorems for solutions of periodic elliptic equations, J. Funct. Anal. 181 (2001), 402-446.

  • P. Kuchment and H. Zeng, Convergence of spectra of mesoscopic systems collapsing onto a graph, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 258 (2001), 671-700.

Joseph Landsberg

  • J.M. Landsberg, Introduction to G-structures via three examples, Web Theory and Related Topics (Toulouse, 1996) 133-149, World Sci. Publishing, River Edge, NJ, 2001.

  • J.M. Landsberg and L. Manivel, The projective geometry of Freudenthal's magic square, J. Algebra 239 (2001), no. 2, 477-512.

David Larson

  • D. Han and D. Larson, Wandering vector multipliers for unitary groups, Trans. Amer. Math Soc. 353 (2001), 3347-3370.

  • D. Larson, W.-S. Tang, and E. Weber, Riesz wavelets and multiresolution structures, SPIE Proc. Wavelet Applications in Signal and Image Processing IX (2001), Vol. 4478, pp. 254-262. (This is a refereed article containing original research, not an expository overview.)

Raytcho Lazarov

Paulo Lima-Filho

Josef Málek

  • S. Luckhaus and J. Málek, On an evolutionary nonlinear fluid model in the limiting case, Proceedings of Partial Differential Equations and Applications (Olomouc, 1999), Math. Bohem. 126 (2001), no. 2, 421-428.

  • J. Málek, Global analysis for the fluids of a power-law type, Differential Equations and Nonlinear Mechanics (Orlando, FL, 1999) pp. 213-233, Math. Appl. 528, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht, 2001.

  • J. Málek, J. Nečas, and M. Rċirc užička, On weak solutions to a class of non-Newtonian incompressible fluids in bounded three-dimensional domains: the case p≥2, Adv. Differential Equations 6 (2001), no. 3, 257-302.

Laura Matusevich

  • L.F. Matusevich, Rank jumps in codimension 2 A-hypergeometric systems. Effective methods in rings of differential operators, J. Symbolic Comput. 32 (2001), no. 6, 619-641.

Carlton Maxson

  • C.J. Maxson (ed.), Near-rings and Near-fields, Proc. Conference on Near-rings and Near-fields (Stellenbosch, South Africa, July 9-16, 1997), Kluwer Acad. Pub., Dordrecht, 2001.

  • C.J. Maxson and H. McGilvray, On dependence and independence in near-rings, Proc.f 1997 Stellenbosch Conference pp. 122-129, Kluwer Acad. Pub., Amsterdam, 2001.

  • C.J. Maxson and A.B. van der Merwe, Functions and polynomials over finite commutative rings, Aequationes Math. 62 (2001), 30-38.

  • C.J. Maxson and J.H. Meyer, How many subspaces force linearity? Amer. Math. Monthly 108 (2001), 531-536.

  • C.J. Maxson and A. Kreuzer, Forcing linearity numbers for injective modules over PID's, Arch. Math. 77 (2001), 476-483.

Francis J. Narcowich

  • H.N. Mhaskar, F.J. Narcowich, and J.D. Ward, Spherical Marcinkiewicz-Zygmund inequalities and positive quadrature, Math. Comp. 70 (2001), 1113-1130.

  • H.N. Mhaskar, F.J. Narcowich, and J.D. Ward, Representing and Analyzing Scattered Data on Spheres, Multivariate Approximation and Applications, N. Dyn, D. Leviatan, D. Levin, and A. Pinkus (eds.), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U. K., 2001.

Volodymyr Nekrashevych

  • P.W. Gawron, V.V. Nekrashevych, and V.I. Sushchansky, Conjugation in tree automorphism groups, Internat. J. Algebra Comput. 11 (2001), no. 5, 529-547.

  • V.V. Nekrashevich and V.I. Sushchanskii, Automata with restricted memory and an endomorphism of shift, (Ukrainian) Dopov. Nats. Akad. Nauk Ukr. Mat. Prirodozn. Tekh. Nauki (2001), no. 4, 18-21.

