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Texas A&M University

2002 Travel and Talks

January 2002

  • G.R. Blakley
    Attended the Global Seminar on Voice over ATM in Dallas, TX, January 31-February 2, 2002.

  • Harold Boas
    Traveled to San Diego, CA to attend the Joint Mathematics Meeting, January 5-10, 2002.

    Served as a member of jury for the "Habilitation á Diriger des Recherches" of Juan Pierre Ramadanoff in Caen, France, January 12-19, 2002.

  • James H. Bramble
    Invited talk given "Computational scales of Sobolev norms", Symposium honoring Jim Douglas Jr., University of Texas, Austin.

  • Huai-Dong Cao
    Differential Geometry Seminar, University of California Irvine, Irvine, CA.

  • Goong Chen
    Invited talk in Special Sessions on the Theory and Applications of Partial Differential Equations, "Visualization of Multiplicity of Solutions of Semilinear Elliptic PDEs", American Mathematical Society Annual Meeting, San Diego.

    Invited technical seminar (on quantum computing), U.S. Navy Space Surveillance and Warfare Center (SPAWAR), San Diego.

    Invited colloquium, "Introduction to Quantum Computation", Department of Mathematics, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL.

  • Paula Cohen
    Seminar, "Distribution of Special Points in Modular Varieties and Applications" University of California Irvine, Irvine, CA, January 17, 2002.

  • Kenneth Dykema
    Served on a National Science Foundation Panel in Washington, DC, January 22-24, 2002.

  • Tamás Erdélyi
    Colloquium talk given at the Mathematics Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary.

  • Stephen Fulling
    Invited participant, The Future of Theoretical Physics and Cosmology, Stephen Hawking 60th Birthday Conference, Cambridge University.

  • David Larson
    Presented a talk at the AMS Special Session on Undergraduate Research Programs, San Diego, CA.

  • Guergana Petrova
    Talk given at the Linear Analysis Seminar, Department of Mathematics, Texas A&M University, January 18, 2002.

  • Maurice Rojas
    Invited Seminar given at Algebra & Combinatorics Seminar, Texas A&M University, January 21, 2002.

  • Henry Schenck
    Invited talk, American Mathematical Society, Special Session on Computational Algebraic Geometry, San Diego, California.

  • Catherine Yan
    Presented talk at the AMS Annual meeting, San Diego, CA.

February 2002

  • G. Donald Allen
    Invited Panelist, 2nd Annual Assessment Conference "Measuring what Matters Most", Texas A&M University, Feb. 11-12, 2002.

  • Marcelo Aguiar
    Gave a talk at the International Hopf algebra meeting , DePaul University, Chicago.

    Colloquium given at the Mathematics Department, Rice University.

  • G.R. Blakley
    Attended the Global Knowledge Seminar on CISCO Networks and Security, Dallas, TX, February 27-March 1, 2002.

  • Huai-Dong Cao
    Differential Geometry Seminar, University of California Riverside, Riverside, CA.

    Differential Geometry Seminar, University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA.

  • Kenneth Dykema
    Traveled to Columbus, OH to present a colloquium talk, February 21-24, 2002.

  • Gilles Pisier
    Invited Speaker, (Series of 3 talks on Operator spaces), Conference on Operator Theory, Biarritz (France), February 2002.

  • Alexei Poltoratski
    Presented a talk at the Research Conference on Conformal Mappings and Probability, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain.

  • Vincent Schielack
    Attended the Board meeting of the Texas Academy of Science, Laredo, TX, February 28-March 1, 2002.

  • Jianxin Zhou
    Presented talk at the 2001 Texas Conference on Partial Differential Equations, San Antonio, TX, February 2, 2002.

March 2002

  • G. Donald Allen
    Invited Presentation, The 15th Annual Science, Technology & Youth Symposium, "Math Goes to Hollywood", Texas A&M University, March 2-3, 2002.

    Attended the Texas Leadership Conference and presented a talk in Houston, TX, March 8-9, 2002.

    Invited Presentation, The Dynamics of Political Power, Cal State Poly Pomona, Pomona, CA, March 10, 2002.

    Participated in the Houston Independent School District's MSP Planning meeting, March 25, 2002.

  • G.R. Blakley
    Traveled to Morristown, NJ to attend the Global Knowledge Secure Communications and Virtual Private Networks Course, March 5-9, 2002.

