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Texas A&M University

Faculty 2009 Travel and Talks

January 2009

  • Marcelo Aguiar
    Plenary Address, "Combinatorial Algebra Meets Algebraic Combinatorics," Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's, Canada January 16-18, 2009.

    Algebra and Combinatorics Seminar, Texas A&M University, January 30, 2009.

  • Lewis Bowen
    Seminar talk, Rice Univerisity, Mathematics Dept., January 2009.

  • Goong Chen
    Invited 1 hr. Plenary talk, "Condensation of the Wave Function by the Dimensional Scaling Method," 2009 Workshop on Differential Equations, Math. Dept., National University of Kaohsiung, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, January 9-11, 2009.

  • Andrew Comech
    Open seminar talk, Technische Universität Darmstadt, January 26, 2009.

  • Sue Geller
    Moderator for one session of talks, Nebraska Conference for Undergraduate Women in Mathematics, January 30, 2009.

    Moderator of two break-out sessions, Nebraska Conference for Undergraduate Women in Math, January 31, 2009.

    Moderator, "What to do with your Summer," Nebraska Conference for Undergraduate Women in Math, January 31, 2009.

  • Jean-Luc Guermond
    Seminar of Mathematics, University of Texas at San Antonio, TX, January 30, 2009.

  • Doug Hensley
    Conference talk (presenter), "Polynomials that take Small Values at an Algebraic Integer," AMS Special Session on Continued Fractions, (with Kyril Tsishchanka, DePaul) January 7, 2009.

  • William Johnson
    Invited hour address, "Quantitative and Computational Aspects of Metric Geometry," Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics, January 2009.

  • Raytcho Lazarov
    50 min. Plenary lecture, "Hybridization of FEM for Second Order Elliptic Problems," Second FEMTEC Conference 2009, Granlibakken Conference Center, Lake Tahoe, January 5-9, 2009.

  • Laura Matusevich
    Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI) Research Member, and UC Berkeley Visiting Scholar, Spring 2009 (semester-long visit).

  • Gilles Pisier
    Conference talk, "Aspects of Algebraic Geometry; the Mathematical Posterity of Grothendieck," IHES, France, January 2009.

  • Alexei Poltoratski
    20 min. talk, AMS meeting, Washington, D.C., January 2009.

  • Frank Sottile
    Invited 1 hr talk, AMS Current Events Bulletin, AMS National Meeting, January 2009.

    Invited 20 min. talk, Special Session on Experimental Mathematics, AMS National meeting, January 2009.

    Invited 20 min. talk, Special Session on Computational Algebra and Convexity, AMS National meeting, January 2009.

    Invited 20 min. talk, Special Session on Computational Algebraic and Analytic Geometry for Low-dimensional Varieties, AMS National meeting, January 2009.

    Research seminar talk, Texas A&M University, January 27, 2009.

  • Peter Stiller
    Invited paper and speaker, Electronic Imaging, Computational Imaging, "Aspects of 3D Reconstruction," San Jose, CA, January 19-21, 2009.

    Participant, Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, Workshop: Connections for Women: Algebraic Geometry and Related Fields, Berkeley, CA, January 22-24, 2009.

    Participant, Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, Workshop: Classical Algebraic Geometry Today, Berkeley, CA, January 26-30, 2009.

  • Sarah Witherspoon
    20 min. invited talk, AMS Special Session on Noncommutative Algebra, Washington, DC, January 6, 2009.

  • Philip B. Yasskin
    Conference talk, "Effective Teaching with Web-Based Resources" (with Douglas Meade), Joint Mathematics Meetings, Washington, DC, January 5-8, 2009.

    Conference talk, "Maplets for Calculus—Tutoring without the Tutor" (with Douglas Meade), NSF CCLI Poster Session, Joint Mathematics Meetings, Washington, DC, January 5-8, 2009.

    Conference talk, "Brazos Valley Math Teachers' Circle: Formation and Activities," Joint Mathematics Meetings, Washington, DC, January 5-8, 2009.

February 2009

  • G. Donald Allen
    Presentation, Southwest Educational Research Association (SERA), Pre-Service Teacher Perceptions of Teaching Fractions through a Survey, Essay, and Mathematical Misconceptions, February 4-7, 2009.

    Invited presentation, "What is the National Math Panel and How Does it Affect the Colleges?" Texas Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges (TexMATYC), February 20, 2009.

  • Lewis Bowen
    Hour workshop talk, "von Neumann Algebras and Ergodic Theory Workshop," UCLA, February 2009.

  • Jean-Luc Guermond
    Talk, "Approximation Methods for Navier-Stokes Equations," Winter School "New Trends in Scientific Computing," CIRM, Marseille, FR, February 9-13, 2009.

  • William Johnson
    Invited hour address, "Probability and Geometry of Convex Sets," Haifa, Israel, February 2009.

  • Peter Kuchment
    Math. physics seminar, "Parseval Frames of Exponentially Decaying Wannier Functions," TAMU, February 2009.

  • Joseph Landsberg
    Plenary talk, 40th TGTC, U. Houston, February 2009.

  • Paulo Lima-Filho
    Aggieland saturday talk for prospective students and parents: "The Beautiful Geometry of our Physical World," February 2009.

  • Dmitry Panchenko
    Probability and mathematical physics seminar, Courant Institute, February 27, 2009.

  • William Rundell
    Colloquium plus several seminars, University of Nice, France, February 2009.

    Research seminar talk, Texas A&M University, February 4, 2009.

  • Peter Stiller
    Participant, Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, Workshop: Modern Moduli Theory, Berkeley, CA, February 23-27, 2009.

  • Paula Tretkoff
    Inaugural Monroe H. Martin Lectures, Johns Hopkins University, Maryland, February 23-24, 2009.

  • Jay Walton
    Applied mathematics seminar, University of California at Berkeley, February 2009.

  • Philip B. Yasskin
    Community talk, "The Polygon Differencing Problem," Brazos Valley Math Teachers' Circle, February 2, 2009.

    Undergraduate seminar talk, "Conway's Rational Tangles," February 9, 2009.

March 2009

  • G. Donald Allen
    Presentation, "Pre-Service Teacher Perceptions of Teaching Fractions through a Survey, Essay, and Mathematical Misconceptions," International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics (ICTCM), March 12-15, 2009.

  • Wolfgang Bangerth
    30 min. invited presentation, SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, Miami, FL, March 2-6, 2009.

    20 min. contributed presentation, ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, Honolulu, HI, March 9-12, 2009.

  • Lewis Bowen
    Co-organizer, Workshop on Groups, Embeddings and Applications, University of Hawaii, March 2009.

