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Texas A&M University

2010 Personal News

  • Harold Boas was awarded the Association of Former Students Distinguished Achievement Award in Teaching, University-Level, Spring 2010.

  • Yalchin Efendiev receives the Fraunhofer Bessel Award (Alexander von Humboldt Foundation), 2010.

  • Peter Howard receives the Partner in Learning Award from the Department of Multicultural Services, 2010.

  • William B. Johnson, 2010 Landau Lectures, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

  • Guido Kanschat, invited for a one semester visit to the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, Minneapolis, 2010.

  • Conni Liaw and husband Joe proudly announce the birth of their son Calvin Joseph Kuehl, born March 4, 2010.

  • Sandra Nite won first place in her session "Teaching and Learning" and took second place overall in our College for her participation in Student Research Week.

  • Joe Pasciak has been awarded the Texas A&M University Chapter of Sigma Xi – Outstanding Science Communicator for 2010. This award is given annually by the local chapter of Sigma Xi to a faculty member who has demonstrated superior skill and dedication to improving science education in the public school system. He received the award at the annual Sigma Xi banquet on April 30, 2010.

  • Vince Schielack serves on the 10-member Advisory Committee for the U.S. Department of Energy National Science Bowl. Upon the retirement of Sue Ellen Walbridge, the previous National Science Bowl Coordinator, in August 2010, this committee has assumed responsibility for the National Science Bowl competition, which includes administration and oversight of the 68 high school and 40 middle school Science Bowl competitions run nationwide, as well as the National Science Bowl finals. The National Finals event is a showcase for the Department of Energy; in 2010, the finals were moderated by First Lady Michelle Obama and Energy Secretary Steven Chu.
    The Advisory Committee is responsible for planning all logistics related to the national competition held in Washington, D.C. each year, involving over 500 students and a like number of coaches, regional coordinators, and officials. It is also charged with other non-competition-related activities, such as selecting the winners of $200,000 worth of Science Bowl scholarships. Within the committee, my major responsibilities are the aspects directly related to the competition itself. I am charged with being "keeper of the rules", so am responsible for changes to them and rulings upon them. I am a mathematics question writer, and serve as chief reviewer of the Science Bowl competition questions, both at the regional and national level; as such, I communicate with all 108 regionals regarding necessary question changes throughout the spring regional competition season, and continue the question-vetting-process through the National Finals. At the National Finals, I serve as the chief appeals judge, administer the tie-breaking procedures for entry into the playoff tournament, and draw the brackets used for the playoff itself, along shouldering the shared responsibilities of running

  • Jay Walton was presented with a Association of Former Students College Level Teaching Award, Fall 2010.

  • The following promotions were approved by the Chancellor and Board of Regents. Effective September 1:
    Ron DeVore to Distinguished Professor
    Matt Papanikolas to Professor
    Sarah Witherspoon to Professor
    Angela Allen to Senior Lecturer
    Kendra Kilmer to Senior Lecturer

Workshops and Conferences

  • Graduate Summer School on Image Processing Conference, Park City, Utah, 2010 (Co-organizer: Ronald DeVore).
    Sparsity and Computation Conference, Bonn, Germany, 2010 (Co-organizer: Ronald DeVore).
    High Dimensional Problems Conference, Paris, France 2010 (Co-organizer: Ronald DeVore).

  • Texas Geometry and Topology Conference, TAMU, November 12-14, 2010 (Organizers: Jon Pitts and J.M. Landsberg). The Texas Geometry and Topology Conference is dedicated to the enhancement of both the educational and the research atmosphere of the community of geometers and topologists in Texas and surrounding states.

Grants/Contracts Awarded

  • Marcelo Aguiar (PI), NSF DMS-01001935: "Categories, Hopf Algebras, and Algebraic Combinatorics", August 2010-July 2013. $178,362. This grant contains funds for student support ($16,650 for 1 graduate student).

  • Don Allen (Co-PI), NSF: "Preservice Teacher Effectiveness for Algebra I," (PI: Gerald Kulm), September 1, 2010 to August 31, 2015, $1,778,741.

  • Wolfgang Bangerth (PI), Institute for Applied Mathematics and Computational Science (Texas A&M University), Innovation Award: "Exploiting Sparsity in Solving Geoscience Inverse Problems," January 1, 2010 to August 31, 2010, $20,000.
    NSF award EAR-0949446: "Geoinformatics: Facility Support: Computational Infrastructure for Geodynamics", Member of proposal writing committee, Louise Kellogg (PI), University of California, Davis, July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2015), $8,175,001.
    (PI), Subcontract from Computational Infrastructure for Geodynamics (an NSF-funded research center), "Geoinformatics: Facility Support: Computational Infrastructure for Geodynamics," July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2015, $814,221.

