TAMU Math Publications 2002
Marcelo Aguiar
M. Aguiar, Infinitesimal Hopf algebras and the cd-index of polytopes, Discrete Comput. Geom. 27 (2002), no. 1, 3-28.
Michael Anshelevich
M. Anshelevich, Free stochastic measures via noncrossing partitions. II, Pacific J. Math. 207 (2002), no. 1, 13-30.
M. Anshelevich, Itô formula for free stochastic integrals, J. Funct. Anal. 188 (2002), no. 1, 292-315.
Gregory Berkolaiko
G. Berkolaiko, H. Schanz, and R.S. Whitney, Leading off-diagonal correction to the form factor of large graphs, Phys. Rev. Lett. 82 (2002), 104101.
Harold P. Boas
H.P. Boas, The amateur professor, Notices Amer. Math. Soc. 49 (2002), 1053.
H.P. Boas, Facts and the existence of reality (letter to the editor), The Chronicle of Higher Education, The Chronicle Review p. B4, March 15 2002.
James H. Bramble
J.H. Bramble, J.E. Pasciak, and O. Steinbach, On the stability of the L2 projection in H1, Math. Comp. 71 (2002), 147-156.
C. Bacuta, J.H. Bramble, and J.E. Pasciak, Shift theorems for the biharmonic Dirichlet problem, Recent Progress in Computational and Applied PDEs (Zhangjiajie, 2001), 1-26, Kluwer/Plenum, New York, 2002.
Tullio Ceccherini-Silberstein
T.G. Ceccherini-Silberstein and W. Woess, Growth and ergodicity of context-free languages, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 354 (2002), no. 11, 4597-4625 (electronic).
L. Bartholdi and T.G. Ceccherini-Silberstein, Growth series and random walks on some hyperbolic graphs, Monatsh. Math. 136 (2002), no. 3, 181-202.
T.G. Ceccherini-Silberstein, On the Grigorchuk-Kurchanov conjecture, Manuscripta Math. 107 (2002), no. 4, 451-461.
L. Bartholdi and T.G. Ceccherini-Silberstein, Salem numbers and growth series of some hyperbolic graphs, Geom. Dedicata 90 (2002), 107-114.
Panagiotis Chatzipantelidis
I. Babuska and P. Chatzipantelidis, On solving elliptic stochastic partial differential equations, Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. 191 (2002), no. 37-38, 4093-4122.
P. Chatzipantelidis, Finite volume methods for elliptic PDE's: a new approach, M2AN Math. Model. Numer. Anal. 36 (2002), no. 2, 307-324.
Goong Chen
C.M. Bowden, G. Chen, Z. Diao, and A. Klappenecker, The universality of the quantum Fourier transform in forming the basis of quantum computing algorithms, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 274/1 (2002), 69-80.
R.K. Brylinski and G. Chen (eds.), Mathematics of Quantum Computation, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, April 2002, approx. 420 pp.
G. Chen, S.A. Fulling, and J. Chen, Generalization of Grover's algorithm to multiobject search in quantum computing, Part I. Continuous time and discrete time, Chapter 6 in Mathematics of Quantum Computation, R. Brylinski and G. Chen (eds.), CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2002, pp. 135-160.
G. Chen, S.B. Hsu, and T.W. Huang, Analyzing the displacement terms memory effect to prove the chaotic vibration of the wave equation, Int. J. Bifur. Chaos 12 (2002), 965-981.
G. Chen, S.B. Hsu, and J. Zhou, Nonisotropic spatiotemporal chaotic vibration of the wave equation due to mixing energy transport and a van der Pol boundary condition, Internat. J. Bifur. Chaos 12 (2002), 535-559.
G. Chen and S. Sun, Generalization of Grover's algorithm to multiobject search in quantum computing, Part I. General unitary transformations, Chapter 7 in Mathematics of Quantum Computation, R. Brylinski and G. Chen (eds.), CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2002, pp. 161-168.
Z. Diao, M.S. Zubairy, and G. Chen, Quantum circuit design for Grover's algorithm, Zeitschrift für Naturforschung 57a (2002), 701-708.
Paula Cohen
P. Cohen and A.J. van der Poorten, Ideal constructions and irrationality measures of roots of algebraic numbers, Illinois J. Math. 46 (Spring 2002), no. 1.
P. Cohen and G. Wüstholz: Applications of the André-Oort Conjecture to some questions in transcendence, in A Panorama in Number Theory, A View from Baker's Garden, CUP, G. Wüstholz (ed.), (2002), pp. 89-106.
P. Cohen and U. Zannier, Fewnomials and intersections of lines with real analytic subgroups in Gnm, Bull. London Math. Soc. 34 (2002), 21-32.
Prabir Daripa
P. Daripa and L. Badea, A domain embedding/boundary control method to solve elliptic problems in arbitrary domains, Proc. 41st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Las Vegas, Nevada, December 10-13, 2002.