  • Goong Chen
    20 min. talk, "Variational Justification of the Dimensional-Scaling Method in Chemical Physics: The H-atom," Texas PDE Conference 2009, Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas, March 28, 2009.

  • Prabir Daripa
    Invited 30 min. minisymposium talk, "An Overview of Some Recent and New Fast Algorithms for Solving PDEs Based on Green's Function Approach," SIAM09 CSE Meeting, Miami, FL, March 2-6, 2009.

  • Ronald Douglas
    Colloquium in Mathematics Department, Illinois Institute of Technology, March 2009.

    Research seminar talk, University of Houston, March 2009.

  • Yalchin Efendiev
    Organized mini-workshop, Oberwolfach, March 2009.

  • Rostislav Grigorchuk
    Colloquium talk, "Hanoi Tower Game and Self-similar Groups," Texas University, Austin, March 2009.

  • Jean-Luc Guermond
    Seminar talk, Lawrence Livermore National Lab, Livermore, CA, March 23, 2009.

  • Guido Kanschat
    Colloquium talk, Simon Fraser University, Burtnaby, March 2009.

    Colloquium talk, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, March 2009.

  • Raytcho Lazarov
    Colloquium talk, Dept. of Mathematics, University of Delaware, March 16, 2009.

  • Volodymyr Nekrashevych
    40 min. Special Session on Geometric Group Theory, 2009 Spring Central Sectional Meeting of AMS, Urbana, IL, March 27-29, 2009.

  • Dmitry Panchenko
    MPHA seminar talk, Texas A&M, March 13, 2009.

  • Joseph Pasciak
    20 min. talk, "Analysis of a Cartesian PML Approximation to Acoustic Scattering Problems," Texas Finite Element Rodeo, University of Texas at Austin, March 2009.

  • Gilles Pisier
    Invited 1 hr speaker, AMS meeting, Urbana, March 2009.

    Colloquium talk, "Complex Interpolation and Operator Spaces," New York University, March 2009.

  • Alexei Poltoratski
    Colloquium talk, Princeton University, March 2009.

  • Maurice Rojas
    Seminar talk, "ABCs of Real Solving," San Francisco State University, March 4, 2009 .

    Research conference talk, "Statistical Modelling and Real Solving," Texas A&M University Computational Biology Meeting, College Station, Texas, March 7, 2009.

  • Peter Stiller
    Participant, Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, Workshop: Combinatorial, Enumerative and Toric Geometry, Berkeley, CA, March 23-27, 2009.

  • Emil Straube
    25 min. invited talk, Special Session on Holomorphic and CR Mappings, AMS meeting, University of Illinois, March 27-29, 2009.

  • Zoran Sunik
    20 min. talk, AMS Special Session on Geometric Group Theory, Urbana IL, March 2009.

  • Jay Walton
    25 min. special session talk, "A Boundary Integral Method for a Dynamic, Transient Mode I Crack Problem with Viscoelastic Cohesive Zone," IUTAM Symposium: Dynamic Fracture and Fragmentation, Austin, TX, March 2009.

    Seminar talk, Applied Mathematics, University of South Carolina, March 2009.

    Seminar talk, Applied Mathematics, University of Strathclyde, March 2009.

  • Philip B. Yasskin
    Conference talk, "Maplets for Calculus: Tutoring without the Tutor" (with Douglas Meade), Computer Minicourse, 21st International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics (ICTCM), New Orleans, LA, March 12-15, 2009.

    Conference talk, "Computer-Based Supplemental Instruction, Panel Discussion" (co-organizer with Douglas Meade), Panelists: Yasskin, Robert Lopez, Frank Wattenberg, Mike May, Gabriel Lugo, Lyle Cochran, Debra Geddings, 21st International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics (ICTCM), New Orleans, LA, March 12-15, 2009.

  • Jianxin Zhou
    25 min. talk, "Finding Multiple Solutions to Elliptic PDE with Nonlinear Boundary Conditions," 2009 Texas Partial Differential Equations Conference, San Marcos, Texas, March 29, 2009.

April 2009

  • Marcelo Aguiar
    Talk given at AMS spring meeting, Special Session on Matroids in Algebra and Geometry, San Francisco, April 25-26, 2009.

  • Wolfgang Bangerth
    25 min. invited presentation, Finite Elements in Fluids 2009, Tokyo, Japan, April 1-3, 2009.

  • Andrea Bonito
    10 min. talk, "Geometrically Consistent Mesh Modifications," Finite Element Circus, University of Texas at Austin, April 2009.

  • Lewis Bowen
    Hour workshop talk, "Residually Finite Groups, Graph Limits and Dynamics," Banff International Research Station, April 2009.

  • Prabir Daripa
    Invited 1 hr talk, "Some Personal Case Studies of the Interplay Between Mathematics and Fluid Mechanics," MGSO Seminar Series, Mathematics Department, TAMU, April 15, 2009.

  • Ronald Douglas
    Invited 1 hr lecture and organizer, Workshop on Multivariate Operator Theory, Oberwolfach, Germany, April 10-14, 2009.

  • Yalchin Efendiev
    Contributed talk, "Adaptive Numerical Methods," Edinburgh, April 2009.

  • Rostislav Grigorchuk
    Colloquium talk, The 61st British Mathematical Colloquium and 22nd Annual meeting of the Irish Mathematical Society, Galway, Ireland, April 2009.

  • Jean-Luc Guermond
    Seminar talk, Numerical Analysis, Nice, FR, April 23, 2009.

  • Guido Kanschat
    30 min. talk, Finite Elements in Fluids 2009, Tokyo, Japan, April 2009.

  • David Larson
    Speaker, "Error Correction, Symmetry Goals, and Numerical Efficiency," BIRS [Banff Centre] Workshop on Frames from First Principles, Banff, Alberta, Canada, April 2009.

  • Laura Matusevich
    Plenary lecture, CombinaTexas, University of Houston, April 2009.

    20 min. conference talk, Bay Area Discrete Mathematics Day, UC Davis, April 2009.

  • Matthew Papanikolas
    Seminar talk, "Periods and Logarithms of Drinfeld Modules and Algebraic Independence," Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Joint Number Theory Seminar with Boston College, Cambridge, MA, April 2009.

    Seminar, 3 talks on "Drinfeld Modules and Function Field Arithmetic," Clemson University, Algebra and Discrete Mathematics Seminars, Clemson, SC, April 2009.

  • Bojan Popov
    30 min. invited minisymposium talk, 33rd SIAM Southeastern-Atlantic Section Conference, University of South Carolina, April 4-5, 2009.

    Colloquium talk, "Entropy Based Numerical Methods for Nonlinear PDEs," NC State, April 2009.