  • Harold Boas
    Delivered a colloquium lecture at TCU in Ft. Worth, TX, March 5-6, 2002.

    Attended the 19th Annual Rose-Hulman Conference on Undergraduate Mathematics and presented two talks, March 14-17, 2002.

  • Richard Ewing
    Research Conference talk given the Government/University/Industry Research Roundtable, Washington, DC, March 13, 2002.

    Colloquium talk for the Chinese and US Higher Education Policy Makers on IP Rights and Technology Transfer, Washington, DC, March 8, 2002.

    Colloquium talk given at the SINOPEC Petroleum Company, Beijing, China, March 25, 2002.

  • Susan Geller
    Colloquium given at the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Arizona, March 22, 2002.

    Bioinformatics Seminar given at the University of Arizona, March 26, 2002.

    Gave a invited talk, Amer. Stat. Assoc., Sacramento Region, Sacramento, CA, March 27, 2002.

    Presented a talk at the AMS Special Session on Frames, Wavelets and Operator Theory, Atlanta, GA.

    Gave a talk at the Southeastern Analysis Meeting (SEAM-2002), Chapel Hill, NC

    Gave a talk at the University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL.

  • David Larson
    Traveled to Orlando, FL to present a talk at the University of Central Florida, March 24-27, 2002.

    Presented a talk at the AMS Special Session on Frames, Wavelets and Operator Theory, Atlanta, GA.

    Talk given at the Southeastern Analysis Meeting (SEAM-2002), Chapel Hill, NC.

  • Joseph Pasciak
    Talk given at the Copper Mountain Conference on Iterative Methods, Copper Mtn, CO, March 26, 2002.

  • Gilles Pisier
    Invited Speaker, (Series of 4 Lectures), Meeting on Operator Spaces, CIRM, Luminy, March 4-8, 2002.

  • Alexei Poltoratski
    Presented a talk at the International Workshop on Rescaling Methods in Probability and PDE, Stroble, Austria.

  • Bojan Popov
    Gave a talk at Hyp2002, Ninth International Conference on Hyperbolic Problems, Theory, Numerics, Applications, Pasadena, CA.

  • Maurice Rojas
    Invited Seminar given at Random Notions Seminar, Johns Hopkins University, March 28, 2002.

    Invited Seminar talk, Texas A&M Math Club, March 4, 2002.

  • William Rundell
    Traveled to Berkeley, CA to attend the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute Academic Sponsor meeting, March 7-9, 2002.

  • Henry Schenck
    Invited talk, Cohomology Jump Loci Workshop, Mathematisches Forschunginstitut, Oberwolfach.

  • Roger Smith
    Traveled to Edinburgh, Scotland to work with a co-author, March 7-16, 2002.

    Colloquium talk given at the University of Aberdeen.

  • Peter Stiller
    Departmental Colloquium, University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming.

April 2002

  • G.R. Blakley
    Attended the IEEE International Conference on Communications in New York City, April 26-May 4, 2002.

  • Harold Boas
    Presented a colloquium lecture at the University of Akron, Akron, Ohio, March 18-20, 2002.

  • Huai-Dong Cao
    Differential Geometry Seminar given, Stanford University, Stanford, CA.

  • Richard Ewing
    Colloquium talk, Cambridge Network, Cambridge, England, April 29, 2002.

  • Stephen Fulling
    Talk given at the Texas Geometry and Topology Meeting, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas.

  • Susan Geller
    Poster presentation given, Research in Computational Molecular Biology, Washington DC, April 20, 2002.

  • David Larson
    Traveled to Lincoln, Nebraska to give a talk at the University of Nebraska.

  • Maurice Rojas
    Invited Seminar given at Algebra & Combinatorics Seminar, Texas A&M University, April 15, 2002.

  • William Rundell
    Traveled to Tunisia to present a talk and collaborate in ongoing research, March 7-18, 2002.

    Participated in the Institute for Mathematics and its Applications (IMA) Workshop 9: Inverse Problems and Quantification of Uncertainty in Minneapolis, MN, April 21-26, 2002.

  • Roger Smith
    Presented several talks at the University of California, April 21-28, 2002.

  • Emil Straube
    Presented a colloquium lecture at the University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming and collaborated in research with S. Fu, April 3-7, 2002.

  • Jay Walton
    Presented a seminar at the University of Florida, Ft. Walton Beach, April 21-23, 2002.