P. Daripa and L. Badea, A fast algorithm for two-dimensional elliptic problems, Numer. Algorithms 30(3-4) (2002), 199-239.
P. Daripa, A. Chakrabarti, and S. Roy, An inverse problem for the Helmholtz equation involving two semi-infinite fluids, Inverse Probl. Sci. Eng. 10(3) (2002), 203-214.
P. Daripa, B. Dandapat, and P.C. Ray, Thin liquid film flow on a rotating annular disk: Asymptotic solution, ASME paper, Fifth Intl. Symp. on Numer. Methods. for Multiphase Flow, Montreal, Canada, July 14-18, 2002.
P. Daripa and R. Dash, Analytical and numerical studies of a singularly perturbed Boussinesq equation, Appl. Math. Comput. 126(1) (2002), 1-30.
P. Daripa and R. Dash, A numerical study of pulsatile blood flow in an eccentric catheterized artery using a fast algorithm, J. Engrg. Math. 42(1) (2002), 1-16.
P. Daripa and D. Palaniappan, Exterior stokes flows with stick-slip boundary conditions, ZAMP 53(2) (2002), 281-307.
Michel Destrade
M. Destrade, Small-amplitude inhomogeneous plane waves in a deformed Mooney-Rivlin material, Quart. J. Mech. Appl. Math. 55 (2002), 109-126.
M. Destrade and M. Hayes, Circularly polarized plane waves in a deformed Hadamard material, Wave Motion 35(4) (2002), 289-309.
M. Destrade, P.A. Martin, and T.C.T. Ting, The incompressible limit in linear anisotropic elasticity, with applications to surface waves and elastostatics, J. Mech. Phys. Solids 50 (2002), 1453-1468.
Ronald DeVore
R.A. DeVore, Adaptive numerical methods for PDEs, Canum 2000: Actes du 32e Congrés National d'Analyse Numérique (Port d'Albret), 97-116, ESAIM Proc., 11, Soc. Math. Appl. Indust., Paris, 2002.
P. Binev, W. Dahmen, R. DeVore, and P. Petrushev, Approximation classes for adaptive methods, Dedicated to the memory of Vassil Popov on the occasion of his 60th birthday, Serdica Math. J. 28 (2002), no. 4, 391-416.
A. Cohen, W. Dahmen and R. DeVore, Adaptive wavelet methods. II. Beyond the elliptic case, Found. Comput. Math. 2 (2002), no. 3, 203-245.
R.G. Baraniuk, R.A. DeVore, G. Kyriazis, and X.M. Yu, Near best tree approximation, Adv. Comput. Math. 16 (2002), no. 4, 357-373.
Pandelis Dodos
P. Dodos, On continuity and selections of multifunctions, Bull. Austral. Math. Soc. 65 (2002), no. 3, 407-422.
Ken Dykema
N. Brown, K.J. Dykema, and D. Shlyakhtenko, Topological entropy of free product automorphisms, Acta Math. 189 (2002), 1-35.
K.J. Dykema, Purely infinite, simple C*-algebras arising from free product constructions, II, Math. Scand. 90 (2002), 73-86.
K.J. Dykema, Free subproducts and free scaled products of II1-factors, J. Funct. Anal. 194 (2002), 142-180.
Yalchin Efendiev
Y. Efendiev, H. Struchtrup, M. Luskin, and M.R. Zachariah, A hybrid sectional-moment model for coagulation and phase segregation in binary liquid nanodroplets, J. Nanoparticle Res. 4 (2002), 61-72.
Y. Efendiev and M.R. Zachariah, Hybrid Monte-Carlo method for simulation of two-component aerosol coagulation and phase segregation, J. Colloid Interface Sci. 249(1) (2002), 30-43.
X.H. Wu, Y. Efendiev, and T. Hou, Analysis of upscaling absolute permeability, Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. 2(2) (2002), 185-204.
Tamás Erdélyi
T. Erdélyi, Markov-Bernstein type inequalities for polynomials under Erdös-type constraints, Paul Erdös and His Mathematics I, Bolyai Society Mathematical Studies, 11, Gábor Halász, László Lovász, Dezsö Miklós, and Vera T. Sós (eds.), Springer Verlag, New York, 2002, pp. 219-239.
T. Erdélyi, Polynomials with Littlewood-type coefficient constraints, Approximation Theory X: Abstract and Classical Analysis, C.K. Chui, L.L. Schumaker, and J. Stöckler (eds.), Vanderbilt University Press, Nashville, TN, 2002, pp. 153-196.
T. Erdélyi and J. Szabados, Bernstein-type inequalities for polynomials with constrained roots, Acta Math. Szeged 8 (2002), 163-178.
T. Erdélyi and J. Szabados, On a generalization of the Bernstein-Markov inequality, Algebra i Analiz (St. Petersburg Math. J.) 14 (2002), 36-53.