  • Coleen Robles
    Invited 1 hr talk, Workshop on Geometric Structures and Equivalence Problems, KIAS, Seoul, Korea, April 2009.

  • Maurice Rojas
    Several complex variables seminar talk, "Number Theory and the Hardness of Complex Geometry," Stockholm University, April 28, 2009.

    Several complex variables seminar talk, "Real Topology Computation via Amoebae I," Stockholm University, April 14, 2009.

    Talk, "Statistical Modelling and Real Solving," Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore, California, April 1, 2009.

    Research conference talk, "Randomization and Real Solving," NSF Workshop on the Future of Symbolic Computation, Rhode Island University, April 30, 2009.

  • William Rundell
    Several talks and lectures, Radon Institute, Linz, Austria, April 2009.

  • Vince Schielack
    15 min. talk, "The Mathematics of Ripley's Believe it or Not!," Texas Section MAA Meeting, Denton, April 2009.

    Service talk, "What High School Graduates Need to Know Before Entering College," Mu Alpha Theta Induction Ceremony, Blinn College, Brenham, TX, April 2009.

  • Frank Sottile
    Invited 1 hr talk, "Algebraic Geometry and Approximation Theory," Towson University, April 2009.

    Research seminar talk, Texas A&M University, April 20, 2009.

  • Zoran Sunik
    Seminar talk, City University of New York, New York NY, April 2009.

  • Catherine Yan
    Seminar talk, Texas A&M University at Galveston, April 2009.

May 2009

  • Andrea Bonito
    10 min. talk, "Finite Element Circus, Geometrically Consistent Mesh Modifications," University of Texas, Austin, May 2009.

  • Lewis Bowen
    Invited 1 hr talk, "Dynamical Systems and Randomness," Institut Henri Poincaré, May 2009.

  • Goong Chen
    1 hr talk (organizer and session chair), "Extrapolation of Elliptic Eigenvalue Calculations on the Whole Space by the Virial Theorem," The Third Doha Computational Modeling of Complex Systems, Carnegie Mellon University-Qatar, Doha, Qatar, May 2009.

    30 min. invited talk (organizer and session chair), "Extrapolation of Elliptic Eigenvalue Calculations on the Whole Space by the Virial Theorem," Interdisciplinary Conference on Applied Analysis and Mathematics, National Center for Theoretical Sciences (NCTS), National Tsinghua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, May 11-13, 2009.

    Invited 1 hr plenary talk (conference organizer), "David L. Russell and a Survey of His Mathematical Work," International Conference on Mathematical Control Theory in honor of David L. Russell on the occasion of his 70th birthday, Academy of Mathematics and Systems Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Beijing, China, May 15-17, 2009.

  • Ronald Douglas
    Invited 1 hr lecture, Conference on Analysis, Bangalore, India, May 2009.

  • Stephen Fulling
    Invited 25 min. talk, Fourth International Sakharov Conference on Physics, Moscow, Russia, May 2009.

  • Rostislav Grigorchuk
    Invited 50 min. talk, "Ergodic Properties of Boundary Actions, Growth and Nielsen-Schreier Theory," Conference on Geometric and Combinatorial Methods in Group Theory and Semigroup Theory, Lincoln, Nebraska, May 2009.

  • Jean-Luc Guermond
    Seminar talk, EXXON Mobile, Houston, TX, May 15, 2009.

  • Doug Hensley
    Plenary talk, "Continued Fractions, Cantor Sets, Hausdorff Dimension, and Transfer Operators and their Analytic Extensions," Denton Dynamical Systems II, Denton, Texas, May 17-22, 2009.

  • Peter Howard
    30 min. minisymposium talk, SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems, Snowbird, Utah, May 17-21, 2009.

  • Peter Kuchment
    40 min. invited lecture, IAMCS Annual Workshop, Texas A&M, May 2009.

  • Joseph Landsberg
    Plenary talk, 2009 Haifa Matrix Theory Conference, Israel, May 2009.

  • David Larson
    Plenary talk, Twenty Years of Wavelets Conference, Chicago, May 2009.

  • Raytcho Lazarov
    50 min. plenary lecture, "Finite Element Approximations of Second Order Elliptic Problems: Hybridization and Postprocessing," CMCS2009: Int. Conference on Modeling of Complex Systems, Doha, Qatar, May 5-7, 2009.

  • Laura Matusevich
    Plenary lecture, Closing Lectures for the Algebraic Geometry Program, MSRI, May 2009.

    Seminar talk, San Francisco State University, May 2009.

  • Volodymyr Nekrashevych
    20 min. invited talk, "Geometric and Combinatorial Methods in Group Theory and Semigroup Theory," Lincoln, NE, May 17-21, 2009.

  • Matthew Papanikolas
    Invited 50 min. talk, "Periods and Logarithms of Drinfeld Modules," Modular Forms and Function Field Arithmetic: Conference in Honor of Jing Yu's 60th Birthday, Taida Institute for Mathematical Sciences, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, May 2009.

    Invited 50 min. talk, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Joint Number Theory Seminar with Boston College, Cambridge, MA, May 2009.

    Seminar talk, "Special Values of Goss L-functions for Dirichlet Characters at Positive Integers," National Center for Theoretical Sciences, Number Theory Seminar, Hsinchu, Taiwan, May 2009.

  • Mike Pilant
    Organizer of the Third Annual Doha Conference on Applied Mathematics and Computational Science, May 5-7, 2009

  • Bojan Popov
    Colloquium talk, "Entropy viscosity," ExxonMobil Upstream Research Company, Houston, Texas, May 2009.

  • Maurice Rojas
    Colloquium talk, "Number Theory, Randomization, and Real Topology Computation," Mathematics Department, Technical University of Lisboa, Portugal, May 20, 2009.

  • William Rundell
    Colloquium talk, Universität Göttingen, May 2009.

  • Thomas Schlumprecht
    Invited 1 hr talk, Conference on Banach Spaces, Operators and Inequalities in honour of Graham Jameson, Lancaster, May 2009.

  • Roger Smith
    1 hr. research conference talk, Canadian Abstract Harmonic Analysis Symposium, Edmonton Canada, May 2009.

  • Zoran Sunik
    20 min. talk, Zassenhaus Group Theory Conference, Lancaster PA, May 2009.

    20 min. talk, "Combinatorial Methods in Group Theory and Semigroup Theory," Lincoln NE, May 2009.

  • Matthew Young
    Invited 1 hr talk, Ohio State University, May 2009.

  • Jianxin Zhou
    30 min. invited talk, "A Local Min-Max-Orthogonal Method for Finding Multiple Solutions to Noncooperative Elliptic Systems," NCTS Interdisciplinary Conference on Applied Analysis and Mathematics, Hsinchu, Taiwan, May 11-13, 2009.

