2004 Personal News
G. Donald Allen was elected to membership in Merlot - Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching. (MERLOT is a cooperative of individual members and institutions of higher education interested in improving teaching and learning.), February 13, 2004
Dr. Allen was also selected for the Academic Keys Who's Who in Sciences Higher Education (WWSHE):
http://sciences.academickeys.com/, 2004. -
Art Belmonte is the recipient of a Distinguished Achievement College-Level (College of Science) Award in Teaching from the Association of Former Students.
TAMU Licensing Office is applying for a U.S. patent on a quantum circuit design on behalf of Drs. Z. Diao, M.S. Zubairy and Goong Chen due to their work in a new research paper. A preliminary approval on a portion of the claims has been granted by the U.S. Patent Office in September 2004.
Richard Ewing received the Outstanding Innovative Research Award, CAST-TX, 2004.
Stephen A. Fulling was elected Foreign Member of the Royal Society of Sciences of Uppsala, Sweden.
Donna Hoffman, Advisor to the Undergraduate Program is the recipient of the 2004 President's Meritorious Service Award. The award recognizes 20 outstanding staff employees and one outstanding team for their meritorious service to the University. Awards are presented at the President's Holiday Coffee in mid-December. Each individual recipient receives a $500 cash award, a commemorative plaque, and a lapel pin. Each member of the team receives a cash award of $100 and a framed certificate of recognition.
J. Maurice Rojas was awarded an NSF Career award. (These are the highest awards the NSF bestows on young Ph.D.'s.)
Nicolaas Spronk is the recipient of the 2004 Doctoral Prize by the Canadian Mathematical Society.
Catherine Yan gave birth to a healthy baby boy Michael Peng (KangNing) at the College Station Medical Center, March 19, 2004, he weighed in at 6 lbs 12 oz, 19.5 in (49.5 cm).
Jianxin Zhou was honored as the Feng Kang Professor of 2004 by the Feng Kang Foundation of China and delivered a 18 hour Feng Kang Lecture Series in May 2004, Shanghai University, China.
At its March 26, 2004 meeting, the Texas A&M University Board of Regents approved the promotion of Jean-Luc Guermond, Joseph Landsberg, Paulo Lima-Filho and Catherine Yan to Professor and J. Maurice Rojas to Associate Professor.
Grants/Contracts Awarded
G. Donald Allen, Texas Higher Education Teacher Quality Grant - Type B, "Assuring Excellence in Pre-Calculus Instruction," (Co-PI's G. Donald Allen and Dianne Goldsby) $79,993, August 1, 2004 to January 31, 2006.
G. Donald Allen, Star Schools Project - Math Star Extension Grant to Los Angeles County Office of Education, US Department of Education, 84-203F, (Donald Lake and Edna Murphy, Co-Directors) $9.221m, June 15, 2004 to June 15, 2007; portion funding to Texas A&M with collaborators G. Donald Allen and Deborah Jolly, $154,000.
G. Donald Allen, Texas Higher Education Teacher Quality Grant - Type B, "Pre-Calculus," (Co-PI's G. Donald Allen and Sharon Sledge) $80,000, March 12, 2004 tp July 31, 2005.
G. Donald Allen, Texas Higher Education Teacher Quality Grant - Type A, "Pre-Calculus - Practices of Good Teaching Through Content, Technology, and Interaction," (PI's G. Donald Allen and Michael Pilant) $295,391, January 9, 2004 to January 31, 2005.
G. Donald Allen, Co-PI, NSF: "Fellows Integrate Science/Math in Rural Middle Schools," (PI and Co-PIs Larry Johnson, James Kracht, W. R. Klemm, Vincent Cassone, Rajesh Miranda, and James Lindner) $1,210,000, January 1, 2004 - December 31, 2006.
Goong Chen, and Z. Diao, "Mathematical Study of Quantum Computation and Technology," $4,000, IMA PI-Conference, 2004-2005.
David Kerr, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grant-in-Aid, ¥2,400,000, 2004-2005.
Peter Kuchment, PI, NSF Grant, "Quantum graphs and their applications", DMS-0406022, $127,000, July 15, 2004 to June 30, 2007.
Fall 2004 award recipients for the Department of Mathematics
- Outstanding Staff
- John Zuckerman
- Outstanding Service
- David Manuel
- Janice Epstein
- Outstanding Teaching
- Maggie Arnold
- Fran Narcowich
Last modified June 17, 2010 by RLC.