Richard Ewing
R.E. Ewing, Upscaling of biological processes and multiphase flow in highly heterogeneous porous media, Confinement and Remediation of Environmental Hazards Resource, Recovery, IMA Volumes in Mathematics and its Applications, 131, J. Chadam, A. Cunningham, R.E. Ewing, P. Ortoleva, and M.F. Wheeler (eds.), Springer-Verlag, New York, 2002, pp. 57-80.
R.E. Ewing, Upscaling of biological processes and multiphase flow in porous media, Fluid Flow and Transport in Porous Media: Mathematical and Numerical Treatment, Contemporary Mathematics 295, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, Rhode Island, 2002, 195-216.
R.E. Ewing, Z. Chen, Q. Jiang, and A. Spagnuolo, Degenerate two-phase incompressible flow V: characteristic finite element methods, J. Numer. Math. 10 (2) (2002), 87-107.
R.E. Ewing, T. Lin, and Y. Lin, On the accuracy of the finite volume element method based on piecewise linear polynomials, SIAM J. Num. Anal. 39 (2002), no. 6, 1865-1888.
R.E. Ewing and T. Sun, Long-time error estimation and stability-smoothing indicators, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete Impulsive Syst. 9 (2002), 115-129.
R.E. Ewing, H. Wang, J. Liu, and M.S. Espedal, A Eulerian-Lagrangian substructuring domain decomposition method for multidimensional, unsteady-state advection-diffusion equations, Fluid Flow and Transport in Porous Media: Mathematical and Numerical Treatment, Contemporary Mathematics 295, Amer. Math. Society, Providence, Rhode Island, 2002, pp. 469-480.
R.E. Ewing, J. Wang, S.L. Weeks, and Y. Yang, A numerical simulation of multicomponent gas flow in porous media by projection methods, Fluid Flow and Transport in Porous Media: Mathematical and Numerical Treatment, Contemporary Mathematics 295, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, Rhode Island, 2002, pp. 217-228.
R.E. Ewing, H. Wang, W. Zhao, S.L. Lyons, and G. Qin, An ELLAM simulator for highly compressible flow in porous media with multiple wells, Fluid Flow and Transport in Porous Media: Mathematical and Numerical Treatment, Contemporary Mathematics 295, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, Rhode Island, 2002, pp. 481-488.
H. Wang, D. Liang, R.E. Ewing, S.L. Lyons, and G. Qin, An ELLAM approximation for highly compressible multicomponent flows in porous media, Locally conservative numerical methods for flow in porous media, Comput. Geosci. 6 (2002), nos. 3-4, 227-251.
Z. Chen, R.E. Ewing, Q, Jiang, and A.M. Spagnuolo, Error analysis for characteristics-based methods for degenerate parabolic problems, SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 40 (2002), no. 4, 1491-1515 (electronic).
Z. Chen, R.E. Ewing, H. Lu, S.L. Lyons, S. Maliassov, M.B. Ray, and T. Sun, Integrated two-dimensional modeling of fluid flow and compaction in a sedimentary basin, Locally conservative numerical methods for flow in porous media, Comput. Geosci. 6 (2002), nos. 3-4, 545-564.
R.E. Ewing, Y. Lin, T. Sun, J. Wang, and S. Zhang, Sharp L2-error estimates and superconvergence of mixed finite element methods for non-Fickian flows in porous media, SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 40 (2002), no. 4, 1538-1560 (electronic).
R.E. Ewing, M. Liu, and J. Wang, A new superconvergence for mixed finite element approximations, SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 40 (2002), no. 6, 2133-2150 (electronic) (2003).
Junsheng Fang
Y. Cao, J. Fang, and C. Jiang, K-groups of Banach algebras and strongly irreducible decompositions of operators, J. Operator Theory 48 (2002), no. 2, 235-253.
Ciprian Foias
C. Foias and C.R. Doering, Energy dissipation in body-forced turbulence, J. Fluid Mech. 467 (2002), 289-306.
C. Foias, D.D. Holm, and E.S. Titi, The three dimensional viscous Camassa-Holm equations, and their relation to the Navier-Stokes equations and turbulence theory, J. Dynam. Differential Equation 14 (2002), no. 1, 1-35.
C. Foias, A.E. Frazho, and M.A. Kaashoek, Relaxation of metric constrained interpolation and a new lifting theorem, Integral Equations Operator Theory 42 (2002), no. 3, 253-310.
C. Foias A.E. Frazho, and M.A. Kaashoek, Contractive liftings and the commutator, C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris 335 (2002), no. 5, 431-436.
C. Foias, M.S. Jolly, and W.-S. Li, Nevanlinna-Pick interpolation of attractors, Nonlinearity 15 (2002), no. 6, 1881-1903.