    45 min. invited talk, "Application of Control Theory for Finding Unstable Solutions," International Conference on Mathematical Control Theory, Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing, China, May 15-17, 2009.

    30 min. featured program activity presentation, NSF US-China CMR Program PI Meeting, Beijing, China, May 25, 2009.

    12 hour series lecture, "Computational Theory and Methods for Computing Multiple Solutions," International Workshop on Variational and Computational Methods for Multiple Solutions to Nonlinear PDEs, Beijing, China, May 26-June 1, 2009.

    1 hr curriculum talk, "Finding Multiple Solutions to Elliptic PDE with Nonlinear Boundary Conditions," Shanghai University, Shanghai, China, May 20, 2009.

June 2009

  • Wolfgang Bangerth
    30 min. invited plenary lecture, "Compatible and Innovative Discretizations for Partial Differential Equations," Oslo, Norway, June 17-19, 2009.

    30 min. invited plenary lecture, "Numerical Modeling of Crustal Deformation and Earthquake Faulting," Golden, CO, June 22-26, 2009.

  • Andrea Bonito
    Invited 25 min. special session, "Geometrically Consistent Mesh Modifications," European Conference on Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications (ENUMATH) 2009, Special Session in Adaptivity for Nonlinear Problems, Uppsala, Sweden, June 2009.

    Invited 25 min. special session, "Parametric AFEM for Biomembranes," European Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences (ECCOMAS): Coupled Problems, Special Session in Fluid Structure Problems, Ischia, Italy, June 2009.

  • Ronald Douglas
    Seminar talk, Mathematics Department, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, June 2009.

  • Kenneth J. Dykema
    45 min. talk, "Eigenvalue Inequalities in II1-factors," Noncommutative Lp-spaces, Operator Spaces and Applications, CIRM, Luminy, France, June 2009.

  • Yalchin Efendiev
    Invited minisymposia and organized 7 mini-sessions, SIAM Geoscience, June 2009.

  • Stephen Fulling
    1 hr talk, Meeting of Oklahoma-Texas-Louisiana Quantum Vacuum Research Group, College Station, June 2009.

  • Rostislav Grigorchuk
    Invited 1 hour talk, "The Theory of Amenability in the Past 80 Years," Conference Dedicated to the 75th Birthday of Steklov Institute of Mathematics, Moscow, Russia, June 2009.

    Invited 50 min. talk, "The Theory of Amenability in the Past 80 Years," Groups and Models, Istanbul, Turkey, June 2009.

    Invited 50 min. talk, "Ergodic Properties of Boundary Actions, Hopf Decomposition, and Nielsen-Schreier Theory," The Activity Dynamical Numbers: Interplay Between Dynamical Systems and Number Theory, Max Planck Institute, Bonn, Germany, June 2009.

  • Jean-Luc Guermond
    Talk given at the (Summer school in CFD), Ecole de Mecanique des Fluides Numerique, Oleron, FR, June 7-13, 2009.

    Research conference talk, "Entropy Viscosity for Nonlinear Conservation Laws," ENUMATH 2009, Uppsala University, Sweden, June 29-July 3, 2009.

    Seminar talk, LIMSI, Orsay, France, June 25, 2009.

  • Guido Kanschat
    2 x 30 min. minisymposium MAFELAP 2009, London, UK, June 2009.

  • David Kerr
    Seminar talk, Functional Analysis Seminar, Université de Paris 6, France, June 2009.

  • Joseph Landsberg
    Plenary talk, MEGA 2009, Barcelona, June 2009.

    Workshop on tensors and interpolation, Nice, June 2009.

    GNSAGA lecture series, U. Firenze, June 2009.

  • David Larson
    20 min. session, Great Plains Operator Theory Symposium (GPOTS), University of Colorado, June 2009.

  • Raytcho Lazarov
    50 min. plenary lecture, "Discontinuous Galerkin Approximation of Flows in Highly Heterogeneous Media," 35th Conference Applications of Mathematics in Engineering and Economics: AMEE'09, Sozopol, Bulgaria, June 9-14, 2009.

    25 min. invited lecture, "Subgrid Finite Element Approximation for Brinkman Problem," 7th International Conference on Large Scale Scientific Computations, Sozopol, Bulgaria, June 4-8, 2009.

    25 min. invited lecture, "On an Efficient Approach for Calculating Effective Properties of Insulation Materials," 7th International Conference on Large Scale Scientific Computations, Sozopol, Bulgaria, June 4-8, 2009.

  • Volodymyr Nekrashevych
    Invited 1 hr talk, "Advances in Low Dimensional Dynamics," Stony Brook, NY, June 8-12, 2009.

    Invited 1 hr talk, "Boundaries," Graz University of Technology, Austria, June 29-July 4, 2009.

  • Dmitry Panchenko
    Research conference talk, "Disordered Systems: Spin Glasses," Montreal, June 8-13, 2009.

  • Grigoris Paouris
    Colloquium, Universite Paris VI (Seminaire d'Analyse Fonctionelle), Paris, France, June 2009.

  • Carl Pearcy
    Lecture, Ewha Women's University (Korea), June 2009.

  • Guergana Petrova
    1 hr seminar talk, Numerical Analysis Seminar, Sofia University, June 2009.

    Colloquium, Sofia University, June 2009.

  • Gilles Pisier
    Series of 3 lectures at Conference on Lp-cohomology and Affine Actions on Lp-spaces, New Orleans, June 2009.

  • Alexei Poltoratski
    50 min. talk, 17th Annual Analysis meeting, Euler Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia, June 2009.

    55 min talk, Summer School in Complex Analysis, Seville, Spain, June 2009.

    Colloquium talk, University of Tel Aviv, June 2009.

  • Maurice Rojas
    Opponent presentation for Thesis defense, "Coamoebae and Hypergeometric Functions after Lisa Nilsson," Stockholm University, June 5, 2009.

    Outreach talk, "When Pretty Pictures Fail," enrichment talk for high school students, Texas A&M University, June 17, 2009

  • Thomas Schlumprecht
    Invited 20 min. talk, "The State of Geometry and Functional Analysis, Tel Aviv, June 2009.

  • Roger Smith
    1 hr research conference talk, Canadian Operator Symposium, Regina, Canada, June 2009.

    30 min. research conference talk, Great Plains Operator Theory Symposium, Boulder, Colorado, June 2009.

  • Frank Sottile
    Short course of four lectures, Géométrie Algébrique en Liberté, June 2009.

    Special 30 min. talk, Address to the Mathematics Advisory Board of the Lorentz Center, Leiden, June 2009.

    Research seminar talk, CWI Amsterdam, June 5, 2009.