  • Catherine Yan
    Colloquium given at Southwest Texas State University San Marcos, TX.

    Applied Probability Seminar given, Texas A&M University.

May 2002

  • Marcelo Aguiar
    Gave a talk, Algebra Seminar at York University.

  • G. Donald Allen
    Gave a Workshop on Multimedia, Phoenix, AZ, May 18-24, 2002.

  • G.R. Blakley
    Attended the IEEE International Symposium on Severity and Privacy, May 11-16, 2002.

  • Huai-Dong Cao
    Departmental Colloquium, University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA.

    Differential Geometry Seminar, University of California San Diego, San Diego, CA.

  • Goong Chen
    Invited talk, "Chaos and Growth of Total Variations", Mathematics Research Center (CIMAT), Guanajuato, Mexico.

    Invited talk, "Introduction to Quantum Computation", Mathematics Research Center (CIMAT), Guanajuato, Mexico.

  • Prabir Daripa
    Invited colloquium talk, "Evolving interfaces and the algorithms for their computations," Institute of Mathematics, Romanian Academy of Sciences, Bucharest, Romania, May 30, 2002.

    Invited colloquium talk, "An overview of some fast algorithms: Recent and ongoing works and some open problems," Institute of Mathematics, Romanian Academy of Sciences, Bucharest, Romania, May 27, 2002.

  • Kenneth Dykema
    Gave a seminar at the University of Southern Denmark.

  • Yalchin Efendiev
    Colloquium talk given at the Exxon-Mobil Upstream Research Group.

  • Richard Ewing
    Colloquium talk "Homeland Security Needs", Senate Building, Washington, DC, May 21, 2002.

  • Susan Geller
    Statistics Colloquium, University of California, Davis, May 16, 2002.

  • Rostislav Grigorchuk
    Traveled to Lyon to give three talks at the Rencontres Mathematiques Workshop, May 3-4, 2002.

    Participated in workshop on Groups and Model Theory at Mons-Hainaut University (Belgium), May 21, 2002.

    Talk at Discrete Groups and Geometric Structures, with Applications, at K.U. Leuven Campus Kortrijk (Belgium), May 22-24, 2002.

  • Doug Hensley
    Gave talk at the Illinois Number Theory Conference.

  • William Johnson
    Talk given at the Sternfeld Memorial Conference, Haifa, Israel.

  • David Larson
    Presented the Plenary Address, Great Plains Operator Theory Symposium (GPOTS-2002), University of North Carolina, Charlotte, NC.

  • Michael Pilant
    Talk given at TEA, Austin - Web Based Assessment Tools, May 15, 2002.

  • Alexei Poltoratski
    Gave a series of 3 talks at the Mittag-Leffler Institute, Stockholm, Sweden.

  • Maurice Rojas
    Plenary Speaker at the CBMS Lecture Series on Solving Systems of Polynomial Equations, Texas A&M University, May 22, 2002.

    Invited talk given (jointly delivered with John Keyser), DARPA/NSF CARGO Kick-Off Meeting, Providence, Rhode Island, May 20, 2002.

  • William Rundell
    Attended the AMS, MAA, ASA and SIAM Workshop on Vertical Integrations of Research and Education in the Mathematical Sciences, Reston, VA, May 2-5, 2002.

    Attended the Annual Board meeting of the Institute of Physics (IOP), London, UK, May 15-19, 2002.

  • Roger Smith
    Traveled to Toronto, Canada to participate in the examination of a doctoral candidate, May 9-12, 2002.

  • Jay Walton
    Colloquium talk, University of Florida Graduate Engineering Research Center.

  • Jianxin Zhou
    Presented talk at the 4th International Conference on Dynamic Systems and Differential Equations, Wilmington, NC, May 24-27, 2002.

June 2002

  • G. Donald Allen
    Went to Houston, TX to attend the 3rd Chancellors Invitational, June 13-15, 2002.

    Traveled to Bowling Green, OH to give a seminar at Bowling Green State University, June 26-29, 2002.

  • Huai-Dong Cao
    Differential Geometry Seminar given, University of California Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA.

  • Goong Chen
    Presented a series of three talks at an NSF-sponsored conference as a major speaker, Flagstaff, AZ, June 5-9, 2002.

  • Richard Ewing
    CONACYT Presentation, Cozumel, Mexico, June 7, 2002.