C. Foias, M.S. Jolly, O.P. Manley, and R. Rosa, Statistical estimates for the Navier-Stokes equations and the Kraichnan theory of 2-D fully developed turbulence, J. Statist. Phys. 108 (2002), nos. 3-4, 591-656.
Stephen A. Fulling
G. Chen, S.A. Fulling, and J. Chen, Generalization of Grover's algorithm to multiobject search in quantum computing, Part I. Continuous time and discrete time, in Mathematics of Quantum/ Computation, G. Chen and R. Brylinski (eds.) CRC Press, Boca Raton, 2002, pp. 135-160.
B.G. Englert, S.A. Fulling, and M.D. Pilloff, Statistics of dressed modes in a thermal state, Optics Commun. 208 (2002), 139-144.
R. Estrada and S.A. Fulling, How singular functions define distributions, J. Phys. A 35 (2002), 3079-3089.
S.A. Fulling, Periodic orbits, spectral oscillations, scaling, and vacuum energy: beyond HaMiDeW, Proc. International Meeting on Quantum Gravity and Spectral Geometry, (Naples, 2001), Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 104, (2002), pp. 161-164.
S.A. Fulling, Transgressing the boundaries of quantum computation: a contribution to the hermeneutics of the NMR paradigm, in Mathematics of Quantum Computation, G. Chen and R. Brylinski (eds.) CRC Press, Boca Raton, 2002, pp. 367-381.
S.A. Fulling, Spectral oscillations, periodic orbits, and scaling, J. Phys. A 35 (2002), 4049-4066.
S.A. Fulling, book review of Mathematical Quantization by N. Weaver, SIAM Rev. 44 (2002), 489-490.
S.A. Fulling, Letter to the Editor [concerning the pronunciation of "Cramer's Rule"], Math. Mag. 75 (2002), 11.
Sue Geller
S, Geller, L. Zhou, J. Gregg, P. Hagerman, and D.M. Rocke, Measurement error and reproducibility of affymetrix microarray data with application to autism, (extended abstract), Currents in Computational Molecular Biology 2002, L. Florea, B. Walenz, and S. Hannenhalli (eds.), RECOMB2002, 2002, pp. 68-69.
K.L. Hughes, M.R. Slater, S. Geller, W.J. Burkholder, and C. Fitzgerald, Diet and lifestyle variables as risk factors for chronic renal failure in pet cats, Preventive Veterinary Medicine 55 (2002), 1-15.
Rostislav Grigorchuk
L. Bartholdi and R.I. Grigorchuk, On parabolic subgroups and Hecke algebras of some fractal groups, Serdica Math. J. 28 (2002), 47-90.
R.I. Grigorchuk and I. Lysenok, Burnside problem, in The Concise Handbook of Algebra, A.V. Mikhalev and G.F. Pilz (eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002, pp. 111-115.
R.I. Grigorchuk and A. Zuk, On a torsion-free weakly branch group defined by a three state automaton, Internat. J. Algebra Comput. 12 (2002), 223-246.
R.I. Grigorchuk and A. Zuk, Spectral properties of a torsion-free branch group defined by a three state automaton, Contemp. Math. 298 (2002), 57-82.
Jean-Luc Guermond
A. Ern and J.-L. Guermond, Éléments finis: théorie, applications, mise en œuvre, (French) [Finite elements: theory, applications, implementation] Mathématiques & Applications (Berlin) [Mathematics & Applications], 36, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2002, x+430 pp.
J.-L. Guermond and P.D. Minev, Mixed finite element approximation of an MHD problem involving conducting and insulating regions: the 2D case, M2AN Math. Model. Numer. Anal. 36 (2002), no. 3, 517-536.
J.-L. Guermond, C. Migeon, G. Pineau, and L. Quartapelle, Start-up flows in a three-dimensional rectangular driven cavity of aspect ratio 1 : 1 : 2 at Re=1000, J. Fluid Mech. 450 (2002), 169-199.
Joe Hartfiel
D.J. Hartfiel, Nonhomogeneous Matrix Products (in part a monograph), World Scientific, 2002, 224 pp.
Doug Hensley
D.J. Hensley, On the spectrum of the transfer operator for continued fractions with restricted partial quotients, Number Theory for the Millennium, Bennett, Berndt, Boston, Diamond, Hildebrand, Phillipp, and A.K. Peters (eds.), Natick, MA, 2002, pp. 175-194.
D.J. Hensley, A two-three page contribution to: Supplement III Encyclopedia of Mathematics Managing, M. Hazewinkel (ed.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002 Dickman function, pp. 123-125.
Christopher Hillar
C.R. Johnson and C.J. Hillar, Eigenvalues of words in two positive definite letters, SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl. 23 (2002), no. 4, 916-928 (electronic).
C.J. Hillar, C.R. Johnson, and I.M. Spitkovsky, Positive eigenvalues and two-letter generalized words, Electron. J. Linear Algebra 9 (2002), 21-26 (electronic).