  • Zoran Sunik
    Research visit to the Max-Planck-Institute für Mathematik, Bonn, Germany (for two weeks), June 2009.

  • Joe Ward
    30 min. talk, "Lp Approximation and Interpolation by SBFs on Sd," Biennial Conference on Numerical Analysis, Glasgow Scotland, June 23-26, 2009.

  • Catherine Yan
    Lecture series, Enumerative Combinatorics (9 lectures, 18 hours), Beijing University, China, June 28-July 18, 2009.

  • Igor Zelenko
    Geometry and dynamics seminar talk, Tel Aviv University, Israel, June 15, 2009.

    Geometry and topology seminar talk, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel, June 25, 2009.

  • Joel Zinn
    30 min. colloquium talk, "An Approach to the Gaussian Correlation Conjecture," Banff Int. Res. Station (BIRS), June 2009.

July 2009

  • G. Donald Allen
    Presentation, The National Math Panel, Gladewater ISD, Gladewater, TX, July 14, 2009.

    Presentation, The MS Online Program in Mathematics, AP Calculus Institute, College Station, TX, July 21, 2009.

    Presentation, "Early Mechanical Calculators," AP Pre-Calculus Institute, College Station, TX, July 29, 2009.

  • Wolfgang Bangerth
    Member, Program Committee, Workshop on Parallel/High-Performance Object-Oriented Scientific Computing (POOSC 09), European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP 2009), Genova, Italy, 2009.

  • Goong Chen
    1 hr invited talk, "Extrapolation of Elliptic Eigenvalue Calculations on the Whole Space by the Virial Theorem," TIMS Special Mathematical Month, Taida Institute for Mathematical Sciences (TIMS), National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, July 2009.

    1 hr invited talk, "Introduction to Wind Power Generation," Summer Youth Camp for High School Students in Taiwan, Department of Mathematics, National Cheng-Chi University, Taipei, Taiwan, July 2009.

  • Andrew Comech
    Public lecture, Technische Universität Darmstadt, July 2, 2009.

    Talk, Dobrushin International Conference, Institute for Information Transmission Problems, Moscow, Russia, July 19, 2009.

  • Kenneth J. Dykema
    60 min. colloquium, "Thoughts on Connes' Embedding Problem and Results on Sums of Hermitian Matrices," University of Goettingen, Germany, July 2009.

  • Yalchin Efendiev
    Invited talk, HPCA2009, Shanghai, July 2009.

    Talk given at the Domain Decomposition Conference, July 2009.

  • Guido Kanschat
    30 min. minisymposium talk, ENUMATH 2009, Uppsala, Sweden, July 2009.

    Colloquium talk, University of Heidelberg, Germany, July 2009.

    Colloquium talk, University of Kiel, Germany, July 2009.

  • Peter Kuchment
    Member of the organizing committee (with M. Braverman (Northeastern), L. Friedlander (U. Arizona), T. Kappeler (Lousanne, Switzerland), J. Weitsman (Northeastern)), Spectral Theory and Geometric Analysis, Northeastern Univ., Boston, July 2009.

    Series of four invited lectures at the Graduate Workshop "Inverse Problems," MSRI, July 2009.

  • Joseph Landsberg
    Invited for 3 weeks to conduct research at ANU Canberra, July 2009.

  • David Larson
    Seminar talk, University of Nebraska, July 2009.

  • Raytcho Lazarov
    Seminar talk, Numerical Analysis, IPO, Bulgarian Acadermy of Sciences, July 29, 2009.

  • Paulo Lima-Filho
    1 hr conference talk, "Algebraic Geometry and Algebra Related to Renormalization," CIMAT, Guanajuato, Mexico, July 2009.

  • Volodymyr Nekrashevych
    Invited 1 hr talk, Workshop on Fractals and Tilings, Strobl, Austria, July 6-10, 2009.

  • Maurice Rojas
    Research conference talk, "Faster Real Feasibility and Discriminant Complexity," International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation, Seoul, Korea, July 31, 2009.

    Outreach talk, "Secret Codes, Rotating, and Adding" (enrichment talk for middle school students), College Station, Texas, July 1, 2009.

  • William Rundell
    Several talks and lectures, Radon Institute, Linz, Austria, July 2009.

  • Janie Schielack
    1 hr presentation, "How to Bring Focus to your Mathematics Teaching," Conference for the Advancement of Mathematics Teaching (CAMT), Houston, TX, July 2009.

  • Vince Schielack
    2 presentations, "Some Applications of Mathematics Involving Sports," Conference for the Advancement of Mathematics Teaching (CAMT), Houston, July 2009.

  • Frank Sottile
    Invited 1 hr plenary talk, FPSAC 09, July 2009.

  • Emil Straube
    50 min. invited lecture, Conference on Several Complex Variables, Complex Geometry, and Partial Differential Equations, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China, July 2009.

  • Zoran Sunik
    Pedagogical talk, SEE, Texas A&M University, College Station TX, July 2009.

  • Steven Taliaferro
    Plenary talk, 12th Equadiff Conference, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic, July 20-24, 2009.

  • Catherine Yan
    Colloquium talk, "Symmetry of Crossings and Nestings in Combinatorics," Institute of Mathematics, Academic Sinica, Beijing, China, July 17, 2009.

  • Philip B. Yasskin
    Conference talk, "Brazos Valley Math Teachers' Circle: Formation and Activities" (with Becky Burghardt, Caroline Jones, Mary Selcer, Jamie Bassett, Carol Tatum, David Manuel, Mila Mogilevsky), Conference for the Advancement of Mathematics Teaching (CAMT), Houston, TX, July 15-17, 2009.

    Conference talk, "Web-Based Resources for AP Calculus" (with Douglas Meade), Conference for the Advancement of Mathematics Teaching (CAMT), Houston, TX, July 15-17, 2009.

August 2009

  • G. Donald Allen
    Presentation, "Assessing Perceptions Through a Technology-Mediated Triadic Survey Instrument" (with Dianne Goldsby), Association of Teacher Educations, Reno, NV, August 1-5, 2009.

  • Michael Anshelevich
    Invited 50 min. talk, Workshop on Non-commutative Harmonic Analysis with Applications to Probability, Banach Center, Będlewo, Poland, August 2009.

    Contributing 25 min. talk, Workshop on Orthogonal Polynomials, Hankel and Jacobi Matrices, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, August 2009.

  • Gregory Berkolaiko
    Colloquium talk, Saint Mary's University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, August 2009.

  • Lewis Bowen
    1 hr workshop talk, The Informal Regional Functional Analysis Seminar, August 2009.

    1 hr workshop talk, 2nd Pingree Park Dynamics Workshop, Pingree Park, Colorado, August 2009.

