Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations
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Location | Speaker | Title – click for abstract | |
08/20 10:00am |
Online | Tianwen Luo South China Normal University |
On multi-dimensional rarefaction waves
We study the two-dimensional acoustical rarefaction waves under the irrotational assumptions. We provide a new energy estimates without loss of derivatives. We also give a detailed geometric description of the rarefaction wave fronts. As an application, we show that the Riemann problem is structurally stable in the regime of two families of rarefaction waves. This is a joint work with Prof. Pin Yu in Tsinghua University. | |
09/05 2:00pm |
Bloc302 | Gennady Uraltsev University of Arkansas |
Probabilistic well-posedness for the cubic nonlinear Schrödinger equation using higher order expansions and directional norms
The nonlinear Schrödinger equation (NLS) on is a prototypical dispersive equation, i.e. it is characterized by different frequencies travelling at different velocities and by the lack of a smoothing effect over time. Furthermore, NLS is a prototypical infinite-dimensional Hamiltonian system. Constructing an invariant measure for the NLS flow is a natural, albeit very difficult problem. It requires showing local well-posedness in low regularity spaces, in an appropriate probabilistic sense.
We prove the probabilistic local well-posedness of \[ (i\partial_{t}+\Delta)u=\pm |u|^{2}u \text{ on } [0,T)\times \mathbb{R}^{d}, \] with initial data being a unit-scale Wiener randomization of a given function \(f\in H^{S}_{x}(\mathbb{R}^{d})\). When \(d=3\) we obtain the full range \(S>0\).
The solutions are constructed as a sum of an explicit multilinear expansion of the flow in terms of the random initial data and of an additional smoother remainder term with deterministically subcritical regularity. We show how directional behavior of solutions can be used to control the (probabilistic) multilinear approximations of the solution and the remainder term. We obtain improved bilinear probabilistic-deterministic Strichartz estimates, and we shed light on NLS in dimensions \(d>3\), and potentially with other power nonlinearities. | |
09/24 3:00pm |
Bloc302 | Joshua Siktar Texas A&M University |
Existence of Solutions for Fractional Optimal Control Problems with Minimax Constraint
In this talk we prove the existence of solutions to an optimal control problem where the constraint is an ill-posed, nonlinear equation containing a Fractional Laplacian. For any fixed control data, the constraint equation is known to have multiple solutions by a previous application of the Mountain Pass Theorem. Due to the pointwise nature of the conditions on controls needed to invoke this theorem, we must make substantial adaptations to the usual direct method of calculus of variations in order to prove our main existence result. The main theoretical tools are a thoughtful construction of an admissible set of controls, and a technical lemma that ensures that a minimizing sequence of pairs of controls and corresponding states exhibits convergence to another control-state pair that satisfies the constraint equation.
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10/01 3:00pm |
Blocker 302 | Edriss S. Titi Texas A&M University |
On a generalization of the Bardos-Tartar conjecture to nonlinear dissipative PDEs
In this talk I will show that every solution of a KdV-Burgers-Sivashinsky type equation blows up in the energy space, backward in time, provided the solution does not belong to the global attractor. This is a phenomenon contrast to the backward behavior of the 2D Navier-Stokes equations, subject to periodic boundary condition, studied by Constantin, Foias, Kukavica and Majda, but analogous to the backward behavior of the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation discovered by Kukavica and Malcok. I will also discuss the backward behavior of solutions to the damped driven nonlinear Schroedinger equation, the complex Ginzburg-Landau equation, and the hyperviscous Navier-Stokes equations. In addition, I will provide some physical interpretation of various backward behaviors of several perturbations of the KdV equation by studying explicit cnoidal wave solutions. Furthermore, I will discuss the connection between the backward behavior and the energy spectra of the solutions. The study of backward behavior of dissipative evolution equations is motivated by a conjecture of Bardos and Tartar which states that the solution operator of the two-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations maps the phase space into a dense subset in this space. This is a joint work with Yanqui Guo. | |
10/15 10:00am |
Online | Lingda Xu Hong Kong Polytechnic University |
Nonlinear stability threshold for compressible Couette flow
In this talk, we will introduce the result of the nonlinear stability threshold for compressible Couette flow, highlighting several key innovations. First, we introduce a new quantity that significantly weakens the lift-up effect, which is the key difficulty in shear flow problems. Second, we utilize the properties of acoustic waves to achieve crucial cancellations, a method that fundamentally differs from the incompressible case. Third, we propose a new set of decoupled diffusion waves, improving the decay of errors. This approach contrasts with previous constructions of coupled diffusion waves and can be extended to more general hyperbolic-parabolic coupled systems. Additionally, we employ a Poincaré-type inequality, aided by Huang-Li-Matsumura’s inequality, which plays an important role in managing certain critical (for time) energy estimates. | |