Arthur Hobbs
A.M. Hobbs, Review of Laubenbacher and Pengelley's mathematical expeditions - chronicles by the explorers, Amer. Math. Monthly 109 (2002), 767-770.
Peter Howard
P. Howard, Local tracking and stability for degenerate viscous shock waves, J. Differential Equations 186 (2002), 440-469.
P. Howard, Pointwise estimates and stability for degenerate viscous shock waves, J. reine angew. Math. 545 (2002), 19-65.
Tingwen Huang
G. Chen, S.-B. Hsu, and T. Huang, Analyzing displacement term's memory effect in a van der Pol type boundary condition to prove chaotic vibration of the wave equation, Chaos Control and Synchronization (Shanghai, 2001), Internat. J. Bifur. Chaos Appl. Sci. Engrg. 12 (2002), no. 5, 965-981.
William Johnson
W.B. Johnson, J. Lindenstrauss, D. Preiss, and G. Schechtman, Lipschitz quotients from metric trees and from Banach spaces containing l1, J. Funct. Anal. 194 (2002), 332-346.
W.B. Johnson, J. Lindenstrauss, D. Preiss, and G. Schechtman, Almost Frechet differentiability of Lipschitz mappings between infinite dimensional Banach spaces, Proc. London Math. Soc. 84 (2002), no. 3, 711-746.
David Kerr
D. Kerr and C. Pinzari, Noncommutative pressure and the variational principle in Cuntz-Krieger-type C*-algebras, J. Funct. Anal. 188 (2002), no. 1, 156-215.
Thomas Kiffe
T. Kiffe and J. Matis, On the Use of Time Lags and Time-Dependent Transfers in Compartmental Systems, Adv. Stochastic Modelling, Notable Publications, New Jersey, 2002, pp. 109-138.
T. Kiffe and J. Matis, On interacting bee/mite populations, a stochastic model with analysis using cumulant truncation, Environ. Ecological Stat. 9 (2002), 237-258.
Peter Kuchment
P. Kuchment, Graph models of wave propagation in thin structures, Waves in Random Media 12 (2002), no. 4, R1-R24.
P. Kuchment and L. Kunyansky, Differential operators on graphs and photonic crystals, Adv. Comp. Math. 16 (2002), nos. 2-3, 263-290.
P. Kuchment and S. Levendorskii, On the structure of spectra of periodic elliptic operators, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 354 (2002), 537-569.
Joseph Landsberg
J.M. Landsberg and L. Manivel, Triality, exceptional Lie algebras and Deligne dimension formulas, Adv. Math. 171 (2002), no. 1, 59-85.
J.M. Landsberg and L. Manivel, Construction and classification of complex simple Lie algebras via projective geometry, Selecta Math. (N.S.) 8 (2002), no. 1, 137-159.
David Larson
M. Frank and D.R. Larson, Frames in Hilbert C*-modules and C*-algebras, J. Operator Theory 48 (2002), 273-314.
Raytcho Lazarov
P. Chatzipantelidis and R.D. Lazarov, The finite volume element method in nonconvex domains, Finite Volumes for Complex Applications III, R. Herbin and D. Kroner (eds.), Hermes Penton Science, 2002, pp. 171-178.
T.I. Chernogorova, R.E. Ewing, O.P. Iliev, and R.D. Lazarov, On finite volume discretzation of elliptic interface problem, Finite Volumes for Complex Applications III, R. Herbin and D. Kroner (eds.), Hermes Penton Science, 2002, pp. 301-308.
R.D. Lazarov, Bramble-Hilbert lemma, in Supplement 3 of the Encyclopaedia of Mathematics, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002, pp. 79-81.
R.D. Lazarov and S.Z. Tomov, A posteriori error estimates for finite volume element approximations of convection-diffusion-reaction equations, Technical Report ISC-00-02-MATH, Texas A&M University, Comput. Geosci. 6(3-4) (2002), 483-503.
R.D. Lazarov and P.S. Vassilevski, Numerical methods for convection-diffusion problems on general grids , Approximation Theory, A Volume Dedicated to Blagovest Sendov, B. Bojanov (ed.), Darba, Sofia, 2002, pp. 258-283.
Jean-Marie Linhart
J.M. Linhart and L.A. Sadun, Lorenzo, Fast and slow blowup in the S2 σ-model and the (4+1)-dimensional Yang-Mills model, Nonlinearity 15 (2002), no. 2, 219-238.
Josef Málek
J. Málek and D. Pražák, On the dimension of the global attractor for the modified Navier-Stokes equations. Nonlinear problems in mathematical physics and related topics, II, 267-283, Int. Math. Ser. (N.Y.), 2, Kluwer/Plenum, New York, 2002.