    Colloquium talk given, Qatar Foundation, Doha, Qatar, June 15, 2002.

  • Susan Geller
    Talk given at the Western North American Region of the International Biometric Society, Los Angeles, CA, June 26, 2002.

  • Rostislav Grigorchuk
    Talk given at at conference in Harmonic Analysis organized by University of Rome "Tor Vergata" and University of Bari, Island Tremini, Italy, June 2-7, 2002.

    Participant, Conference on Analysis and Probability on Fractals, Cornell University, June 16-20, 2002.

    Talk given, Waves in Periodic and Random Media, Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, MA, June 22-28, 2002.

    Participant, Analysis on Graphs and Metric Spaces Conference, Paris, June 26-28 2002.

    Talk given at International Conference on Semigroups and Groups in Honor of the 65th Birthday of John Rhodes, Porto, Portugal, June 26-29, 2002.

    Traveled to South Hadley, MA to give a talk at the Joint Summer Research Conference in the Mathematical Sciences, Mount Holyoke College, June 22-28, 2002.

    Gave the Plenary Address, Romanian Operator Theory Conference (OT-19), Timisoara, Romania

  • David Larson
    Attended the International Symposium on Operator Theory and Applications. He presented a talk "Wavelets, Frames, and Operator Theory" in Timisoara, Romania, June 22-July 3, 2002.

  • Raytcho Lazarov
    Attended and gave an invited lecture at the Conference in Numerical Analysis, Krynica, Poland, June 5-9, 2002.

    Attended and give a presentation at the Third Int. Symposium on Finite Volumes for Complex Applications, Porquerolles, France, June 24-28, 2002.

  • Paulo Lima-Filho
    Gave a talk at the Minimal Varieties in Geometry and Physics Conference, Stony Brook, NY June 2002.

  • Joe Pasciak
    Talk given at the Workshop on Least-Squares Methods, Oberwolfach, DE, June 24, 2002.

  • Carl Pearcy
    Attended the KOTAC International Conference, July 4-8, 2002 to present a talk "On the Invariant Subspace Problem". He also collaborated in research with co-authors J.B. Jung and E. Ko in Taegu, S. Korea, June 27-August 1, 2002.

  • Guergana Petrova
    Attended and gave a talk at the International Conference: Constructive Function Theory, Varna, Bulgaria, June 19-23, 2002.

  • Alexei Poltoratski
    Invited speaker and gave a series of 4 talks at the NSF Conference in Complex Analysis, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC.

  • Maurice Rojas
    Invited Talk, Workshop on Zeta Functions and Associated Riemann Hypotheses, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, June 1, 2002.

  • Michael Stecher
    Traveled to Fort Collins, Colorado to be a reader for AP calculus exams, June 10-14, 2002.

    Presented a workshop for High School teachers of calculus on implementing "Maple" into the classroom, San Antonio, TX, June 19-20, 2002.

  • Catherine Yan
    Presented talk at the Canada Mathematical Society Conference, Summer meeting, Quebec, Canada.

  • Joel Zinn
    Invited talk, Euroconference on Stochastic Inequalities and their Applications, Barcelona, Spain.

    Invited talk, Third International Conference on High Dimensional Probability, Sandbjerg, Denmark.

July 2002

  • Marcelo Aguiar
    Contributed a talk at the 14th International Conference on Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics, University of Melbourne, Australia, July 2002.

  • G. Donald Allen
    Invited Presentation, CAMT (Conference for the Advancement of Mathematics Teaching), The TAMU online masters of mathematics degree program, July 10, 2002.

    Gave a workshop presentation in Houston, TX, "NASA Making Connections", July 20, 2002.

    Delivered a workshop on math technology, San Antonio, TX, July 31-August 1, 2002.

  • James H. Bramble
    Invited talk given "The Influence of Functional Analysis on the Theory of Finite Element Methods", SIAM 50th Anniversary Symposium, Philadelphia, PA.

  • Huai-Dong Cao
    Plenary Talk, Workshop on Geometric Evolution Equations, NCTS, Hsinchu, Taiwan

  • Prabir Daripa
    Invited talk, Modeling, Simulation, and Algorithms in Porous Media Flows, Minisymposium on "Forward and Inverse Problems in Multiphase Flow Through Porous Media", SIAM50 Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.