  • Goong Chen
    30 min. talk (session chair), "Variational Justification of the Dimensional-Scaling Method in Chemical Physics: The H-atom", TAMU-Princeton Summer Conference on Quantum Optics and Chemical Physics, Jackson Hole, Wyoming, August, 2009.

  • Ronald Douglas
    Invited plenary talk (speaker and co-organizer), Workshop on Multivariate Operator Theory, Fields Institute, August 10-14, 2009.

  • Rostislav Grigorchuk
    1 hr plenary talk (organizer), "The Theory of Amenability in the Past 80 Years and Bogolyubov's Contribution to it," Ukrainian Congress of Mathematicians dedicated to 100th of birthday of N.N. Bogolyubov, Kyiv, Ukraine, August 2009.

    Organizer, Workshop in Group Theory, Steklov Institute of Mathematics, Moscow, Russia, August 2009.

  • Peter Kuchment
    Co-organizer (with N. Datta (U. Cambridge)) of the section "Non-relativistic Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Computation", Congress of the Internat. Soc. of Math. Physics, Prague, August 2009.

    50 min. invited lecture, "Parseval Frames of Exponentially Decaying Wannier Functions," SUMIRFAS, Texas A&M, August 2009.

  • Joseph Landsberg
    Colloquium and geometry seminar, ANU, Canberra, August 2009.

  • Volodymyr Nekrashevych
    A minicourse of four 1 hr lectures, "Groups St Andrews 2009 in Bath," Bath, England, August 1-15, 2009.

    30 min. special session, El Tercer Congreso Latino Americano de Matema'ticos, Santiago de Chile, August 31-September 4, 2009.

  • Joseph Pasciak
    30 min. talk, "The Computation of Resonances in Open Systems," Oberwolfach, August 2009.

  • Maurice Rojas
    Research conference talk, "Optimizing Certain Fewnomials Faster," Symbolic and Numeric Computation, Kyoto, Japan, August 3, 2009.

  • Peter Stiller
    Invited participant, ATR Center Summer Workshop: Performance Modeling and Prediction, Wright State University, Beavercreek, OH, August 11-12, 2009.

    Invited participant, NSF/DOD Planning Meeting for an Industry/University Collaborative Research Center on Surveillance Theory, Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, OH, August 13-14, 2009.

  • Philip B. Yasskin
    Invited colloquium talk, "New Computer Technology to Assist Teaching Calculus," Ben-Gurion University, Beersheba, Israel, August 19, 2009.

    Invited colloquium talk, "New Computer Technology to Assist Teaching Calculus," Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel, August 20, 2009.

  • Philip B. Yasskin
    Conference talk, "Maplets for Calculus - Developing Intuition in a Computer Lab," MathFest 2009, Portland, OR, August 6-8, 2009.

    Conference talk, "Map Coloring for Middle Schoolers," SIGMAA Math Circles for Students and Teachers Special Session, MathFest 2009, Portland, OR, August 6-8, 2009.

September 2009

  • Marcelo Aguiar
    Discrete geometry and combinatorics seminar talk, Cornell University, September 21, 2009.

  • Tamás Erdélyi
    Talk given at the 3rd Workshop in Fourier Analysis, Budapest, Hungary, September 18, 2009.

    Talk given at the 6th International Conference on Functional Analysis and Approximation Theory, Acquafredda di Maratea, Italy, September 28, 2009.

  • Stephen Fulling
    Plenary 50 min. talk, 9th Workshop on Quantum Field Theory under the Influence of External Conditions, Norman, Oklahoma, September 2009.

  • Jean-Luc Guermond
    Talk given at the Workshop on Quality and Reliability of Large Eddy Simulations II, Pisa, Italy, September 9-11 2009.

  • David Kerr
    Groups and dynamics seminar talk, Texas A&M University, September 2009.

  • Peter Kuchment
    Graduate student research seminar talk, "Some Mathematical Problems Arising in Contemporary Applications," TAMU, September 2009.

  • Paulo Lima-Filho
    Seminar talk, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Universidade Politecnica de Lisboa (ITP), Portugal, September 2009.

  • Volodymyr Nekrashevych
    Invited 1 hr talk, The 5th William Rowan Hamilton Geometry and Topology Workshop, The Hamilton Mathematics Institute, Trinity College Dublin, September 17-19, 2009.

  • Bojan Popov
    25 min. talk, "Numerical Methods for Multi-material Fluids and Structures," Multimat 2009, Pavia, Italy, September 21-25, 2009.

  • Eric Rowell
    40 min. invited talk, Colloquium on Hopf Algebras, Quantum Groups and Tensor Categories, La Falda, Argentina, September 2009.

  • Thomas Schlumprecht
    Invited 3 hr minicourse, IV Curso Internacional de Análisis Matemático en Andalucía, Seville (Spain), September 2009.

  • Frank Sottile
    Research seminar talk, Texas A&M University, September 14, 2009.

    Research seminar talk, University of Michigan, September 27, 009.

  • Zoran Sunik
    40 min. talk, MASSEE International Congress, Ohrid, Macedonia, September 2009.

  • Sarah Witherspoon
    40 min. invited talk, Colloquium on Hopf Algebras, Quantum Groups, and Tensor Categories, La Falda, Argentina, September 4, 2009.

    45 min. invited talk, KUMUNU Regional Conference, Lincoln, Nebraska, September 19, 2009.

    Colloquium talk, Texas A&M University, September 29, 2009.

  • Jianxin Zhou
    1 hr curriculum talk, "Finding Multiple Solutions to Elliptic PDE with Nonlinear Boundary Conditions," Fuzhou Normal University, Fuzhou, China, September 14, 2009.

    Three 1 hr seminar talks, "A New Type of Newton's Method for Finding Multiple Solutions," Hunan Normal University, Changsha, China, September 2009.

    1 hr general talk, "On US Education System," Hunan Normal University, Changsha, China, September 2009.

  • Joel Zinn
    1 hr MPHA seminar, "The Gaussian Correlation Conjecture," TAMU, September 2009.

October 2009

  • Michael Anshelevich
    Organizer (with Ken Dykema, David Kerr, and Roger Smith), Seventh East Coast Operator Algebras Symposium, TAMU, October 24-25, 2009.

  • Wolfgang Bangerth
    30 min. invited plenary lecture, Banff Workshop on Mathematical Methods in Emerging Modalities of Medical Imaging, Banff, Canada, October 25-30, 2009.

  • Gregory Berkolaiko
    Section co-organizers (with K. Kirsten, J.M. Harrison, S. Fulling, and P. Kuchment), Mathematical Aspects of Spectral Problems Related to Physics, AMS Central Section Meeting, Waco, TX, October 16-18, 2009.