J. Frehse, S. Goj, and J. Málek, A Stokes-like system for mixtures, nonlinear problems in mathematical physics and related topics, II, 119-136, Int. Math. Ser. (N.Y.), 2, Kluwer/Plenum, New York, 2002.
J. Málek, J. Nečas, and K.R. Rajagopal, Global analysis of the flows of fluids with pressure-dependent viscosities, Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal. 165 (2002), no. 3, 243-269.
P. Kaplický, J. Málek, and J. Stará, Global-in-time Hölder continuity of the velocity gradients for fluids with shear-dependent viscosities, NoDEA Nonlinear Differential Equations Appl. 9 (2002), no. 2, 175-195.
J. Málek, J. Nečas, and K.R. Rajagopal, Global existence of solutions for flows of fluids with pressure and shear dependent viscosities, Appl. Math. Lett. 15 (2002), no. 8, 961-967.
J. Málek and D. Pražák, Large time behavior via the method of l-trajectories, J. Differential Equations 181 (2002), no. 2, 243-279.
P. Kaplický, J. Málek, and J. Stará, C1,α-solutions to a class of nonlinear fluids in two dimensions—stationary Dirichlet problem, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. S.-Peterburg. Otdel. Mat. Inst. Steklov. (POMI) 259 (1999), Kraev. Zadachi Mat. Fiz. i Smezh. Vopr. Teor. Funkts. 30, 89-121, 297; translation in J. Math. Sci. (New York) 109 (2002), no. 5, 186-189.
Laura Matusevich
F.A. Grünbaum and L.F. Matusevich, Explicit inversion formulas for a model in diffuse tomography, Adv. Appl. Math. 29 (2002), no. 2, 172-183.
Carlton Maxson
C.J. Maxson, Covered and Fibered Groups, The Concise Handbook of Algebra, Kluwer Academic Publisher, Dordrecht, 2002.
C.J. Maxson, Forcing linearity numbers for projective modules, J. Algebra 251 (2002), 1-11.
C.J. Maxson and J.H. Meyers, Forcing linearity numbers for modules over simple domains, Resultate der Math. 42 (2002), 114-121.
C.J. Maxson and A.B. van der Merwe, Forcing linearity numbers for modules over rings with nontrivial idempotents, J. Algebra 256 (2002), 66-84.
Francis Narcowich
F.J. Narcowich, N. Sivakumar, and J.D. Ward, On convergent interpolatory processes associated with periodic-basis functions, Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged) 68 (2002), 133-161.
H.N. Mhaskar, F.J. Narcowich, N. Sivakumar, and J.D. Ward, Approximation with Interpolatory Constraints, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 130 (2002), 1355-1364.
F.J. Narcowich, R. Schaback, and J.D. Ward, Approximation in Sobolev spaces by kernel expansions, J. Approx. Theory 114 (2002), 70-83.
F.J. Narcowich and J.D. Ward, Scattered-data interpolation on spheres: error estimates and locally supported basis functions, SIAM J. Math. Anal. 33 (2002), 1393-1410.
Volodymyr Nekrashevych
V.V. Nekrashevych, Virtual endomorphisms of groups, Algebra Discrete Math. (2002), no. 1, 88-12.
Y. Lavreniuk and V.V. Nekrashevych, Rigidity of branch groups acting on rooted trees, Geom. Dedicata 89 (2002), 159-179.
Devanayagam Palaniappan
D. Palaniappan, Electrostatics of two intersecting conducting cylinders, Lyapunov's methods in stability and control, Math. Comput. Modelling 36 (2002), no. 7-8, 821-830.
D. Palaniappan and P. Daripa, Exterior Stokes flows with stick-slip boundary conditions, Z. Angew. Math. Phys. 53 (2002), no. 2, 281-307.
Matthew Papanikolas
K. Ono and M.A. Papanikolas, Quadratic twists of modular forms and elliptic curves, Number Theory for the Millennium, III (Urbana, IL, 2000), A.K. Peters (ed.), Natick, MA, 2002, pp. 73-85.
W.D. Brownawell and M.A. Papanikolas, Linear independence of gamma values in positive characteristic, J. Reine Angew. Math. 549 (2002), 91-148.
M.A. Papanikolas, Universal norms on abelian varieties over global function fields, J. Number Theory 94 (2002), no. 2, 326-342.
Javier Parcet
J.J. Marco and J. Parcet, On the natural representation of S(Ω) into L2(P(Ω)): discrete harmonics and Fourier transform, J. Combin. Theory Ser. A 100 (2002), no. 1, 153-175.
Joe Pasciak
J.H. Bramble, J.E. Pasciak, and O. Steinbach, On the stability of the L2 projection in H1(Ω), Math. Comp. 71 (2002), 147-156.
J.E. Pasciak and J. Zhao, Overlapping Schwarz methods in H(curl) on polyhedral domains, J. Numer. Math. 10 (2002), 221-234.
