2005 Personal News
Kenneth Dykema is on development leave at the University of Muenster, Germany for the 2004-2005 academic year, partial funding is by a Alexander-von-Humboldt Foundation Fellowship.
Richard Ewing (Recognition/Awards)
Who's Who in American Education, 2005
Who's Who in Computational Science and Engineering, 2005
Humboldt Research Award for Senior U.S. Scientists, 2005
Academia Europaea, as a Foreign Member, 2005-present -
Sherry Floyd has been selected to receive the 2005 College of Science Outstanding Staff Achievement Award for classified staff. Sherry will formally receive her award at the Collge of Science faculty and staff meeting to be held early in the Fall semester.
David Larson has been selected to receive an Association of Former Students Award in Teaching at the College Level. This award will recognize his many years of excellent classroom teaching, as well as his many contributions to our undergraduate and graduate programs. Dr. Larson will receive this award during the College of Science faculty meeting in the Fall.
Bruce Lowe has been selected to have a Fish Camp named in his honor.
Gilles Pisier has been elected to the Polish Academy of Science as a foreign member.
William Rundell was awarded the National Science Foundation "Director's Award for Meritorious Service," 2005.
Vince Schielack has received the 2005 Distinguished Service Award by the Texas Section MAA.
Sarah Witherspoon is on leave from August 2005 to July 2006 as a Humboldt Research Fellow at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen.
Catherine Yan's Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship has been extended to the 2005 academic year, $40,000.
The Texas A&M University Board of Regents approved the promotion of Marcelo Aguiar, Yalchin Efendiev, Volodymyr Nekrashevych, Matthew Papanikolas, and Henry Schenck to Associate Professor with tenure.
Grants/Contracts Awarded
Marcelo Aguiar, awarded $1500 by the Division of Student Affairs of Texas A&M to assist three mathematics graduate students with travel funding for the Coloquio Latinoamericano de Álgebra in Uruguay in August 2005. The grant was proposed (jointly with professors Hal Schenck, Frank Sottile, and Sarah Witherspoon).
G. Donald Allen, National Science Foundation, ITEST grant, National Middles School Aerospace Scholars, (NaMAS), evaluator. Sharon Sledge, PI, Award No. ESI-0422698, $1,193,506, January 1, 2005 to August 31, 2008, evaluator.
G. Donald Allen, MTA/MTC - Math TEKS Awareness, Texas Education Agency through the TAMU College of Education, September 1, 2005 to June 30, 2007, Co-Investigator, (three months salary, Texas Education Agency (TEA) Award (NOGA) number is 050245247110001).
G. Donald Allen, Texas Education Agency (TEA RFP 701-05-006 - Grant #056944087110059), "Improving Student Achievement through Professional Development," (PI's G. Donald Allen, Cathy Ezrailson) $143,839, August 15, 2005 to September 30, 2006.
G. Donald Allen, Texas Education Agency (TEA RFP 701-05-006) - Snook, $100,500, August 31, 2005, September 30, 2006.
G. Donald Allen, Texas Education Agency (TEA RFP 701-05-006) - Pasadena, TOOLS, "The Teaching of Ongoing Learning Strategies," $150,000, August 31,2005, September 30, 2006.
G. Donald Allen, Texas Education Agency (TEA RFP 701-05-006) - Mathis ISD, $150,000, August 31, 2005, September 30, 2006.
G. Donald Allen, P-16 Educational Improvement Consortium (PEIC) Program, a Texas Education Agency funded program administered through the College of Education and the Department of Teaching Learning and Culture, TAMU, $12,388, July 1 to July 31, 2005.
G. Donald Allen, Office of Distance Education, TAMU, "The Computational Masters Degree," $150,000, July 20, 2005 to July 19, 2007, $150,000.
G. Donald Allen, Texas Higher Education Teacher Quality Grant - Type B, "Assuring Excellence in Algebra II Instruction," (Co-PI G. Donald Allen) $81,687, June 1, 2005 to August 31, 2006.
G. Donald Allen, Texas Higher Education Teacher Quality Grant - Type B, "Assuring Excellence in Middle School Mathematics Instruction," (Co-PI's G. Donald Allen and Dianne Goldsby) $81,500, June 1, 2005 to August 31, 2006.
Michael Anshelevich, National Science Foundation: "Combinatorial Methods in Free Probability," DMS-0400860, $74,999 July 2004 to June 2007. At UC Riverside; transferred to Texas A&M University as DMS-0613195, $44,334, September 2005 to June 2007.
Wolfgang Bangerth, NIH: "Diagnostic Cancer Imaging with NIR Fluorescence," Co-PI (responsible for subaward over $173,124); the whole grant with $3M is managed by Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, by Dr. Eva Sevick-Muraca, July 1, 2005 to June 30, 2008.
Note: My subproject is presently on halt, after NIH cut funding to all projects in this program by 30%.Goong Chen, NSF Grant: DMS-0531131, Conference on "Mathematics of Quantum Computation and Quantum Technology," $25,000, August 1, 2005 to July 31, 2006.
Stephen A. Fulling, NSF Grant: Applied Mathematics Program, "Workshop on Semiclassical Approximation and Vacuum Energy," $11,600. (The Workshop took place at TAMU in January, 2005.)
Rostislav Grigorchuk, Co-PI of Focus Research Group NSF Grant: "Asymptotic and probabilistic methods in geometric group theory", DMS-0456185 , 2005-2007, $255,387. (Joint with G.P isier, and Margulis, Gromov, Zelmanov, Olshansky, Sapir, Lubotzky with separate funding for them.)