  • Lewis Bowen NSF, DMS-0954606: "CAREER: Ergodic theory of non-amenable group actions," May 2010 to May 2015, $499,993.

  • Goong Chen (Co-PI); M. Belic, (PI), QNRF NPRP grant #09-462-1-074: "Light bullets, Fractional Vortices, Nonlocal Solitons and Surface Waves for All-optical Information Transmission in Photonic Crystals, Optical Lattices, Dispersion-managed Systems, and Distributed Fibers," $1,049,000, November 1, 2010 to October 31, 2013.
    (PI), Texas ARP grant #010366-0149-2009: "Mathematical Study of Wind Power Generation," $76,600, July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2012.

  • Prabir Daripa (PI), TAMU/International Programs: "Interdisciplinary Research on Complex Flows of Complex Fluids," January 1, 2010 to May 31, 2011.

  • Ronald DeVore DoD-Air Force Office of Scientific Research: "New Theory and Algorithms for Scalable Data Fusion-Supplement," TAMU, $74,000, January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2010.

  • Yalchin Efendiev, Chevron: "Efficient Techniques for Reservoir Simulation," 2010-2011.
    DOE: "Time-Lapse Seismic Monitoring and Performance Assessment of CO2 Sequestration in Hydrocarbon Reservoirs," 2010-2013.
    (PI), DOE: "Bayesian Uncertainty Quantification in Predictions of Flows in Highly Heterogeneous Media and its Applications to CO2 Sequestration, 2010-2013, 700K.
    (Co-PI), DOE: US-Russia Program, "Improving Research and Educational Activities in Higher Education" (TAMU and National Research Nuclear University), (PI: Rajagopal) 2010-2013. This grant includes only travel funding and involves PIs from Mechanical Engineering, Physics, Aerospace Engineering.

  • Stephen Fulling, NSF: Physics Program, "Collaborative Research: Quantum Vacuum Energy," renewal for September 2010 to August 2013, $291,044 with comparable amounts to the linked projects at University of Oklahoma (PI: K.A. Milton, Physics Dept.) and Louisiana State University (PI: R. Estrada, Math Dept.).

  • Jean-Luc Guermond, IAMCS Innovation Grant: (PI), August 2010 to May 2011, $25,000.
    NSF DMS-1015984: (PI), "Approximation Techniques for MHD Flows in Highly Hetrogeneous Media," September 15, 2010 to August 31, 2013, $269,991.

  • William B. Johnson, NSF: DMS-1001321, (PI), "Geometry of Banach Spaces and Metric Spaces," June 1, 2010 to May 31, 2013, $297,084.

  • Guido Kanschat, IMA Long Term Visitor Program, IMA, University of Minnesota, 2010, $21,000.

  • Peter Kuchment (PI), NSF: Special Meetings "Analysis on Graphs and its Applications," Cambridge, UK, July 2010, $41,860.

  • Joseph Landsberg (PI) (Co-PI: C. Robles), NSF: DMS-1006353, "Analytic Geometry and Representation Theory," August 15, 2010 to July 31, 2013, $278,843.

  • Raytcho D. Lazarov (PI), NSF: DMS-1016525, "Subgrid Discontinuous Galerkin Approximations of Brinkman Equations with Highly Heterogeneous Coefficients," August 15, 2010 to August 14, 2013, $339,199.

  • Riad Masri, DoD-NSA (Young Investigator Grant): "Investigations on Heegner Points with Applications to L-functions, Elliptic Curves, and Combinatorics," March 2010 to March 2012, $30,000.

  • Laura Matusevich (PI), NSF: DMS-1001763, "New Developments in Hypergeometric Equations," August 15, 2010 to July 31, 2013, $150,000.

  • Volodymyr Nekrashevych (PI), NSF: DMS-1006280, "Iterated Monodromy Groups," July 15, 2010 to June 30, 2013, $152,592.

  • Eric Rowell, NSA Young Investigators: "Modular Categories and Braid Group Representations," March 2010 to March 2012, $30,000.

  • Jane Schielack, NSF (Federal), "Virtual Ecological Inquiry (VEI) - A Virtual Environment for Inquiry-based Learning and Research" (collaborative project/shared grant with X. B. Wu (ESSM) and S. L. Knight (Pennsylvania State University)), Account No. 052209, 4/1/2010 through 3/31/2012 ($147,279 direct, $52,671 indirect).
    Region XIII Education Service Center (State), "Middle-school Students in Texas-Algebra Ready (MSTAR), Mathematics Academies," Account No. 430921, 9/1/2010 through 5/31/2011 ($40,960 direct).

  • Frank Sottile (PI), NSF: DMS-1001615, "Applications and Combinatorics in Algebraic Geometry," August 1, 2010 to July 31, 2012, $156,930.

Fall 2010 Recipients, Department of Mathematics Awards

Last modified June 17, 2010 by RLC.

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