Guergana Petrova
S. Karni, A. Kurganov, and G. Petrova, A smoothness indicator for adaptive algorithms for hyperbolic systems, J. Comput. Phys. 178, (2) (2002), 323-341.
Gilles Pisier
G. Pisier, F.L. Nazarov, S. Treil, and A.L. Volberg, Sharp estimates for Carleson imbedding theorem and for vector paraproducts, J. für die Reine und Angew. Math. 542 (2002), 147-171.
G. Pisier and D. Shlyakhtenko, Grothendieck's theorem for operator spaces, Inv. Math. 150 (2002), 183-217.
Alexei Poltoratski
A. Poltoratski, R. del Rio, and S. Fuentes, Families of spectral measures with mixed types, Operator Methods in Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations (Stockholm, 2000), Oper. Theory Adv. Appl. 132, Birkhäuser, Basel, 2002, pp. 131-140.
A. Poltoratski, R. del Rio, and S. Fuentes, Coexistence of spectra in rank-one perturbation problems, Bol. Soc. Mat. Mexicana (3) 8 (2002), no. 1, 49-61.
Bojan Popov
S. Konyagin, B. Popov, and O. Trifonov, On convergence of minmod-type schemes, IMI Technical Report, 22, (2002).
B. Popov, Entropic Schemes for Conservation Laws, Constructive Function Theory' 2002, Varna (2002), pp. 385-390.
J. Maurice Rojas
D. Abramovich and J.M. Rojas, Extending triangulations and semistable reduction, Proc. FoCM 2000, Special meeting in Honor of Steve Smale's 70th birthday (July 2000, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong), World Scientific, 2002, pp. 1-13.
J.M. Rojas, Additive complexity and the roots of polynomials over number fields and p-adic fields, Proc. ANTS-V (5th Annual Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium, University of Sydney, July 7-12, 2002), Lecture Notes in Computer Science #2369, Springer-Verlag, 2002, pp. 506-515.
G. Malajovich and J.M. Rojas, Polynomial systems and tho momentum map, Foundations of Computational Mathematics (Hong Kong, 2000), 251-266, World Sci. Publishing, River Edge, NJ, 2002.
Henry Schenck
H. Schenck and P.F. Stiller, Cohomology vanishing and a problem in approximation theory, Manuscripta Math. 107 (2002), 43-58.
H. Schenck and A. Suciu, Lower central series and free resolutions of hyperplane arrangements, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 354 (2002), 3409-3433.
Thomas Schlumprecht
T. Schlumprecht and E. Odell, Trees and branches in Banach spaces, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 354 (2002), no. 10, 4085-4108.
N. Sivakumar
F.J. Narcowich, N. Sivakumar, and J.D. Ward, On convergent interpolatory processes associated with periodic-basis functions, Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged) 68 (2002), 907-935.
H.N. Mhaskar, F.J. Narcowich, N. Sivakumar, and J.D. Ward, Approximation with interpolatory constraints, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 130 (2002), 1355-1364.
Roger R. Smith
R.R. Smith and V. Paulsen, Diagonals in tensor products of operator algebras, Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. 45 (2002), 647-652.
R.R. Smith and A.M. Sinclair Strongly singular masas in type II1 factors, Geom. Funct. Anal. 12 (2002), 199-216.
Frank Sottile
F. Sottile, From enumerative geometry to solving systems of polynomials equations, Computations in Algebraic Geometry with Macaulay 2, 101-129, Algorithms Comput. Math., 8, Springer, Berlin, 2002.
F. Sottile and T. Theobald, Lines tangent to 2n-2 spheres in Rn, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 354 (2002), no. 12, 4815-4829 (electronic).
N. Bergeron and F. Sottile, A Pieri-type formula for isotropic flag manifolds, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 354 (2002), no. 7, 2659-2705 (electronic).
N. Bergeron, S. Mykytiuk, F. Sottile, and S. van Willigenburg, Shifted quasi-symmetric functions and the Hopf algebra of peak functions, Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics (Barcelona, 1999), Discrete Math. 246 (2002), nos. 1-3, pp. 57-66.
Geometric combinatorics, Papers from the Special Session on Algebraic and Geometric Combinatorics at the AMS Western Section Meeting held in San Francisco, CA, October 21-22 and the Bay Area Discrete Math Day held at the University of California, Davis, CA, October 20, 2000, J.A. De Loera, F. Sottile and B. Sturmfels (eds.), Discrete Comput. Geom. 27 (2002), no. 1. Springer-Verlag, New York, 2002. pp. 1-161
N. Bergeron and F. Sottile, Skew Schubert functions and the Pieri formula for flag manifolds, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 354 (2002), no. 2, 651-673 (electronic).
Nicolaas Spronk
N. Spronk and L. Turowska, Spectral synthesis and operator synthesis for compact groups, J. London Math. Soc. (2) 66 (2002), no. 2, 361-376.
