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Undergraduate Research
Research with mathematics faculty
If you have any questions about mathematics undergraduate research at Texas A&M University, please contact Frank Sottile. Many of the Mathematics professors work with undergraduates on research projects, so students should also feel free to contact them directly. For brief descriptions of their research interests, see the list of
For students who are interested in research but think they do not have enough background, or want to learn about math not covered in standard courses, the department has a Directed Reading Program. See the web site for more details.
Research-oriented courses
Aggie and Math Department events
AMUSE, the weekly Applied Mathematics Undergraduate SEminar.
Mathematics Undergraduate Research Expo, September 11, 2019. Click to see the presentation topics.
Undergraduate Research Expo, October 2, 2019.
REU information session, January 23, 2019.
Math and Statistics Fair, February 23, 2019.
Student Research Week, March 18-21, 2019. Registration deadline February 18, 2018.
Sue Geller Undergraduate Lecture, March 19, 2019.
Summer Undergraduate Research Poster Session, August 1, 2018. Registration closes July 24.
Undergraduate Research Scholars Program. 2018-19 applications accepted from June 1 through September 17, 2018. There is also a special Texas Sea Grant Scholars Program, with the same deadline.
An overview of the program, projects to choose from and details, application form, and past REU results.
Additional resources