Devanayagam Palaniappan

  • P. Daripa and D. Palaniappan, Generalized circle and sphere theorems for inviscid and viscous flows, SIAM J. Appl. Math. 62 (2001), no. 2, 514-540 (electronic).

  • P. Daripa and D. Palaniappan, Singularity induced exterior and interior Stokes flows, Phys. Fluids 13 (2001), no. 11, 3134-3154.

Scott Parsell

  • S.T. Parsell, Multiple exponential sums over smooth numbers, J. Reine Angew. Math. 532 (2001), 47-104.

Joseph E. Pasciak

Carl Pearcy

  • I.B. Jung, E. Ko, and C. Pearcy, Spectral pictures of Aluthge transforms of operators, Integral Equations and Operator Theory 40 (2001), 52-60.

Guergana Petrova

  • R. DeVore and G. Petrova, The averaging lemma, J. Amer. Math. Soc. 14(2) (2001), 279-296.

  • A. Kurganov, S. Noelle, and G. Petrova, Semi-discrete central-upwind schemes for hyperbolic conservation laws and Hamilton-Jacobi equations, SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 23 (3) (2001), 707-740.

  • A. Kurganov and G. Petrova, A third-order semi-discrete genuinely multidimensional central scheme for hyperbolic conservation laws and related problems, Numer. Math. 88(4) (2001), 683-729.

  • G. Petrova and B. Popov, Linear transport equations with μ-monotone coefficients, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 260(2) (2001), 307-324.

Michael S. Pilant

  • M.S. Pilant, Applied Calculus on the Web - Applets and Applications, International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics Proceedings, 2001.

  • M.S. Pilant, K. Bollinger, J. Epstein, R. Hall, Y. Hester, and A. Strader, Finite Math on the Web, Brooks Cole/Thompson Learning, 2001, 250 pp., with Student CDROM containing 4 Java applets, 30 minutes of streaming video, and extensive solutions sets. Go to the official web site.

  • M.S. Pilant and D.G. Allen, The distance education degree program for the master of mathematics with a teaching option, Texas A&M University, Soc. Inform. Tech. Teacher Ed. Proc. 2001, pp. 111-116.

  • M.S. Pilant, R. Hall, and A. Strader, Cognitive design of instructional databases, Soc. Inform. Tech. Teacher Ed. Proc. 2001, pp. 1167-1172.

  • M.S. Pilant, A. Strader, and R. Hall, Assessing student statistical problem-solving skills using interactive java applets, Soc. Inform. Tech. Teacher Ed. Proc. 2001, pp. 1196-1197.

Gilles Pisier

  • G. Pisier, Multipliers of the Hardy space H1 and power bounded operators, Colloq. Math. 88 (2001), 57-73.

  • G. Pisier, Remarks on the similarity degree of an operator algebra, Internat. J. Math. 12 (2001), 403-414

  • G. Pisier, Similarity problems and completely bounded maps, Springer Lecture Notes 2nd ed., 1618 (2001), 200 pp.

  • G. Pisier, Similarity problems and length, Taiwanese J. Math. 5 (2001), 1-17.

Alexei Poltoratski

  • A. Poltoratski, Properties of exposed functions in the unit ball of H1, Indiana Univ. Math. J. 50 (2001), no. 4, 1789-1806.

  • A. Poltoratski, Survival probability in rank-one perturbation problems, Comm. Math. Phys. 223 (2001), no. 1, 205-222.

  • A. Poltoratski, Integral representations and uniqueness sets for star-invariant subspaces,  Systems, Approximation, Singular Integral Operators, and Related Topics (Bordeaux, 2000) Birkhäuser, Basel, 2001, pp. 425-443.

Bojan Popov

  • G. Petrova and B. Popov, Linear transport equations with μ-monotone coefficients, J. Math. Anal. and Appl. 260 (2001), 307-324.

  • B. Popov, Linear transport equations with continuous solutions, Trends in Approximation Theory, Vanderbilt University Press, 2001, pp. 365-374.