Rostislav Grigorchuk, NSF Grant: Conference on "Geometric and Probabilistic Methods in Group Theory and Dynamical Systems,"(joint with G. Pisier and Z. Sunik) DMS-0505808, $18,450, November 3-6, 2005, College Station, TX.
Jean-Luc Guermond, Co-PI, NFS, IGERT Grant: "New mathematical tools for next generation materials," DGE - IGERT 0523626: $461,887, 2005 to 2008.
Jean-Luc Guermond, PI and Bojan Popov, Co-PI, NSF Grant: Computational Mathematics: "Nonlinear finite element approximation of first-order PDE's in L1," DMS-0510650, $677,545, June 15, 2005 to May 31, 2008.
Jean-Luc Guermond, PI, International Research Travel Assistance Grant, $1,100, December 2005 to December 2006.
Peter Howard, NSF Grant: "Stability of shock waves and related structures in combustion models, thin film flows, and general conservative systems," DMS-0500988, $92,961, June 2005 to June 2008.
William Johnson and Gilles Pisier, PIs, NSF Grant: "Geometry of Banach spaces and of operator spaces," DMS-05-03688, $882,492, Junee 1, 2005 to May 31, 2010.
William Johnson, S. Arora, M. Charikar, and M. Gromov, PIs, NSF Grant: "Collaborative research: Embeddings of finite metric spaces-a geometric approach to efficient algorithms," DMS-05-01256 (MSPA-MCS), $135,000 for Texas A&M for July 15, 2005 to August 31, 2008.
William Johnson, Gilles Pisier and Joel Zinn, PIs, NSF Grant: "Workshop in Analysis and Probability," DMS-05-32508 (SM), $307,986 for three years.
Peter Kuchment, PI, NSF Grant: "Quantum graphs and their applications", DMS-0532086, $12,615, July 15, 2005 to June 30, 2006.
Joseph Landsberg, (collaborative grant with V. Zharnitsky) NSF Grant, DMS-0505216, $62,000, August 2005 to July 2008 (housed at A&M).
Raytcho Lazarov, PI, Fraunhofer Society, Institute for Industrial Mathematics (Germany): "Numerical methods for problems in poroelasticity and their applications," $29,000, December 1, 2005 to July 30, 2006.
Fran Narcowich, PI and Joseph Ward, Co-PI, NSF Grant: "Scattered data analysis and synthesis via radial basis functions and tight spherical frames," DMS-0504353, $204,697, August 1, 2005 to July 31, 2008.
Dmitry Panchenko, PI, NSF Grant: "Spin glass models," DMS-0504108, $140,244, July 1, 2005 to June 31, 2008.
Joseph Pasciak, (Co-PI with Raytcho Lazarov), LLNL-DOE, "Construction and preconditioning of finite element approximation of mixed problems," $52,648, contract with the University of California, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, May 21, 2005 to September 30, 2005.
Guergana Petrova, PI, NSF Grant: "Analysis and numerical methods for transport equatioms and related problems," DMS-0505501, $74,288, July 15, 2005 to June 30, 2008.
Mike Pilant, Provost's Office, Texas A&M University, The Computational Masters Degree , $150,000 , 2005-2007.
Mike Pilant, Office of Distance Education, Texas A&M University, Masters in Computational Mathematics , $100,000 , 2005-present, targeted to distance students at the Government labs (such as Los Alamos).
Alexei Poltoratski, NSF Grant: "Asymptotics of analytic integrals and the Beurling-Malliavin theory," DMS-0500852, $90,800, 2005 to 2008.
Jane Schielack NSF Grang: Supplement to the ITS Center (for continued doctoral student support), Shared with R. Ewing, J. Conoley, J. Newton, and J. Denton, Account No. 32536-6269E, March 23, 2005 to August 31, 2008, $299,303 ($228,470 direct, $70,833 indirect).
Frank Sottile, NSA Conference Support, "US Participation in 16th Coloquio Latinoamericano de Álgebra". Co-PIs: Susan Montgomery (USC), Joseph Wolf (Berkeley) $15,000, August 2005.
Frank Sottile, Year of the International Student Grant for Student participation in the 16th Coloquio Latinoamericano de Álgebra, Co-PIs: Marcelo Aguiar, Henry Schenck, and Sarah Witherspoon, $1,500, August 2005.
Peter Stiller, National Science Foundation, NSF 05-515 Major Research Infrastructure Program, "Development of spatially immersive visualization facilities," (Co-P.I. with Parke in Visualization Sciences, Broday in Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning, House in Visualization Sciences, and Smith in Psychology), $500,000, August 1, 2005 to July 31, 2009, Research Foundation Project No. 469081-00001.
Email Straube, NSF Grant: "Research and education in several complex variables", DMS-0500842, $122,133, 2005 to 2008.
Zoran Sunik, PI, R. Grigorchuk and G. Pisier, Co-PIs, Institute for Mathematics and Applications, "Geometric and probabilistic methods in group theory and dynamical systems," $5,000, November 2005.
Jay Walton, ARL Grant (subcontract through Univ. Neb.): "An analysis of the dynamic, transient propagation of a mode I crack-tip cohesive zone," W911NF-04-2-0011, $209,125, May 1, 2005 to April 30, 2007.
Joel Zinn, PI on two grants to fund Fourth International Conference on High Dimensional Probability, Santa Fe, N.M., June 20-24, 2005. NSA and NSF, approx. $15,000 on each.
Fall 2005 award recipients for the Department of Mathematics
- Outstanding Staff
- Sharon Suter
- Outstanding Service
- Peter Kuchment
- Joe Ward
- Outstanding Teaching
- Marcelo Aguiar
- Jennifer Whitfield
Last modified June 17, 2010 by RLC.