1995 Personal News
David Stewart, a postdoctoral researcher from the Australian National University, is in residence during spring 1995. He is being supported by Peter Stiller and Jeff Trinkle (Computer Science) on NSF and TARP funds.
Roland Potthast from the Universität Göttingen is a visitor to the department during the last two weeks of March 1995.
Peter Stiller is principal investigator for an NSF Mathematical Sciences University-Industry Postdoctoral Research Fellowship awarded to TAMU and the David Sarnoff Research Center in Princeton, New Jersey to support a postdoctoral researcher. The individual selected will spend a year at TAMU and a year at Sarnoff in Princeton.
David Hendricks received a McDonald's teaching award on March 27, 1995.
Michael Pedersen of the Mathematical Institute, The Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark, is visiting the department April 10--April 20, 1995.
Prabir Daripa has received a grant from the Texas A&M University Program to Enhance Scholarly and Creative Activities for a project titled "A study of chaos and fractals in fluids."
Al Boggess, Michael Pilant, Ernest Goetz (educational psychology), and Robert Hall (educational psychology) have received a grant from the Texas A&M University Interdisciplinary Research Initiatives Program for a project titled "Development of an interactive learning environment for engineering calculus."
Peter Stiller and Jeff Trinkle (Computer Science) have received a grant from the Texas A&M University Interdisciplinary Research Initiatives Program for a project titled "Geometry and optimal control for manipulation planning algorithms."
Charles Chui, Andrew Chan (Electrical Engineering), and Steve Liu (Computer Science) have received a grant from the Texas A&M University Interdisciplinary Research Initiatives Program for a project titled "Adaptive wavelet for real-time engineering applications."
At its April 7, 1995 meeting, the Texas A&M University Board of Regents approved the promotions of Edward Letzter, Bruce Lowe, Vince Schielack, and Thomas Schlumprecht to Associate Professor with tenure; and Keith Ball and Arthur Hobbs to Professor.
Alan Cannon received the first L. F. Guseman award from the Department of Mathematics. He will join the faculty of Southeastern Louisiana University in the fall of 1995.
Joseph Ward has been appointed an associate editor of Mathematics of Computation and of the Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications.
At a ceremony on May 4, 1995, the Department of Mathematics presented awards for outstanding teaching to Art Belmonte, Al Boggess, Joe Hartfiel, Yvette Hester, and Bruce Lowe. Awards for outstanding service went to Jack Bryant, Doug Hensley, and Joel Zinn.
The Department of Mathematics received a $5,000 Diversity Award for 1994-1995 for outstanding achievement in promoting diversity among the faculty and students at Texas A&M University. The award was presented May 4, 1995 by the Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost.
Arthur Hobbs was elected to the executive committee of the Texas A&M University Faculty Senate on May 8, 1995. This follows a year as chair of the Planning Committee of the Senate. Last year he was instrumental in creating the Budget Information Committee, the first new standing committee of the Faculty Senate in 10 years and the first movement toward having faculty input in the University budget process. He will be happy to discuss with any faculty members what he might be able to do for the department, college, or the university.
Professor Sze-Bi Hsu of the Institute of Applied Mathematics, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, is visiting the Mathematics Department during the period May 5-May 20, 1995.
Harold Boas and Emil Straube are the 1995 awardees of the Stefan Bergman Trust.
N. Sivakumar has received a Collaborative Research Grant from NATO together with Brad Baxter of Imperial College, London.
Arthur Hobbs was elected Vice-Chair of the Planning Committee of the Faculty Senate in August.
At a ceremony on 15 September 1995, Jeff Morgan received the College of Science Teaching Award presented by the Association of Former Students.
Recipients of grants in the 1995 Texas ARP/ATP program:
- Goong Chen and Jianxin Zhou, "Chaotic Vibrations In Mechanical Systems Governed By Partial Differential Equations", $56,875.
- Charles K. Chui, "Wavelet Compression Of Medical Images", $109,532.
- David C. Dobson and Michael S. Pilant , "Electromagnetic Wave Propagation In Heterogeneous Porous Media", $87,207.
- Thomas Schlumprecht and Joel Zinn, "The Gaussian Correlation Conjecture", $61,250.
- Peter Stiller and Rekha Thomas, "Algorithms For Image Database Indexing, Object Recognition, And Computer Vision", $113,628.
- Jay Walton and David Allen (Aerospace Engineering), "Models For Predicting Corrosion Assisted Crack Growth In Aging Aircraft", $149,749.
Last modified June 17, 2009 by RLC