    Talk given, "Simulation of Hemodynamic Flows in Catheterized Artery," Special Session on "Biological Models - Physiology," SIAM50 Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.

  • Kenneth Dykema
    Gave a workshop at UCLA, CA, July 6-12, 2002.

  • Tamás Erdélyi
    Colloquium talk given at the Mathematics Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary.

  • Richard Ewing
    Research Conference talk, SIAM 50th Anniversary Conference, Philadelphia, PA, July 10, 2002.

  • Thomas Kiffe
    Organized the Stochastic Modeling Workshops conducted at the Science Academy of South Texas, Weslaco, TX, July 30-Aug 3, 2002.

  • Raytcho Lazarov
    Traveled to Livermore, CA to work at LLNL on a project with colleagues.

  • Francis Narcowich
    Hour talk given at the Workshop in Linear Analysis and Probability, Department of Mathematics, Texas A&M University, July 17, 2002.

  • Michael Pilant
    Gave a workshop at the MAA Conference, Burlington, VT, July 27-31, 2002.

  • Maurice Rojas
    Invited Tutorial Talk given at the Workshop on Algebraic Geometry and Geometric Modelling, Vilnius University, Lithuania, July 30, 2002.

  • Henry Schenck
    Invited talk, Symbolic Computational Algebra Conference, Ontario, Canada.

  • Vince Schielack
    Two presentations given at the Conference for the Advancement of Mathematics Teaching (CAMT), Dallas.

  • Thomas Schlumprecht
    Plenary speaker at the Workshop in PIMS Institute, Vancouver, Canada

    Plenary speaker at the Operator Theory and related areas, Timisoara, Romania.

  • Peter Stiller
    Invited speaker, SPIE International Conference, Vision Geometry XI, Seattle, WA, July 7-8, 2002.

  • Jay Walton
    Special Session, Symposium on Viscoelasticity in Composites in Honor of R. A. Schapery, 14th U.S. National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Blacksburg, VA.

    Special Session, Symposium in Honor of W.G. Knauss, 14th U.S. National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Blacksburg, VA.

  • Catherine Yan
    Two colloquiums given at Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, China.

  • Philip Yasskin
    Traveled to Waterloo, Ontario, Canada to attend a Maple Summer Workshop. He presented a talk "Publishing with Maple and LaTeX". Presented at poster "Vector Calculus Power Tool", July 27-31, 2002.

August 2002

  • G.R. Blakley
    Traveled to St. John, Newfoundland, Canada to attend SAC '02, August 15-16, 2002, then attended CRYPTO '02 in California, August 18-22, 2002.

  • Huai-Dong Cao
    Plenary Talk, Differential Geometry and Global Analysis (A Satellite Conference to International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM) 2002), Nankai University, Tianjin, China, August 16-18, 2002.

  • Yalchin Efendiev
    Traveled to Petrópolis, Brazil to give two talks in a special session, Computational Modeling of Multi-Scale Phenomena, August 5-9, 2002.

  • Richard Ewing
    Proposed agenda on Seminar: Science and Technology as an Engine for Economic Development in Mexico, Guanajuato, Mexico, August 2, 2002.

    Keynote Address given at the 2nd Symposium on Computational Modeling of Multi-scale Phenomena, Petropolis, Brazil, August 5, 2002.

    Plenary Lecture given at the Satellite Conference on Scientific Computing, International Congress on Mathematics 2002-Beijing, Xi'an, China, August 18, 2002.

    Talk at the Workshop: The State-of-the-art of Information Technology and its Impact on the Petroleum Industry, Petro China, Beijing, China, August 19, 2002.

    Talk given at the International Conference for Magne Espedal, Bergen, Norway.

  • Susan Geller
    Poster presentation given at the Annual Conference of the International Society for Computation Biology, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, August 4, 2002.

  • David Larson
    Participated in a mathematics conference at Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, August 5-8, 2002.

    Traveled to Hanoi, Vietnam and Singapore to give a talk at a math conference in Hanoi and a colloquium lecture in Singapore, August 8-27, 2002.

  • Raytcho Lazarov
    Traveled to Sofia, Bulgaria to attend the Fifth International Conference on Numerical Methods and Applications in Borovetz and to give an invited lecture at the Department of Mathematics, Sofia University, August 8-25, 2002.

  • Joe Pasciak
    Gave a talk at the Fifth International Conference on Numerical Methods and Appl., Borovets, Bulgaria, August 22, 2002.