  • Andrea Bonito
    Numerical analysis seminar talk, "Parametric AFEM for Biomembranes: Geometric Biomembranes and Fluid-Membrane Interaction," University of Houston, Texas, October 2009.

  • Lewis Bowen
    Invited 1 hr talk, East Coast Operator Algebras Symposium, TAMU, October 2009.

    Colloquium talk, Princeton University, Mathematics Dept, October 2009.

  • Goong Chen
    1 hr invited talk, "A Unified Treatment for the Universality of Quantum Gates for Various Quantum Computing Gates," NSF-sponsored Conference on Representation Theory, Quantum Field Theory, Category Theory, Mathematical Physics and Quantum Information Theory, Department of Computer Science, University of Texas-Tyler, Tyler, Texas, October 1-4, 2009.

    Invited 45 min. talk, "Extrapolation of Elliptic Eigenvalue Calculations on the Whole Space by the Virial Theorem," AMS Fall Regional Meeting, Department of Mathematics, Baylor University, Waco, Texas, October 2009.

  • Andrew Comech
    Graduate student seminar talk, Texas A&M University, October 15, 2009.

    Analysis/PDE reading seminar talk, Texas A&M University, October 21, 2009.

  • Prabir Daripa
    Invited 30 min. talk, "Some Topics in Computational and Applied Mathematics," Graduate Seminar Series, Mathematics Department, TAMU, October 8, 2009.

  • Kenneth J. Dykema
    Co-organizer (with Michael Anshelevich, David Kerr and Roger Smith), 7th Annual East Coast Operator Algebras Symposium, Texas A&M, October 2009.

  • Peter Kuchment
    45 min. invited lecture, (organizing committee chair (with D. Finch (Oregon St.), J. Schotland (UPenn), Y. Xu (Ryerson Univ., Canada))), "Can One Hear the Heat of a Body? Survey of the Mathematics of Thermo- and Photo-Acoustic Tomography," Internat. Workshop Mathematical Methods in Novel Modalities of Medical Imaging, Banff, Canada, October 25-30, 2009.

    Co-organizer (with G. Berkolaiko (Texas A&M), J. Harrison, and K. Kirsten (Baylor Univ.)), Analysis on Graphs and Singular Manifolds Section, Amer. Math. Soc. Meeting, Baylor Univ., October 2009.

  • Joseph Landsberg
    Invited for month to conduct research at the U. Grenoble, October 2009.

  • Paulo Lima-Filho
    45 min. conference talk, Lloyd Roeling Mathematics Conference, Univ. of Louisiana, Lafayette, LA, October 2009.

  • Grigoris Paouris
    Invited 20 min. talk, "Special Values of Goss L-functions for Dirichlet Characters," American Mathematical Society, Special Session on Function Fields and their Applications, State College, PA, October 2009.

  • Guergana Petrova
    30 min. seminar talk, First Year Graduate Student Seminar, Texas A&M University, October, 2009.

  • Alexei Poltoratski
    Colloquium talk, University of Wisconsin, October 2009.

  • Coleen Robles
    Seminar talk, TAMU Math Club, October 2009.

  • Maurice Rojas
    Research conference talk, "Chamber Cones and Faster Real Solution Counting," Southwest AMS Meeting, Special Session on Applicable Algebraic Geometry, Waco, Texas, October 18, 2009.

  • Eric Rowell
    75 min. invited talk, "Representation Theory, Quantum Field Theory, etc.," UT Tyler, October 2009.

  • William Rundell
    Seminar talk, University of Texas, Austin, October 2009.

  • Roger Smith
    Seminar talk, "C*-Algebraic Invariants," UTSA, October 2009.

  • Frank Sottile
    Invited 1 hr talk, SE Texas Discrete Math and Applications Workshop, TAMU at Galveston, October 2009.

    Franks Stones lecture, Texas Christian University, October 20, 2009.

  • Emil Straube
    50 min. invited talk (organizer with F. Haslinger and B. Lamel), "Program on the d-bar-Neumann Problem: Analysis, Geometry, and Potential Theory," Erwin Schrödinger International Institute for Mathematical Physics, Vienna, Austria, October 27-December 23, 2009.

  • Zoran Sunik
    20 min. talk, AMS Special Session on Mathematical Aspects of Spectral Problems Related to Physics, Waco TX, October 2009.

  • Sarah Witherspoon
    20 min. invited talk, AMS Special Session on Fusion Categories and Applications, Waco, Texas, October 17, 2009.

  • Catherine Yan
    20 min. special session, "Mixed Statistics on 01-Fillings of Moon Polyominoes," AMS Southeast Section meeting, Florida, October 31-November 1, 2009.

  • Matthew Young
    Invited 1 hr talk, Texas A&M Number Theory Seminar, October 2009.

  • Igor Zelenko
    Two invited 50 min. talks, Mini-Workshop on Differential Systems, Utah State University, Logan, Utah, October 31-November 3, 2009.

November 2009

  • Marcelo Aguiar
    Colloquium talk, Math. Department, DePaul University, November 6, 2009.

    Colloquium talk, Math. Department, Cornell University, November 19, 2009.

  • Harold Boas
    Colloquium talk, University of Vienna (two talks on different subjects, one for students and one for faculty), November 25, 2009.

  • Andrea Bonito
    Invited plenary talk, "Multigrids Algorithms for Geometrically Consistent Mesh Modification," Adaptive and Multilevel Methods for Partial Differential Equations: Workshop in honor of Randolph Bank's 60th birthday, University of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA, November 2009.

    Numerical analysis seminar talk, "Numerical Approximation of the Time-Harmonic Maxwell System: Rehabilitation of the Continuous Lagrange Finite Elements," University of Maryland, Maryland, November.

  • Lewis Bowen
    Invited 1 hr talk, Midwest Dynamical Systems Conference, UIC, November 2009.

  • Andrew Comech
    Analysis/PDE reading seminar, Texas A&M University, November 4, 11, 18, 2009.

    Mathematical physics seminar talk, Texas A&M University, November 13, 2009.

  • Prabir Daripa
    Contributed 15 min. talk, "Surfactant Effects on the Motion of Long Bubbles in a Capillary Tube," 59th Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics, APS, Minneapolis, MN, November 22-24, 2009.

  • Yalchin Efendiev
    Invited talk, "Multiscale Flow Simulation in Porous Media," China, November 21-23, 2009.

  • Stephen Fulling
    Plenary 50 min. talk, XXVII Physics Meeting in the North-Northeast Brazil, Belém, Brazil, November 2009.