J. Maurice Rojas

  • J.M. Rojas, Computational arithmetic geometry I: sentences nearly in the polynomial hierarchy, invited paper (journal version of an earlier extended abstract that appeared in the Proc. 31st Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC '99, May 1-4, 1999, Atlanta, Georgia)), J. Compu. Syst. Sci. 62 (2001), no. 2, 216-235.

  • J.M. Rojas, Finiteness for arithmetic fewnomial systems, invited paper, Contemporary Mathematics, AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference Proceedings of Symbolic Computation: Solving Equations in Algebra, Geometry, and Engineering (June 11-15, 2000, Mount Holyoke College), E. Green, S. Hosten, R. Laubenbacher and V. Powers (eds.), AMS Press 286, 2001, pp. 107-114.

Henry Schenck

  • J. Dalbec and H. Schenck, On a conjecture of Rose, J. Pure Appl. Algebra 165 (2001), 151-154.

  • M. Mustata and H. Schenck, The module of logarithmic p-forms of a locally free arrangement, J. Algebra 241 (2001), 699-719.

Thomas Schlumprecht

N. Sivakumar

  • S.D. Riemenschneider and N. Sivakumar, On the cardinal-interpolation operator associated with the one-dimensional multiquadric, East J. Approx. 7 (2001), 485-514.

Kirby C. Smith

  • A. Oswald, K.C. Smith, and L. van Wyk, When is a centralizer near-ring isomorphic to a matrix near-ring? Part 2, Proc. Stellenbosch Conference on Near-rings and Near-fields, Y. Fong, et. al (eds.), Kluwer, 2001, pp. 138-150.

Roger R. Smith

Frank Sottile

  • T. Roby, F. Sottile, J. Stroomer, and J. West, Complementary algorithms for tableaux, J. Combin. Theory Ser. A 96 (2001), no. 1, 127-161.

  • F. Sottile and B. Sturmfels, A sagbi basis for the quantum Grassmannian, J. Pure Appl. Algebra 158 (2001), no. 2-3, 347-366.

Nicolaas Spronk

  • N. Spronk and P. Wood, Diagonal type conditions on group C*-algebras, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 129 (2001), no. 2, 609-616 (electronic).

Peter Stiller

  • P.F. Stiller, Object recognition from a global geometric perspective: invariants and metrics, Proc. SPIE Internat. Conf., Vision Geometry XI Vol. 4794, Seattle, WA, 7/02, 2001, pp. 71-80.

  • P.F. Stiller, Global Invariant Methods for Object Recognition, Proc. SPIE Internat. Conf., Vision Geometry X Vol. 4476, San Diego, CA, 7/01, 2001, pp. 13-21.

  • P.F. Stiller, Aspects of ATR theory, Air Force Office Sci. Res. White Paper, (2001).

Emil Straube

  • E. Straube, Good Stein neighborhood bases and regularity of the d-bar Neumann problem, Illinois J. Math. 45 (2001), nr. 3, 865-871.

  • E. Straube and S. Fu, Compactness in the d-bar Neumann problem, Complex Analysis and Geometry J. McNeal (ed.), Ohio State Univ. Math. Research Inst. Publ. 9, 2001, pp. 141-160 (invited contribution; I was a principal speaker).

Zoran Sunik

  • Z. Sunik, On the word and period growth of some groups of tree automorphisms, Comm. Algebra 29 (2001), no. 11, 4923-4964.

Steven D. Taliaferro

  • S.D. Taliaferro, On the growth of superharmonic functions near an isolated singularity II, Comm. Partial Differential Equations 26 (2001), 1003-1026.

  • S.D. Taliaferro, Isolated singularities of nonlinear elliptic inequalities, Indiana Univ. Math. J. 50 (2001), 1885-1897.

Bruce Treybig

  • D. Daniel, J. Nikiel, L.B. Treybig, H.M. Tuncali, and E.D. Tymchatyn, On rim properties of continua, Q and A in General Topology 19 (2001).

  • D. Daniel and B. Treybig, A cyclic element characterization of monotone normality, Rocky Mountain J. of Math. 31 (2001), no. 1, 157-167.