  • Guergana Petrova
    Attended and gave a talk at the International Conference: Foundations of Computational Mathematics, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, August 5-11, 2002.

  • Gilles Pisier
    Plenary Speaker at the Satellite Conference of ICM on Operator Algebras, Chengde, China, August 14-18, 2002.

  • Alexei Poltoratski
    Hosted a session at the 11th Annual Analysis Meeting, Euler Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia.

  • Maurice Rojas
    Presented a plenary talk "Complexity and Rationality" at a Special Session of the 2002 Foundations of Computational Mathematics Conference in Minneapolis, MN, he also accepted an award from the Journal of Complexity, August 12-15, 2002.

  • Joseph Ward
    Collaborated with H. Mhaskar in research at the California State University, Los Angeles, CA, August 26-31, 2002.

  • Catherine Yan
    Presented talk at the International Congress of Mathematicians, Beijing, China.

  • Jianxin Zhou
    Presented talk at the ICM2002 Satellite Conference on Nonlinear Functional Analysis, Tianyuan, China, August 14-18, 2002.

    Colloquium talk, Dept. Math., Shanghai University, Shanghai, China, August 12, 2002.

    Colloquium talk, Dept. Math., Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai, China, August 20, 2002.

September 2002

  • G. Donald Allen
    Invited Presentation, Sam Houston State University, September 27, 2002.

  • Harold Boas
    Attended the Conference on Several Complex Variables and Complex Geometry, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, September 19-22, 2002.

  • Huai-Dong Cao
    Geometric Analysis Seminar given, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN.

  • Goong Chen
    Poster presentation (no talk), at the DARPA QuIST (Quantum Information Science and Technology) Annual Technical Briefing, Boston, MA.

  • Susan Geller
    Participated in the Bioinformatics Forum, a colloquium series of the Medical School, University of Pennsylvania, September 25, 2002.

  • Gilles Pisier
    Invited speaker at the Conference on Banach Spaces (in honour of Pelczynki's 70th birthday) Bedlewo, Poland, September 2002.

  • Maurice Rojas
    Invited Seminar given at Algebra & Combinatorics Seminar, Texas A&M University, September 2, 2002.

  • Emil Straube
    Attended the Conference on Several Complex Variables and Complex Geometry in honor of the 70th birthdays of Robert Gunning and Joseph Kohn, to present a talk "Schrödinger Operators, Potential Theory, and the Neumann Problems", Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, September 17-22, 2002.

October 2002

  • G. Donald Allen
    Invited Presession (3 hrs), ICTCM, Using Digital Imaging Technologies to Teach Mathematics Concepts, Orlando, FL, October 30, 2002.

  • Goong Chen
    Invited talk "Mathematical Models of Quantum Computing Devices", in the conference "New Trends in Nonlinear Dynamics and Control and Their Applications" sponsored by NSF/AFOSR, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA.

    Invited major talk "Mathematical Models on Contemporary Elementary Quantum Computing Devices", in the conference "Quantum Control, Mathematical and Numerical Challenges", CRM (Centre de Recherches Mathematiques", Université de Montréal, October 5-10, 2002, Montréal, Canada.

  • Arthur M. Hobbs
    Traveled to Morgantown, WV to give a colloquium talk and collaborate in research with colleagues, October 29-November 3, 2002.

  • Bruce Lowe
    Presented a talk to North Harris College Math. Club titled "Determining the Value of Stock Options", Houston, TX, October 16, 2002.

  • Joe Pasciak
    Gave a talk at the University of Houston, October 3, 2002.

  • Jon Pitts
    Attended the Southern Association of colleges and schools work session in Atlanta, GA, October 3-4, 2002.

    Traveled to Austin, TX to attend the Texas Geometry and Topology Conference, October 11-13, 2002.

  • Alexei Poltoratski
    Talk given at the Conference on Spaces of Holomorphic Functions, Marseille, France.

  • Maurice Rojas
    Invited Seminar given at Number Theory Seminar, University of California, Berkeley, October 9, 2002.

  • Henry Schenck
    Talk given at the University of Nebraska.

    Algebra Seminar given at the University of Nebraska.

  • Jane Schielack
    Talk given at the Annual Conference of the Association of Science and Technology Centers (ASTC), Charlotte, NC.