  • Rostislav Grigorchuk
    Invited 50 min. talk, "Ergodic Properties of Boundary Actions, Hopf Decomposition and Nielsen-Schreier Theory," Texas Geometry and Topology Conference, Rice University, November 2009.

  • Guido Kanschat
    Colloquium talk, Brown University, Providence, RI, November 2009.

  • David Kerr
    Seminar talk, Dynamical Systems Seminar, University of Houston, November 2009.

  • Peter Kuchment
    Invited colloquium talk, "Can One Hear the Heat of a Body?," Mathematics of Thermoacoustic Tomography, SMU, Dallas, November 2009.

    Seminar talk, "Tomography - Mathematics of Seeing Invisible," First Year Graduate Student seminar, TAMU, November 2009.

  • Joseph Landsberg
    Colloquium talk, Computer Science Dept., U. Chicago, November 2009.

    Geometry seminar talk, U. Grenoble, November 2009.

  • David Larson
    Colloquium talk, University of Oklahoma, November 2009.

  • Eric Rowell
    50 min. invited talk, U. South Alabama Algebra Seminar, November 2009.

    Colloquium talk, University of South Alabama, November 2009.

  • Janie Schielack
    2 hr presentation, "Curriculum Development in Texas" for the Southern Methodist University Educational Policy Cohort, Dallas, TX, November 2009.

  • Vince Schielack
    Service talk, "We've Got Your Number," Texas Science Olympiad Coaches' Clinic, November 2009.

    Service talk, "It's About Time," Texas Science Olympiad Coaches' Clinic, November 2009.

  • Roger Smith
    Colloquium talk, "Close Nuclear C*-Algebras," University of Houston, November 2009.

  • Frank Sottile
    Short course of four lectures, Oberwolfach seminar on "New Trends in Algorithms for Real Algebraic Geometry," November 2009.

  • Emil Straube
    Invited 50 min. talk, Complex Analysis and Complex Geometry Seminar, University of Houston, November 11, 2009.

  • Matthew Young
    Invited hour talk, UCLA, November 2009.

    Invited hour talk, Institute for Advanced Study, November 2009.

December 2009

  • Michael Anshelevich
    Invited 25 min. talk, CMS Special Session on Operator Algebras, Windsor, Canada, December 2009.

  • Gregory Berkolaiko
    30 min. invited plenary talk, "Counting Nodal Domains on Graphs," 3rd Workshop on Quantum Chaos, Buenos Aires, December 1-4, 2009.

    Research visit to CR Rao Advanced Institute for Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science, Hyderabad, India, December 2009-January 2010.

  • Al Boggess
    Invited lecture, "Boxb Heat Equation," Program on d-bar, Schrödinger Institute, Vienna, Austria, December 2009.

    Chair, External Site Visit Review Committee, NSF Institute Proposal, University of Chicago, Fall 2009.

  • Goong Chen
    Invited 1 hr talk, "The Band Gap Problem in Solar Energy Research," National Center for Theoretical Sciences (NCTS), National Tsinghua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, December 30, 2009.

  • Andrew Comech
    Analysis/PDE reading seminar, Texas A&M University, December 2, 2009.

  • Kenneth J. Dykema
    20 min. talk (co-organizer with Ja A. Jeong, Il Bong Jung, George Exner), "On the BMV Conjecture," Special Session on Operator Theory and Operator Algebras, Joint KMS/AMS Conference, Seoul, Korea, December 2009.

    30 min. invited lecture series, "On Matrix Approximants of Operators in Finite von Neumann Algebras," Annual Korean Winter School, Daegu, South Korea, December 2009.

  • Yalchin Efendiev
    Invited talk, "Sparse Approximation Methods," Singapore, December 2009.

  • Jean-Luc Guermond
    Seminar talk, SANDIA National Lab, Albuquerque, NM, December 10, 2009.

  • David Kerr
    20 min. invited talk, Operator Theory and Operator Algebras Session, Joint Meeting of the American Mathematical Society and Korean Mathematical Society, Seoul, South Korea, December 2009.

    20 min. invited talk, Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems Session, Joint Meeting of the American Mathematical Society and Korean Mathematical Society, Seoul, South Korea, December 2009.

    Seminar talk, Operator Algebra Seminar, University of Tokyo, Japan, December 2009.

  • Peter Kuchment
    Member (organizing committee with J. Walton, R. Lipton, D. Lagudas), IAMCS Workshop: Multi-Scale Materials Modeling: Nano-Scale to Macro-Scale Materials Modeling and Hybrid Theories, Texas A&M University, December 2-3, 2009.

  • Joseph Landsberg
    Colloquium talk, WUSTL, St. Louis, December 2009.

  • Laura Matusevich
    Colloquium talk, University of Connecticut, December 2009.

  • Volodymyr Nekrashevych
    Seminar talk, SUNY Stony Brook, December 2009.

  • Grigoris Paouris
    Research talk, "Convex Geometry and its Applications," Mathematisches Forschunginstitut, Oberwolfach, December 2009.

  • Gilles Pisier
    Lecture, "Regular Operators on (Possibly Non-commutative) Lp-Spaces," Edinburgh, December 9, 2009.

  • Alexei Poltoratski
    Colloquium talk, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, December 2009.

  • Bojan Popov
    Colloquium talk, "Entropy Viscosity," Sandia National Laboratories, December 2009.

    Approximation theory seminar talk, "Entropy Viscosity Methods for Nonlinear Conservation Laws," TAMU, December 2009.

  • Roger Smith
    1 hr research conference talk, "Operators and Operator Algebras," Edinburgh Scotland, December 2009.

  • Emil Straube
    50 min. invited colloquium for graduate students, Dept. of Mathematics, University of Vienna, Austria, December 16, 2009.

    Invited 50 min. colloquium talk, Dept. of Mathematics, University of Vienna, Austria, December 16, 2009.

  • Paula Tretkoff
    New York Joint Number Theory Seminar Lectures (joint with Marvin D. Tretkoff), CUNY Graduate Center, New York, NY, December 10, 2009.

  • Philip B. Yasskin
    Conference talk, "Maplets for Calculus as an Electronic Study Guide" (presented by Douglas Meade), 14th Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China, December 2009.

    Conference talk (co-organizer, presented by Douglas Meade), "Getting Started with Maple and Maplets for Calculus," Workshop, 14th Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China, December 2009.

  • Jianxin Zhou
    30 min. invited talk, "Finding Multiple Solutions to Elliptic PDE with Nonlinear Boundary Conditions," AMS-KMS Joint Meeting, Seoul, Korea, December 16-20, 2009.

    1 hr curriculum talk, "Finding Multiple Solutions to Elliptic PDE with Nonlinear Boundary Conditions," Inst. Applied Math., Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing, China, December 16, 2009.

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