Panayot Vassilevski

  • V. Dobrev and P.S. Vassilevski, Local refinement in non-overlapping domain decomposition, Numerical Analysis and its Applications (Rousse, 2000) 253-264, Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 1988, Springer, Berlin, 2001.

  • R.D. Lazarov, S.Z. Tomov, and P.S. Vassilevski, Interior penalty discontinuous approximations of elliptic problems, Comput. Methods Appl. Math. 1 (2001), no. 4, 367-382.

  • Solution methods for large-scale non-linear problems, Papers from the workshop held in Pleasanton, CA, July 2000, P.S. Vassilevski and C.S. Woodward (eds.) Numer. Linear Algebra Appl. 8 (2001), no. 8, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., Chichester, 2001. pp. i-ii and 497-574.

  • V.E. Henson and P.S. Vassilevski, Element-free AMGe: general algorithms for computing interpolation weights in AMG, Copper Mountain Conference (2000), SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 23 (2001), no. 2, 629-650 (electronic).

  • J.E. Jones and P.S. Vassilevski, AMGe based on element agglomeration, SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 23 (2001), no. 1, 109-133 (electronic).

  • C. Kim, R.D. Lazarov, J.E. Pasciak, and P.S. Vassilevski, Multiplier spaces for the mortar finite element method in three dimensions, SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 39 (2001), no. 2, 519-538 (electronic).

  • R.D. Lazarov, J.E. Pasciak, and P.S. Vassilevski, Iterative solution of a coupled mixed and standard Galerkin discretization method for elliptic problems, Numer. Linear Algebra Appl. 8 (2001), no. 1, 13-31.

Jay Walton

  • T. Leise and J.R. Walton, Dynamically accelerating cracks part 2: A finite length mode III crack in elastic material, Quart. Appl Math. 59 (2001), 601-614.

  • T. Leise and J.R. Walton, A general method for solving dynamically accelerating multiple co-linear cracks, Int. J. Frac. 111 (2001), 1-16.

Joe Ward

  • M.H. Mhaskar, F.J. Narcowich, and J.D. Ward, Representing and analyzing scattered data on spheres, Eilat Conference Proceedings N. Dyn, D. Leviatan, D. Levin and A. Pinkus (eds.), Cambridge University Press, 2001, pp. 44-72.

Sarah Witherspoon

  • G. Benkart and S.J. Witherspoon, A Hopf structure for down-up algebras, Math. Z. 238 (2001), no. 3, 523-553.

Catherine Yan

  • C.H. Yan, Generalized parking functions, tree inversions and multicolored graphs, Adv. Appl. Math. 27 (2001), 641-670.

Philip Yasskin

  • P. Yasskin, CalcLabs with Maple for Stewart's Multivariable Calculus, 2nd ed., Concepts and Contexts, for Maple V R5, A. Belmonte and P. Yasskin (eds.), Brooks/Cole, Pacific Grove, CA, 2001.

  • P. Yasskin and Isenberg, Towards an ambitwistor description of gravity, Further Advances in Twistor Theory, Vol III: Curved twistor spaces, Mason, Hughston, Kobak and Pulverer (eds.), CRC Press, 2001.

Jianxin Zhou

  • G. Chen, I. Laseicka, and J. Zhou, Control of Nonlinear Distributed Parameter Systems, Marcel Dekker, New York, 2001.

  • G. Chen, W.M. Ni, A. Porronnet, and J. Zhou, Algorithms and visualization for solutions of nonlinear elliptic equations, Part II: Dirichlet, Neumann and Robin boundary conditions and problems in 3D, Internat. J. Bifur. Chaos 11 (2001), 1781-1799.

  • Y. Li and J. Zhou, A minimax method for finding multiple critical points and its applications to nonlinear PDEs, SIAM Sci. Comp. 23 (2001), 840-865.

  • Y. Li and J. Zhou, Local characterization of saddle points and their Morse indices, Control of Nonlinear Distributed Parameter Systems, Dekker, New York, 2001, pp. 233-252.

Joel Zinn

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