11/12 10:00am |
Online | Helmut Abels University Regensburg |
Sharp Interface Limit of a Navier-Stokes/Allen-Cahn System
We consider the sharp interface limit of a Navier-Stokes/Allen-Cahn system, when a parameter $\varepsilon>0$ that is proportional to the thickness of the diffuse interface tends to zero, in a two dimensional bounded domain. In dependence on the mobility coefficient in the Allen-Cahn equation in dependence on $\varepsilon>0$ different limit systems or non-convergence can occur. In the case that the mobility vanishes as $\varepsilon$ tends to zero slower than quadratic or does not vanish we prove convergence of solutions to a smooth solution of a corresponding sharp interface model for well-prepared and sufficiently smooth initial data. In the first case the proof is based on a relative entropy method and the construction of sufficiently smooth solutions of a suitable perturbed sharp interface limit system. In the second case it is based on the construction of a suitable approximate solution and estimates for the linearized operator. This is a joint work with Julian Fischer and Maximilian Moser (ISTA Klosterneuburg, Austria) and Maximilian Moser and Mingwen Fei (Anhui Normal University, Wuhu, China), respectively. | |
11/19 3:00pm |
BLOC 302 | Noah Stevenson Princeton |
On the traveling and stationary wave problems for a system of viscous shallow water equations
There is a rich history of the study of traveling wave solutions to the free boundary Euler equations - otherwise known as the water wave problem; nevertheless, it is only within the last six years that the analogous study of traveling wave solutions to free boundary fluids with viscosity - such
as the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations - has commenced. Even more recently, this traveling wave study has expanded to a larger family of dissipative fluid systems including compressible flows, fluids obeying Darcy’s law, and the shallow water equations.
This talk focuses specifically on the shallow water equation’s version of the water wave problem. The shallow water equations, which are derived from the free boundary Navier-Stokes equations with Navier slip boundary conditions via a rescaling, asymptotic expansion, and depth-averaging procedure, are both mathematically and computationally important. For these equations we shall
discuss three recent results: (1) the traveling wave problem and the limits of vanishing viscosity and capillarity, (2) the existence of families of two-dimensional roll wave solutions, and (3) the stationary wave problem with variable bathymetry and the nature of large solutions.
These theorems are unified by the fact the main engine of their proofs is the implicit function theorem, although each result utilizes a different manifestation. These are a Nash-Moser variant to handle derivative loss, a multiparameter bifurcation theorem, and an analytic global implicit
function theorem. | |
11/26 3:00pm |
BLOC302 | Alex Vasseur University of Texas at Austin |
From Navier-Stokes to discontinuous solutions of compressible Euler
The compressible Euler equation can lead to the emergence of shock discontinuities in finite time, notably observed behind supersonic planes. A very natural way to justify these singularities involves studying solutions as inviscid limits of Navier-Stokes solutions with evanescent viscosities.The mathematical study of this problem is however very difficult because of the destabilization effect of the viscosities.
Bianchini and Bressan proved the inviscid limit to small BV solutions using the so-called artificial viscosities in 2004. However, until very recently, achieving this limit with physical viscosities remained an open question.
In this presentation, we will provide the basic ideas of classical mathematical theories to compressible fluid mechanics and introduce the recent method of a-contraction with shifts. This method is employed to describe the physical inviscid limit in the context of the barotropic Euler equation, and to solve the Bianchini and Bressan conjecture in this special case. This is a joint work with Geng Chen and Moon-Jin Kang.
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12/13 1:50pm |
B302 | Abdul-Lateef Haji-Ali Heriot-Watt University |
Multiindex Monte Carlo method for semilinear stochastic partial differential equations
In this talk, we present an exponential-integrator based mulitiindex Monte Carlo method (MIMC) for weak approximations of mild solutions of semilinear stochastic partial differential equations (SPDE). We present recent theoretical results on multiindex coupled solutions of the SPDE are presented, namely that such couplings are stable and satisfy multiplicative error estimates, and describe how this theory can be utilized to obtain a tractable MIMC method. Numerical examples show that MIMC outperforms alternative methods, such as multilevel Monte Carlo, in settings with low regularity. |