N. Spronk, Operator weak amenability of the Fourier algebra, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 130 (2002), no. 12, 3609-3617 (electronic).
Peter F. Stiller
H. Schenck and S.F. Stiller, Cohomology vanishing and a problem in approximation theory, Manuscripta Math. 107 (2002), no. 1, 43-58.
Emil Straube
E. Straube and S. Fu, Semi classical analysis of Schrödinger operators and compactness in the d-bar-Neumann problem, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 271 (2002), 267-282.
E. Straube and M. Sucheston, Plurisubharmonic defining functions, good vector fields, and exactness of a certain one form, Monatshefte für Math. 136 (2002), 249-258.
Xinyu Sun
X. Sun, Improvements on Chomp, Integers 2 (2002), G1, 8 pp. (electronic).
Zoran Sunik
Z. Sunik, Young tableaux and other mutually describing sequences, J. Integer Seq. 5 (2002), no. 1, Article 02.1.5, 7 pp. (electronic).
Steven D. Taliaferro
S.D. Taliaferro, Local behavior and global existence of positive solutions of a uλ ≤ -Δ u ≤ uλ, Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Anal. Nonlineaire 19 (2002), 889-901.
Panayot Vassilevski
R.D. Lazarov and P.S. Vassilevski, Numerical methods for convection-diffusion problems on general grids, Approx. Theory DARBA, Sofia, 2002, pp. 258-283.
P.S. Vassilevski, Sparse matrix element topology with application to AMG(e) and preconditioning. Preconditioned robust iterative solution methods, PRISM '01 (Nijmegen), Numer. Linear Algebra Appl. 9 (2002), nos. 6-7, 429-444.
Tom Vogel
T. Vogel, Local energy minimality of capillary surfaces in the presence of symmetry, Pacific J. Math 206 (2002), no. 2, 487-509.
Jay Walton
F. Costanzo and J.R. Walton, On the dynamic steady-state growth of a temperature dependent cohesive zone, J. Mech. Phys. Solids 50 (2002), 1649-1679.
J.R. Walton and J.P. Wilber, Convexity properties of a class of constitutive models for biological soft tissue, Math. Mech. Solids 7 (2002), no. 3, 217-235.
J.R. Walton and J.P. Wilber, Sufficient conditions for strong ellipticity for a class of anisotropic materials, Int. J. Nonlinear Mech. 38 (2002), no. 4, 441-455.
Joe Ward
F.J. Narcowich, R. Schaback, and J.D. Ward, Approximation in Sobolev spaces by kernel expansions, J. Approx. Theory 114 (2002), 70-83.
F.J. Narcowich and J.D. Ward, Scattered-data interpolation on spheres: error estimates and locally supported basis functions, SIAM J. Math. Anal. 33 (2002), 1393-1410.
H.N. Mhaskar, F.J. Narcowich, N. Sivakumar, and J.D. Ward, Approximation with interpolatory constraints, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 130 (2002), 1355-1364.
F.J. Narcowich, N. Sivakumar, and J.D. Ward, On convergent interpolatory processes associated with periodic basis functions, Acta Sci. Math Szeged 68 (2002), 133-161.
Sarah Witherspoon
S.J. Witherspoon, Clifford correspondence for algebras, J. Algebra 256 (2002), no. 2, 518-530.
Catherine Yan
K. Liu, C. Yan, and J. Zhou, Hirzebruch χy genus of Hilbert schemes from fixed point formula, Sci. China (Zhong Guo Ke Xie) Ser. A 45 (2002), no. 4, 420-431.
Philip Yasskin
Vector analysis using maple, Proc. 14th Annual International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics, Baltimore, Nov. 1-4, 2001, Addison-Wesley, 2002.
AP calculus on-line, Proc. 14th Annual International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics, Baltimore, Nov. 1-4, 2001, Addison-Wesley, 2002.
Igor Zelenko
A.A. Agrachev and I. Zelenko, Geometry of Jacobi curves. II, J. Dynam. Control Syst. 8 (2002), no. 2, 167-215.
A.A. Agrachev and I. Zelenko, Geometry of Jacobi curves. I, J. Dynam. Control Syst. 8 (2002), no. 1, 93-140.
Jianxin Zhou
G. Chen, S.B. Hsu, and J. Zhou, Nonisotropic spatiotemporal chaotic vibration of the wave equation due to mixing energy transport and a van der Pol boundary condition, Internat. J. Bifur. Chaos 12 (2002), 535-559.
Y. Li and J. Zhou, Convergence results of a local minimax method for finding multiple critical points, SIAM Sci. Comp. 24 (2002), 865-885.
Andras Zsák
A. Zsák, A Banach space whose operator algebra has K0-group Q, Proc. London Math. Soc. (3) 84 (2002), no. 3, 747-768.
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