1996 Personal News
Thomas Schlumprecht's paper ``The distortion problem'' (with Edward Odell) received a Featured Review in Mathematical Reviews 96a:46031.
Dr. Ronald G. Douglas, formerly professor of mathematics at the State University of New York at Stony Brook, was named executive vice president and provost at Texas A&M University effective March 1, 1996. Professor Douglas is a world expert on operator theory and operator algebras.
At its March 22, 1996 meeting, the Texas A&M University Board of Regents approved the promotion of David C. Dobson to Associate Professor with tenure and Albert Boggess and Emil J. Straube to Professor.
Grants awarded by the National Science Foundation:
Arthur Hobbs, ``Paul Catlin Memorial Workshop on graph minors and Eulerian subgraphs,'' NSF grant number DMS-9623215, $6,200, May 1, 1996 to October 31, 1996.
Tamás Erdélyi, ``Polynomials and polynomial inequalities,'' NSF grant number DMS-9623156, $64,611, June 1, 1996 to May 31, 1999.
William B. Johnson and Gilles Pisier, ``Geometry of Banach spaces and operator spaces,'' NSF grant number DMS-9623260, $242,700, June 1, 1996 to May 31, 1999.
Carl M. Pearcy, Jr., ``Operators on Hilbert space,'' NSF grant number DMS-9623480, $39,000, June 1, 1996 to May 31, 1998.
Edward S. Letzter, ``Prime ideals and subalgebras of Noetherian Hopf algebras,'' NSF grant number DMS-9623579, $60,000, June 15, 1996 to May 31, 1999.
James H. Bramble and Raytcho D. Lazarov, ``Construction of accurate, robust and efficient numerical techniques for partial differential equations,'' NSF grant number DMS-9626567, $195,000, August 15, 1996 to July 31, 1999.
Jon T. Pitts, ``Applications in the geometric calculus of variations,'' NSF grant number DMS-9626560, $50,000, August 15, 1996 to July 31, 1997.
Harold P. Boas, Huai-Dong Cao, Paulo Lima-Filho, Jon T. Pitts, Peter F. Stiller, Emil J. Straube, and Rekha R. Thomas, ``Mathematical Sciences/GIG: Geometry, Analysis and Topology: Research, technology, industry and education,'' NSF grant number DMS-9632028, $400,334, September 1, 1996 to August 31, 1999.
On May 2, 1996, Harold Boas received the Distinguished Achievement Award in Research from the Texas A&M University Association of Former Students.
May 1996 recipients of Department of Mathematics awards for
- outstanding teaching:
- outstanding service:
In August, 1996, Richard E. Ewing received an honorary doctorate from the University of Bergen in Norway. He is also a 1996 Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Engineering Section.
Professor Joseph E. Pasciak joined the department in fall 1996.
Starting fall 1996, Vince Schielack became the director of the Center for Mathematics & Science Education.
At the College of Science Faculty meeting on September 19, 1996, Dante DeBlassie and Ellen Toby received Association of Former Students College-Level Distinguished Achievement Awards in Teaching. Also recognized at the meeting were Mentors from the department: Don Allen and Arthur Hobbs.
On October 22, 1996, Denise Kirschner was honored as the Center for Teaching Excellence Scholar for the College of Science during a luncheon in the Clayton W. Williams Jr. Alumni Center on campus.
Rupini Kamat was born to Laximi Kamat and Vishnu G. Kamat on December 3, 1996.
Last modified June 17, 2009 by RLC