  • Peter Stiller
    Invited speaker (Selected by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research as the Featured Speaker in the Automatic Target Recognition Emphasis Area), Air Force Scientific Advisory Board, Wright Patterson AFB, Dayton, Ohio, October 10, 2002.

    Invited participant, Air Force Research Laboratory - Automatic Target Recognition Workshop, University of Dayton, Dayton, Ohio, October 11, 2002.

  • Leon van Wyk
    Traveled to Lafayette, LA to present a colloquium at the University of Louisiana, Department of Mathematics, October 10-11, 2002.

  • Jay Walton
    Special Session, Symposium on Dynamic Fracture, 39th Annual Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science, State College, PA.

  • Jianxin Zhou
    Colloquium talk, Departmental Applied Math Seminar, Math. Dept., Texas A&M University.

November 2002

  • G. Donald Allen
    Invited Presession, ICTCM, Using Flash to Develop Advanced Mathematics Animations, Orlando, FL, November 1, 2002.

    Invited Presentations (4 hrs), RGVCTM (Rio Grande Valley Council on Teaching Mathematics), Using Animations in Mathematics Instruction, McAllen, TX, November 16, 2002.

  • Huai-Dong Cao
    Gave Departmental Colloquium, University of California Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA.

  • Goong Chen
    Invited talk "Boundary Element Method for Semilinear Elliptic Boundary Value Problems", Oberwolfach Mathematics Conference on Boundary Element Methods, Oberwolfach, Germany.

  • Prabir Daripa
    Invited talk, "A Domain Embedding/Boundary Control Method to Solve Elliptic Problems in Arbitrary Domains," minisymposium talk at 41st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Las Vegas, Nevada, December 10-13, 2002.

    Invited colloquium talk, "Role of Classical Methods for Application Driven Algorithms," at the "National Symposium on Mathematical Methods and Applications" (On the Occasion of Mathematician Srinivas Ramanujan's Birthday), Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai, India, December 21, 2002.

    Invited colloquium talk, "Some Modern Trends in Simulation of Porous Media Flows,'' Physics and Applied Mathematics Division, Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta, India, December 31, 2002.

  • Kenneth Dykema
    Gave a seminar talk at State College, PA and consulted with colleagues, November 7-12, 2002.

  • Stephen Fulling
    Attended a workshop on Casimir Forces, November 14-16, 2002 and presented a talk "Systematics of the Relation between Heat-Kernel Coefficients and Vacuum Energy".

  • Susan Geller
    Traveled to New Brunswick, NJ to collaborate in research with colleagues at Rutgers University, November 22, 2002.

  • David Larson
    Gave a talk, AMS Special Session on Wavelets, Frames and Operator Theory, Orlando, FL.

  • Raytcho Lazarov
    Attended and gave a presentation at the 982nd AMS Meeting, Orlando, Florida, November 9-10, 2002.

  • Gilles Pisier
    Colloquium, Besancon, France, November 2002.

  • Jon Pitts
    Invited talk given at the System Symposium, Corpus Christi, TX, November 18-19, 2002.

  • Maurice Rojas
    Invited Seminar given at Special Seminar in Algebra and Computation, Rice University, November 26, 2002.

  • Henry Schenck
    Invited talk, Contemporary Algebra and Algebraic Geometry Conference, Texas Tech University.

  • Jane Schielack
    Presented two talks at the Governor's Conference on Science, Technology, and Mathematics Education, Austin, TX.

  • Thomas Schlumprecht
    Traveled to Toronto, Canada to organize a Mathematics Conference, Fields Institute, November 10-23, 2002.

December 2002

  • Huai-Dong Cao
    Plenary Talk, Pacific Rim Geometry Conference, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, December 16-19, 2002.

    Geometry and Analysis Seminar, Columbia University, New York, NY.

  • Rostislav Grigorchuk
    Talk given at Conference on Dynamical Systems in memory of V.A. Alekseev, December 23-28, Moscow, 2002.

  • William Johnson
    Colloquium given at Catholic University.

  • Jon Pitts
    Presenter of several talks at the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Annual meeting, New Orleans, LA, December 7-9, 2002.

  • Joel Zinn
    Traveled to Newark, Delaware and Storrs, Connecticut to give a seminar at the University of Delaware and consult with W. li (Delaware) and E. Giné Univ. of Connecticut, December 12-23, 2002.

Last modified August 24, 2009 by RLC.

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